Unsafe Package Warning

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Zem Mattress
Joined: 05/08/2014

Today I saw a package updates were available. Looks like a lot of kernal stuff. But when I stated the process I got a warning that the download included "unsafe" packages.

What is a novice end user to make of that? Why is Trisquel offering me unsafe packages?

- Zem

Joined: 06/20/2017

> Today I saw a package updates were available. Looks like a lot of
> kernal stuff. But when I stated the process I got a warning that the
> download included "unsafe" packages.
> What is a novice end user to make of that? Why is Trisquel offering
> me unsafe packages?
> - Zem

Hi, can you give us more information (log or screenshots) so it will be easier to troubleshoot.
Thank you.

Zem Mattress
Joined: 05/08/2014

Warning did not repeat itself when I did update.
