Upgrading an existing installation

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I am a member!

Joined: 03/17/2011


is there a way of easily upgrading existing installation of GNU Trisquel system without a need to reinstall everything? Upgrading existing packages is of course OK.
I mean something like:

apg-get dist-upgrade

A brand new installation with need to install and set up my system would take me a lot of time. And when I imagine I would have to do it twice... :-)

And you do a great job! I like your support for the not-yet completed NVidia drivers! That is really great. I must find some time to sent a donation. :-)


I am a member!

Joined: 03/17/2011

OK, sorry to bother... I just realized I have a LTS version that shows me only LTS upgrades.

If anybody has the same stupid problem as me, go to 'System -> Administration -> Software Sources -> Updates' and select Normal Releases in the Release upgrade combobox.

Still I will donate. :-)

Michał Masłowski

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I am a translator!

Joined: 05/15/2010

"apt-get update", "apt-get dist-upgrade" after changing release name in
/etc/apt/sources.list should do the upgrade. I never tried it on
Trisquel after much configuration changes.