unable to upgrade to Trisquel 11 "Aramo"
Currently I am using KDE Plasma version Triskel 10.0.1
I want upgrade to Trisquel 11.0 Aramo
I try to upgrade from system updater , but after clicking "
upgrade"icon ,no further process of upgrade occur and/or seen
Hence I tried from Konsole by giving command " do-release-upgrade "
then there is message comes " Please install all available updates for
your release before upgrading"
Kindly guide regarding further course of actions
To "install all available updates for your [current] release", you can execute in a terminal:
$ sudo apt update
$ sudo apt upgrade
To avoid issues, it is also a good idea to remove the packages you installed through third-party APT repositories and the repositories themselves. For PPAs, there is ppa-purge in Trisquel's repository. Then, try again to upgrade to the next version of Trisquel, e.g., using sudo do-release-upgrade.
I am unable to launch Triskel 11 on the screen
I have upgraded my Triskel 10 to 11 by installing aptitude. If I start my Thinkpad X230 and are taken to a terminal prompt instead of the normal log in environment.
After giving startx command line in terminal still system cannot recover and no screen of Triskel OS
The issue details are attached
kindly guide me

This may help for the Intel Management Engine error: https://askubuntu.com/questions/617352/mei-me-initialization-failed-at-boot-up
Nevertheless, as far as I understand, you can log in a text session. Right? If so, that error about the Intel Management Engine may actually be harmless and it looks more like a problem with the video driver. Have you tried booting the Triskel 11 ISO? Does it work? If not, there is probably something with the way its kernel is configured that creates the problem.
Is there some error in ~/.local/share/xorg/Xorg.0.log? To read it from the terminal:
$ less ~/.local/share/xorg/Xorg.0.log
- Download an ISO on https://trisquel.info/download (if you do not know which one, choose the first one);
- Follow the instructions on https://trisquel.info/en/wiki/how-create-liveusb to create a live USB from it or those on https://trisquel.info/en/wiki/burn-trisquel-cd-images for a live DVD;
- Start the live system, following the instruction on https://trisquel.info/en/wiki/starting-installable-live-system (but do *not* Install Trisquel from the Live-System).
Tell us if you get a (live) desktop environment this way. If so, you will be able to access all your files and copy them to another disk. Still assuming Trisquel's live system will boot, since you consider yourself as a "non technical person" (but you fire startx from a text session anyway!) and probably do not want to spend time diagnosing the problem, the easier would probably be to make a fresh install of Trisquel, from the live system. I can tell you how to do it preserving the user data (assuming /home is on a separate partition), how to save the list of installed packages (to easily reinstall them all), etc.
You claim you are a "non technical person" but you know tail. :-)
There is no error in the last 20 lines of ~/.local/share/xorg/Xorg.0.log. You want the 'less' command to read the whole log (use PageUp/PageDown to navigate, /EE to search errors, etc.), as I wrote at the end of https://trisquel.info/forum/unable-upgrade-trisquel-11-aramo#comment-171980
I see nothing here that would explain why you cannot get a graphical session. Again, I would try a live system (and maybe install it, after backing up the user data from the live system, maybe the list of packages, etc.): https://trisquel.info/forum/unable-upgrade-trisquel-11-aramo#comment-171991