Trisquel`s Future

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Joined: 03/27/2013

Trisquel currently relies on GNOME 3 Fallback. With GNOME 3.8 It has been discontinued. I think the Trisquel Community should start thinking about its future. I think KDE would be a good idea for the main edition.


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The question is whether the new GNOME supports graphics cards without 3D acceleration or not. If it doesn't then the new version of Trisquel will need to use a different Desktop.

Joined: 04/19/2012

On 29/03/13 17:54, wrote:
> Trisquel currently relies on GNOME 3 Fallback. With GNOME 3.8 It has
> been discontinued. I think the Trisquel Community should start
> thinking about its future. I think KDE would be a good idea for the
> main edition.

GNOME Fallback is not being discontinued entirely...

There is also a fork known as Consort:

I am hoping that with new maintainers, both Fallback Mode and Consort
will be better quality than previous versions of Fallback Mode.


Joined: 01/04/2012

While all this is subject to the decisions of Ruben, I still fail to see what benefits Gnome 3 in fallback mode provides over other established desktop environments with active development (e.g. XFCE). For many peoples with Gnome 2.X roots, XFCE provided a valid option as a well-working, nice looking DE with a low ressource footprint.

For me with all the activities surrounding Ubuntu, it more and more becomes a less desirable base for Trisquel. May be Debian with XFCE might be a more stable version.



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I asked Ruben this question and what it seems to come down to is accessibility support. Orca (the screen reader) needs to be able to both read everything and the user has to then be able to access via the keyboard everything. I believe it is the later of which is problematic with XFCE and other desktop environments.


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XFCE and LXDE still have issues with ability to do everything with the
keyboard. LXPanel is still mostly unreadable, and one can't move among
the objects with the keyboard. There is a Sonar LXDE trial version but
it has the GNOME panel, for accessibility purposes. Last time I played
with Sonar LXDE, there were some other things, like orca not reading
application names when I used 'alt+tab' to switch.




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Each time one of this topics pops up I am thinking to post a new topic about the relevance of the trisquel-desktop to Trisquel users, and before I can decide whether is a good idea or not I lose my interest.

I believe, well, I reach to the conclusion based on my limited evidence, that trisquel-desktop is a side issue and the relevant part is the availability of stable and up to date packages.

I like to think that as long as Trisquel packages are reasonably up to date and stable, Trisquel's future will inevitably be bright.


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a) gnome3 is great i am sure by the time the next trisquel version is out graphics support will be better.
b) by the time next trisquel is out i am sure kde will have a huge change similar frome gnome2 to gnome3.
c) trisquel will be more stability rather than up to date packages. for free uptodate distros i was planning on trying parabola.

Joined: 03/27/2013

At the time of writing, I am installing KDE in Trisquel. Crazy, I know, But I prefer it`s desktop.I will try and use it for 2 days to a week and see how it runs. If I don`t like it, I will soon be switching to a different distro. Ubuntu`s phenomenon has made me a distro hopper. I can`t find a good KDE distro yet.


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If you want Trisquel KDE, you can check Triskel:

sudo apt-get install triskel triskel-recommended
Joined: 05/13/2010

>Ubuntu`s phenomenon has made me a distro hopper.

Hop freely


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Thanks teodores trying it now

Joined: 03/27/2013

Doesnt work- Did install some extra KDE apps though. I prefer to customize my KDE from the ground up.

Joined: 03/27/2013

OK Just finished my KDE customization

Magic Banana

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This kind of thread always bring a lot of activity (we have two posts/hour since the beginning of this one)... but it would be nice if the people contributing to it would first read the previous exchange on the same topic (that only ended one week ago).

Notice, in particular, that, by the next Trisquel, GNOME Shell will work at its full potential whatever the hardware. Thanks to the work by Fedora's developer, that now ended up in Ubuntu 12.10, the CPU can take care of the desktop effects if no 3D acceleration is available (what usually mean an AMD/ATI card).

GNOME therefore remains an option. That said, it would be nice to have a KDE or an Xfce edition of Trisquel. I just wish this would happen within the Trisquel project. In this way, issues that are independent from the desktop can be solved in collaboration.

Joined: 03/27/2013

They should recruit some more people to work on a KDE edition. It`s nice to have GNOME because so many people like Trisquel GNOME. KDE is my favorite DE so I want support. I will probably switch distros in one week because my Trisquel install is a bit messed up and not supported.
I might come back and try it once Trisquel KDE is released.

Joined: 05/30/2012

If you have the patience for it, you might want to try Parabola (, which is a free variant of Arch. I want to try Parabola myself, once I figure out how to make a USB stick for it (since my laptop's optical drive is broken).
Joined: 10/28/2010

El 02/04/13 11:25, name at domain escribió:
> If you have the patience for it, you might want to try Parabola
> (, which is a free variant of Arch. I
> want to try Parabola myself, once I figure out how to make a USB stick
> for it (since my laptop's optical drive is broken).

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Joined: 10/10/2012

Parabola is S-L-I-C-K, especially if you like KDE4. It has the latest 4.10.1. However, I've never been able to install Parabola from the iso. I have to install Arrch then migrate to Parabola, following the instructions found here:

But if you like a pure QT/KDE4 setup, Parabola is definitely the way to go.

Joined: 03/27/2013

What if you like KDE, but have lots of GTK apps configured in your distro of choice?