update Trisquel mini page?

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Joined: 05/28/2022

I use Trisquel mini 11 on a hp Compaq mini CQ10-400. Checking the page
it mentions Midori for a webbrowser, however it seems to come with Abrowser now. On the webpage, for system tools, it mentions Xterm, looking in my system tools I see LXTerminal. Please have someone update this page so it shows what Trisquel mini 10 and 11, which are the currently supported ones, comes with now. Thanks!
I do appreciate Trisquel mini, it works for this small Compaq mini.

Magic Banana

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Joined: 07/24/2010

Please have someone update this page so it shows what Trisquel mini 10 and 11, which are the currently supported ones, comes with now.

That can be you. Click on "Edit" and go ahead.

Joined: 05/28/2022

Had no idea I could do that! Changed out Midori for Abrowser by copying what was written for it with Trisquel.