Uh oh - ArchiveOS listed Trisquel

42 replies [Last post]
Joined: 12/03/2016

ArchiveOS is a website that archives formally or de facto defunct operating systems.

It has Trisquel in it now.


Joined: 06/05/2014

That's sad, though not surprising at all... :P
Where is Trisquel 8? (without systemd hopefully)

Joined: 07/16/2017

My understanding is that Trisquel 8 is going to use systemd, given that its upstream source (Ubuntu) has moved to it.

Is there any estimate on how far away we are from a fully-released Trisquel 8 (e.g. a rough % complete, or expected release date)?

Joined: 11/07/2009

I'm using Trisquel 8 now.
I'm not a "power user", not well versed in code or software manipulation. Just a "regular Joe" as it were.
I find it to be beautiful and stable. Very nice!
Is the Trisquel project dead? No no no. Still very much alive.

Joined: 07/16/2017

Is anybody helping Ruben with Trisquel 8, or is he basically doing it himself?

Mangy Dog

I am a member!

I am a translator!

Joined: 03/15/2015

Yes, he is basically doing this by himself :

Contibutions :

Ruben also maintains Icecat GNUZilla, & develops Abrowser and works full time for the FSF as senior sysadmin.

A look at the FSF tech team

People can downvote me for expressing my opinion, frankly i doesn't bother me, in fact suprisingly i have received many emails from people who share my point of view but have not expressed themselves here.

I have supported Trisquel, and contributed for a year to more than a 100 manual pages of documentation on the French part of the Trisquel wiki, that means hours and days of work, i created a French IRC Channel on Freenode (nuked), With HKR & Mimmo_D.DN we created a French Trisquel Group instance on Framasoft(Loomioo), opened a Jabber Channel and used etherpads, however all these projects fail due to the lack of new tools, community support, communication and exchanges with the developement team that is needed to maintain hight spirits and motivation.To sum up the experience has been quite dissapointing.It is obvious that Ruben & David cannot satisfy all demands,but i encourage Trisquel to build teams as i mentionned above in my first post.

Joined: 09/16/2017


I agree with Mangy Dog, and I fully understand his disappointment after the work he has provided here.
For my part, not developing a team to get a project done is a mistake.
We see it here. Only Ruben ....
I also regret that Ruben, in front of the many messages of the forum did not think it necessary to express itself.
It is a contempt for the members of Trisquel.


I am a translator!

Joined: 10/31/2014

One should not be "disappointed" by the effort and work put into something decent and good, especially if in the process manages to learn and teaches also by translation a lot of 'good shit bro'. :P

Joined: 12/31/2012

Some people seem to be assuming that Trisquel is only a project of one
person, however, the project is open for contributions, also other
people do contribute to it, not just by coding, but with bugfixes,
support and documentation, see:

- .

- .

- .

- This forum too! ;)

Also, the devlopment repository has guides on how to contribute to the
next release of Trisquel.

name at domain writes:

> ArchiveOS is a website that archives formally or de facto defunct
> operating systems.
> It has Trisquel in it now.
> https://archiveos.org/trisquel/

- https://libreplanet.org/wiki/User:Adfeno
- Palestrante e consultor sobre /software/ livre (não confundir com
- "WhatsApp"? Ele não é livre. Por favor, use o GNU Ring ou o Tox.
- Contato: https://libreplanet.org/wiki/User:Adfeno#vCard
- Arquivos comuns aceitos (apenas sem DRM): Corel Draw, Microsoft
Office, MP3, MP4, WMA, WMV.
- Arquivos comuns aceitos e enviados: CSV, GNU Dia, GNU Emacs Org, GNU
GIMP, Inkscape SVG, JPG, LibreOffice (padrão ODF), OGG, OPUS, PDF
(apenas sem DRM), PNG, TXT, WEBM.

Joined: 11/24/2016

Everybody depends that admins agrees your contributions. It is really a non-community distribution. People only can participate indirectly.

Community doesn't manage decisions.

Joined: 04/22/2013

Trisquel consists entirely of free software, so the dependency on one single person could get rid of very easily.
Anybody can fork it and make a trinity community version, letting all the members vote for decisions concerning the project.

Joined: 11/24/2016

Some people have thought on build a fork.

Joined: 08/29/2017

If you check the most recent merge request (that in non developer language means request to add some changes to the code by another developer) it dates 2 month ago. It appears clear that there isn't a mass of developers that is pushing to have more changes. Not at all.
Or many developers helping.
2 month in software development is a very long time. The fact that in this time nobody did a merge request, shows that the project is not supported enough. It is not the choice of the owner of the repository the fact that nobody made a merge request the last two months.
@CitoplasmaX if some "people" thought to fork the project, why the same people are not helping actively?
To me it appears that many people are really trolling here.
There is nothing worst that people criticizing without helping. The best help for a developer is having Merge requests and bug reports and fixes.

Joined: 07/16/2017

I find it quite astounding that just one person is supporting this whole distro. Although, at the same time, it's also a bit worrying that the project is so dependent on that same person. And, as well as Trisquel, one of the posters above mentioned that he is also responsible for Icecat and LibreJS as well ... it seems like it must be too much for one person to cope with.

I have a great deal of admiration for the work that Ruben is doing; however, surely there must be some others among the Trisquel user community who might be able to lend a hand?

Joined: 04/22/2013

I think you're drawing conclusions too quickly.
Maybe there are reasons why people don't like to contribute.
Not involving the community in decisions could be one reason. At least that's what a lot of people here (like MangyDog) complain about.

Joined: 11/24/2016

> @CitoplasmaX if some "people" thought to fork the project, why the same people are not helping actively?

Everybody depends that admins agrees your contributions. It is really a non-community distribution. People only can participate indirectly.

Community doesn't manage decisions.

> There is nothing worst that people criticizing without helping.

I am not a developer but i have helped sometimes with documentation, i have invited people to use him and i have helped to solve some problems.

And i repeat, contributions about software depends that admins agrees your contributions.

Joined: 08/29/2017

I agree on the fact that the owner of the repository can reject the merge requests. But this ensure quality to the project.
If everybody could push all changes they want it would be complete mess and a lot of new bugs.
I instead pointed to the fact that there are few merge requests. This shows alone that there is no help.

Joined: 07/16/2017

I agree - someone responsible should be reviewing/approving merge requests to ensure a level of quality. If there was a big pile of merge requests sitting there, not being reviewed, that would be a problem. However, that doesn't seem to be the case.

Joined: 11/24/2016

Sorry, for me, a community distribution is a distribution with a wiki-style. And i remember you that decitions are on admin's hands. You can't ensure code quality, you only ensure that what admins want.

Joined: 12/31/2012

Well, we have wiki. ;)

name at domain writes:

> Sorry, for me, a community distribution is a distribution with a wiki-style.

Joined: 11/24/2016

Of course, i have edited it to correct some things.

Joined: 12/31/2012

Besides, wikis are not the same as "all liberal". Some wiki articles can
be protected and also depend on approval for the revision to show to the

name at domain writes:

> Sorry, for me, a community distribution is a distribution with a wiki-style.

- https://libreplanet.org/wiki/User:Adfeno
- Palestrante e consultor sobre /software/ livre (não confundir com
- "WhatsApp"? Ele não é livre. Por favor, use o GNU Ring ou o Tox.
- Contato: https://libreplanet.org/wiki/User:Adfeno#vCard
- Arquivos comuns aceitos (apenas sem DRM): Corel Draw, Microsoft
Office, MP3, MP4, WMA, WMV.
- Arquivos comuns aceitos e enviados: CSV, GNU Dia, GNU Emacs Org, GNU
GIMP, Inkscape SVG, JPG, LibreOffice (padrão ODF), OGG, OPUS, PDF
(apenas sem DRM), PNG, TXT, WEBM.

Joined: 11/24/2016

This is an option and it is not by default. Wiki definition it's different. By the same i said wiki-style and not "wikiname"(like wikipedia)-style

Joined: 07/16/2017

So, what GNU/Linux distro operates on a 'wiki-style', where people can submit code changes to the production repository, without some level of reviewing/quality control? Sounds like a recipe for disaster, if you ask me. Just imagine if the Linux kernel project was being run like that ...

Joined: 11/24/2016

MidnightBSD follow very near this style but he created two levels; First level, is about your firsts contributions; main developers follow you and if you are very active or if you make some contributions without any problem they name you a main developer and you can edit directly. In Trisquel only there are same main developers. If you think about a pure wiki-style you can find main developers that review your changes after you push them and if you are a bad developer they reverts your changes (Gentoo often and Source Mage), this decitions would be said by the community and not by main developers.

In both cases, there are a control system of changes but has not same restrictions like Trisquel or Ubuntu.

Joined: 08/29/2017

From MidnightBSD:

"has a well established, mature codebase
maintained by by one developer
with decreasing Y-O-Y commits"

Mantained by one developer....

Joined: 11/24/2016

I have talked with main developer. It's only one developer because there are not others developers. Others old developers don't contributes for years.

Joined: 11/24/2016

Look this. He used "we" but how you have saw it's only a developer and if you visit his GitHub, he is an alone contributor (in www repository i helped him with spanish translations).

Captura de pantalla de 2017-09-22 22:07:20.png
Joined: 07/16/2017

> MidnightBSD follow very near this style but he created two levels; First level, is about your firsts contributions; main developers follow you and if you are very active or if you make some contributions without any problem they name you a main developer and you can edit directly.

Ok, so that still relies on the main developers reviewing your work initially and only giving you full access once they come to trust you. Perhaps Ruben would do this too with Trisquel, if someone became quite active with code submittals and he came to trust their work. Have you tried?

Joined: 11/24/2016

I have saw that some developers that works actively can't merge directly and in another cases i have tried to contact with Ruben or David for servers for example (the case of the wiki syntax problem) and anyone sent me an answer, then i have left to try it.

Joined: 08/29/2017

@CitoplasmaX I will try it on a vm. Downloading it

Joined: 11/24/2016

??? What should i download and what are you going to try into a vm?

Joined: 08/29/2017

No I meant I will download MidnightBSD and try it on a VM :)

Joined: 11/24/2016

Do you want contribute to this project?

Joined: 08/29/2017

Just trying it

Joined: 11/24/2016

> why the same people are not helping actively?

Some time ago, when I started planning a distro, they asked me the same question. My answer was that I did not fulfill my expectations, I could not modify the main distribution in my own way and any local changes I made were susceptible to being erased by being in certain susceptible things, like in packages, etc. Before long I had and I still have discussions with some developer on how to do things, and since that person controls the project itself, I have no choice but to start one in which his way of doing things does not affect to mine and is that it really is very difficult even sometimes it becomes impossible to adapt something to your needs if there is someone to control monolithically and so I and other people later, that the truth are a few, we would decide that a fork is a better option. Well I clarify that Uruk exists for something and if you read its list of objectives you will see that if they initiate them independently it is for something more than to save agreements and is that it is a sure way to it.

Mangy Dog

I am a member!

I am a translator!

Joined: 03/15/2015

Thanks CitoplasmaX ;-)

My point is that if Ruben is a non communicative person for the reasons we all know and understand this however does not encourage other forms of contributions in an organized way, on the contrary it seems to discourage involvement.

hack and hack
Joined: 04/02/2015

Same old thread, and I'm not even a real long time user...

Fact? Trisquel will remain "outdated".
just take it for what it is: an entry level and/or an "average" user's OS.
It shouldn't be an issue as long as security updates are up (which was an issue with the browser at some point).

Just accept it, work around it or try another distro.
I mean you could just switch to another libre distro that's more up-to-date (or maybe use ppa, or even compile the programs, I don't know which is best actually. The PPA for known programs might be the easiest, and safe enough).

I installed Trisquel on my parents computers, I personally use (currently) Debian Sid. I still don't find the same kind of information on other fora though.
And I might just get back on Trisquel and compile (or rather ppa since I'm lazy for that kind of stuff) any program that's not cutting edge enough for my needs. I haven't decided yet.

Joined: 11/24/2016

PPAOS, EmacsOS and SystemdOS are the future.

hack and hack
Joined: 04/02/2015

Woah, what ?? EmacsOS ?!
I have to check this out, thanks for the info !!!

Joined: 11/24/2016

WTF, these distributions don't exist actually. I name them because software and others utilities that i name into their OS names is growing very much.

It would possible build an OS with them (and another things, but this utilities would be very important inside the OS)

hack and hack
Joined: 04/02/2015

I found nothing about it anyway.

I don't understand what you mean either.
Emacs can be found on any OS ever.
PPA isn't that safe for not so well known software (also isn't it an Ubuntu-only thing, including derivatives?).
As for systemd (whatever that is), I see enough people adore it, and enough complain about it.

Anyway, Emacs (with org-mode, evil-mode and tons of stuff) ROCKS!

Joined: 11/24/2016

LFS + Xorg server + video drivers + Emacs (normal) + WM Plugin = EmacsOS

Any distro - default repositories - default package manager (if isn't apt or aptitude) + APT + Launchpad Support + PPA repositories = PPAOS

Any distro - linux - default init (if isn't systemd) + systemd + all features of systemd in the future = SystemdOS

PD: Launchpad is very known because users from Ubuntu and another based-os use it very much.