updates for applications not going through after I do "sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade"

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Joined: 08/09/2022

Hi everyone,

I noticed one of my applications, Electrum, isn't at the current version, despite the fact that once a week or so I run the terminal command line "sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade". I thought the purpose of this command is to make sure all my applications are fully up to date?

does anyone know what the issue could be?

thank you,

Joined: 09/13/2010

I think some clarity is needed. When you say that "Electrum, isn't at the current version" do you mean that it's not at the "current version" that exists in Trisquel (which is 4.0.9) or not that the current version that exists in the world? (Which is 4.3.2)?

Trisquel generally doesn't provide the latest versions of programs. Like other distros, version numbers are generally frozen on release. There's a whole school of thought behind this kind of release model.

Anyway: What version of Trisquel do you have and what version of Electrum is installed? If you see that you have the version 4.0.9 then you do indeed have appropriate one.

Magic Banana

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Joined: 07/24/2010

Are you at version 4.0.9-1? It is the latest version for Trisquel 10. Not upstream. Trisquel is stable. Not rolling-release. Please read https://trisquel.info/forum/package-updates-repository-0#comment-168281

Joined: 08/09/2022

hello. I am at version 4.0.9

I've heard the term rolling release, but never knew what it referred to.

so then what does this command even do?

does this mean it will stay at this version 4.0.9 forever?

does being at this not most up to date version leave risk of hackers breaking into Electrum?

thank you for dealing with my ignorance! I appreciate your help!

Magic Banana

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does this mean it will stay at this version 4.0.9 forever?

Until you upgrade to Trisquel 11.

does being at this not most up to date version leave risk of hackers breaking into Electrum?

Security updates are backported to any supported version of Trisquel. Those are most of the upgrades Trisquel regularly asked you to do.

Joined: 08/09/2022

I see.

these security updates that Trisquel regularly ask me to do, are you referring to where I can go to "Start>System>Administration>Software Updater" ?

Magic Banana

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Joined: 08/09/2022

I see.

these security updates you mention that Trisquel regularly asks me to do, are you referring to where I can go to "Start>System>Administration>Software Updater" ?

I also have another question, if I'm on a stable distro, like Trisquel as opposed to a rolling release, then is there a point to doing the weekly "sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade" process? Or is this only useful if you're on a rolling release?

thank you!

Magic Banana

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Joined: 07/24/2010

'sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade' installs the regular (including the security) updates. That is what the "Software Updater" does too. So if you install the updates it proposes you, you need not additionally execute those commands.

Joined: 01/03/2015

Magic Banana states that running _both_ the Software Updater _and_ sudo apt-get update .../upgrade
is an exercise in redundancy. With Trisquel_10 that is now true, but in the past I have gotten
additional O/S data with that second step. Now, I'm occasionally reminded to run sudo apt-get
autoremove to get rid of no-longer-needed O/S files when I apply those additional steps.