UNetbootin won't install on Trisquel 7

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Joined: 05/14/2015

I'm having problems installing UNetbootin on Trisquel 7. It's listed in Add/Remove Applications, but when I try to tick the check box, it just gives me the spinning beach ball of death. I tried using apt-get install but it just says no such package. Does anyone know what's going on here?

I would prefer to install the "Freenetbootin" fork that's been discussed on this forum. Any progress on getting that into the repos?

Joined: 12/05/2014

Currently Freenetbootin is not in the repo's (dose anyone know how i could do this?)

but the spinning wheel of death is most likely due to unetbootin is no longer in trisquels repo's

due to offering to install non-free distros like ubuntu
its free software though just make sure not to select the ubuntu option

so if you want to download it you can from there website

also if you feel confident to do so (and i could help)

you can compile Freenetbootin from source:

Joined: 05/14/2015

>> the spinning wheel of death is most likely due to unetbootin is no longer in trisquels repo's <<

I suspected as much when I couldn't find it with Synaptic, but it's good to have independent confirmation :)

>> also if you feel confident to do so (and i could help) you can compile Freenetbootin from source: <<

Thanks for the offer, I might give this a try at some point. But I finally got around to zapping the NTFS partitions that my laptop came with, so I've got some work to do; installing a fresh Belenos instance at the start of my drive, setting it up to be my new production instance, reorganising my partition scheme etc. Still intend to actually install a test instance of GNewsense too ;)

EDIT: Have you actually tested each of the free distos with freenetbootin? I just lost a few hours of my life trying again to create a GNewSense boot USB with UNetbootin in Toutatis (613-1~precise1,
installed from the PPA). I've tried downloading the .ISO first, and letting UNetbootin it do it for me ('latest live' option), no joy either way. It boots fine as a live system, but then tries to install off the non-existent CD when I run the installers. I also tried the net installer, which seemed more promising, but it only supports WEP encryption on wlan0 (we use a WPA passphrase), and I can't plug in eth0 (router is in my flatmates' room). I also tried Parabola, but as soon as it started trying to boot I got a kernel panic. The good news is it's always worked for Trisquel, both Toutatis and Belenos, so that's a start ;)

Joined: 12/05/2014

"Have you actually tested each of the free distos with freenetbootin? "

yes all expect LibertyBSD

Joined: 05/14/2015

Hmm. I wonder why it's not working reliably for me. I just got another second-hand laptop (Fujitsu Lifebook) and tried to install Belenos from the same boot USB I made with UNetbootin in Toutatis. I used the text installer, which seems to have installed without a graphic desktop. Worse, it installed GRUB to the USB stick, instead of the hard drive, meaning it's borked my boot USB, and it won't boot without the USB stick inserted.

I have the UNetbootin PPA in my sources in Toutatis, so it should be the latest version, yes?

EDIT: Again, +1 for getting Tom's 'freenetbootin' into the Trisquel repos. In the meantime Tom, any chance of a PPA?

Joined: 12/31/2012

To solve the problem of being able to boot just when the USB device is
present, and so be able to boot without it, follow this instructions:

1. Boot THE LIVE SYSTEM that's inside the USB device.

2. Use either a file manager like Nautilus, or the commands to mount the
partition where YOUR INSTALLED SYSTEM is. If you choose Nautilus, find
it below "Devices" and simply click on it. If you choose to use
commands, you can use Blkid in conjunction with Lsblk and GNU Df to aid
you on locating the correct partition to mount (partition's block
devices have numbers at the end, and have disk drive's block devices as
their parents, for example: "sda1" or "hda1". Note that we don't want
"hda" or "sda" for now, although we will be looking for them shortly
after this step), then use:

sudo mount [Put the path of the block device of THE PARTITION here]

To mount the partition's block device at "/mnt".

2. Use Lsblk to list block devices (disk drives and partitions) and
their mount points, hierarchically.

3. From here, choose the DISK DRIVE's block device in which you want to
install GRUB, and then take note of it. It's common practice to choose
the one which is the parent of your INSTALLED SYSTEM.

Note: Steps 4 through were taken from: http://superuser.com/a/111215

4. Mount the proc file system being used:

sudo mount --types "proc" "/proc" "/mnt/proc"

5. Mount the sys file system:

sudo mount --types "sysfs" "/sys" "/mnt/sys"

6. Mount the "/dev" as "/mnt/dev" using the "bind" option (I can't be
more helpful here, as the info page for mount shows nothing about this

sudo mount --options "bind" "/dev" "/mnt/dev"

Note: This guide assumes that there is "/boot" directory inside the
INSTALLED SYSTEM, that is: GRUB will look for files thre, and there is
no need to mount any other partition. This note also applies to other
directories such as "/usr" and "/var", except "/home".

Note: We won't be using network connections inside the INSTALLED SYSTEM
just for now.

7. Change the current terminal's root to "/mnt" and use "/bin/bash" as
our shell:

sudo chroot "/mnt" "/bin/bash"

8. Use GNU Grep to print the file "/proc/mounts", except the lines with
"rootfs", and put the result at "/etc/mtab" so that GRUB can see which
mount points exist:

grep --invert-match "rootfs" "/proc/mounts" > "/etc/mtab"

8. Install GRUB on THE DISK DRIVE's block device, and tells GRUB to use
the "/boot" directory from THE INSTALLED SYSTEM PARTITION's block device
(the --boot-directory option is absent), and recheck the device map
(just in case), :

grub-install --recheck [Place the absolute/full path of THE DISK DRIVE's
block device here]

For example, if you want to install GRUB in "/dev/sda":

grub-install --recheck "/dev/sda"

9. Update GRUB:


10. Our work is done here, let's exit and clear the mess. Leave the


11. Use umount to unmount the mount points previously done, like:

sudo umount "/mnt/proc"
sudo umount "/mnt/sys"
sudo umount "/mnt/dev"
sudo umount "/mnt/usr"
sudo umount "/mnt/var"

12. Use umount to unmount the INSTALLED SYSTEM's partition:

sudo umount "/mnt"


Respectfully, Adonay.
Have a nice day.

Assinatura automática – português brasileiro:
– Página de usuário na wiki do LibrePlanet.org:
– Em favor da aprovação da Lei ODF em Santa Catarina
e para garantir os direitos humanos de igual tratamento pelo governo ou
lei, de circulação dentro das fronteiras de cada nação, de participação
no governo, e de igualdade no acesso aos serviços públicos, não estou
aceitando arquivos do Microsoft Office ou do Apple iWork. Por favor,
use o LibreOffice(https://www.libreoffice.org/) e seus formatos do
padrão ODF (.odt, .odp, etc.).

Automatic signature – North American English:
– User page on LibrePlanet.org wiki:
– In favor of the approval of the ODF law in Santa Catarina
and to ensure the human rights of equal treatment by the government or
law, of circulation inside the boundaries of each nation, of
participation on the government, and of equality on the access to the
public services, I'm not accepting Microsoft Office's files or Apple
iWork's files. Please use LibreOffice (https://www.libreoffice.org/)
and its formats from the ODF standard (.odt, .odp, etc).

Joined: 06/19/2015

Why are you even using UNetbootin? It has the potential to create all sorts of
mystifying problems with the boot process, even long into the actual existence
of the installation.

Just prepare a boot USB with dd from the official Trisquel netinst/ Trisquel
standard image, as per the instructions on the wiki or here:
https://wiki.debian.org/BootUsb. It should work fine- although the GRUB
installation problem never seems to go away when using installing from USB
using a Debian-based installer. Just have a live CD handy to correct things- if
things go wrong you can always just chroot in to resolve the issue (Lucky I had
that Fedora CD lying around).


I am a translator!

Joined: 10/31/2014

exactly. +1 moxalt.

Joined: 05/14/2015

I am using UNetbootin because I wasn't aware of the "dd" method you suggest. Thanks for the link, I'll have a go with that.

That said, I'm now confident enough to experiment with terminal commands, and I have enough experience (not to mention patience) to figure out a way of getting GNU/Linux booted so I can follow your instructions. Ten years ago, when first learning to use GNU/Linux, your "dd" solution would have been intimidating enough to make me give up and keep using Windows. Thus having a cross-platform graphical bootUSB creator like UNetbootin, and doing everything we can to make sure it works reliably with libre distros, is very important for helping GNUbies get GNU/Linux installed. This is why I think Tom's 'freenetbootin' project is important, and should be in the repos, and future releases of all libre distros tested against it.

As I said further down, I can't use a LiveCD because my laptop doesn't have a CD-ROM drive. There are many devices out there now that don't, but they run GNU/Linux perfectly well if you can get it on there. Again, this is why supporting the 'freenetbootin' project is important. Unless you're all saying GNU/Linux is just for super-users and everyone else should just keep using Windows or OSX until they are l33t enough? ;)

Joined: 12/10/2013
Joined: 12/31/2012

Well, if you're trying to create a live copy of an operating system:

If you want to put it into a CD or a DVD, use an disc image recorder
such as Brasero or K3B if you really want a graphical user interface.

Or if you want to put it into an USB drive, you can use USB Creator
(usb-creator-gtk in the default GNU+Linux-libre Trisquel installation).

Respectfully, Adonay.
Have a nice day.

Assinatura automática – português brasileiro:
– Página de usuário na wiki do LibrePlanet.org:
– Em favor da aprovação da Lei ODF em Santa Catarina
e para garantir os direitos humanos de igual tratamento pelo governo ou
lei, de circulação dentro das fronteiras de cada nação, de participação
no governo, e de igualdade no acesso aos serviços públicos, não estou
aceitando arquivos do Microsoft Office ou do Apple iWork. Por favor,
use o LibreOffice(https://www.libreoffice.org/) e seus formatos do
padrão ODF (.odt, .odp, etc.).

Automatic signature – North American English:
– User page on LibrePlanet.org wiki:
– In favor of the approval of the ODF law in Santa Catarina
and to ensure the human rights of equal treatment by the government or
law, of circulation inside the boundaries of each nation, of
participation on the government, and of equality on the access to the
public services, I'm not accepting Microsoft Office's files or Apple
iWork's files. Please use LibreOffice (https://www.libreoffice.org/)
and its formats from the ODF standard (.odt, .odp, etc).

Joined: 05/14/2015

Thanks for your suggestions. My laptop is a "netbook" (no optical drives), and the USB Creator on my Belenos instance couldn't create a GNewSense boot USB. I'll spare you the gory details (unless you're really interested) but I tried quite a few things, to no avail.

In the end I booted back into my Toutatis instance, and used Unetbootin (which I'd installed from the PPA some time ago), and the same USB stick, which worked fine. I suspect the built-in USB Creator only works for Ubuntu-based distros, which excludes most of the FSF-endorsed distros. This is why I'm definitely putting in a +1 for Tom's 'freenetbootin' fork to be added to the repos for both Toutatis and Belenos.