Uruk GNU/Linux 2.0 (Alpha)
Uruk GNU/Linux 2.0 alpha is Here:
it's based on trisquel 8.0
- new repo for Uruk GNU/Linux
- install guix package manager With one click to install latest version for apps
- latest version of cinnamon DE (3.4)
- linux kernel version (4.8)
- MDM Display Manager
- New fully customization with new themes and backgrounds
- You Can Use any package managers commands
- gcc v7
and more
please contact with us in mailing list if you find any bugs, or if you have any suggestions.
What are the main differences between Uruk and Trisquel?
Big congrats, mates from Urukko!!! \o/
I hope the distro will be included in this list https://www.gnu.org/distros/free-distros
I can't even try Uruk.. It doens't even past the boot... it counts 10 to 0, only to count to 10 to 0 again... an eternal looping counting...
Bravo ! to all the team ;-)
Tested in Live Mode, very nice (as usual) indeed.
No screenshot possibility (in Live Mode, nor Scrot)
A tad heavyweight,
What about offering a lightweight version with Openbox with a Gnuinos theme (which has in fact the Crunchbag, BunsenLabs theme) assuming Trisquel 8 mini Lightweight version will stick to Lxde ?
Am I remembering that this was an OS that was intended originally for Arabic speakers?
It wasn't. AFAIK it was intended since the very beginning to 'all sorts of speakers' - in fact one of the first goals the developers made sure to achieve was to translate the installer and the website in as many languages possible.
What is the benefit of using this disto? How does it differ from Trisquel?
I looked at the website but I didn't find much info. I'm sort of getting the vibe that Uruk is a light weight (less resources) version of Trisquel, with a Mate desktop environment and a couple of tools that simplify adding applications, etc for the new user.
Is that about right?
Also, when you say "political" Heather, what do you mean? Libre politics, or political politics?
I suggest reading this interview to help have a wider view of the Uruk Project ;-)
Interview with Ali Miracle: a visually impaired FOSS warrior and developer from Iraq
But It is not 64 bit.
There are both 32-bit and 64-bit versions available to download on the project page.
As mentioned in a thread about waiting for Trisquel 8, I just put a new SSD disk in my old Aspire One, and I'm trying Uruk 2.0 alpha as a live disk. Based on what I've read here, and my experiences using Cinammon and Mate with Mint, I'm definitely going to try an install to the new drive.
One question; what does the Guix-install.sh do? Do I need to run it, and if so, at what stage of the install? If there is any reference to this on the project website I can't see it.
what does the Guix-install.sh
It's an executable script, run it (after installing Uruk on HDD)and it will install Guix for you ;-)
The latest release is 2.2
Thanks for the clarification. Sorry, now that I double-check, the .ISO I restored to USB stick for testing was Uruk-2.0-beta-2. Doing a test install now.
BTW Anyone know why I now seem to have a phantom XFS partition, showing up in GParted (under Uruk 2.2 live from a USB), about the size of my whole hard drive, while the normal / and /swap partitions in ext4 seem to use up the actual disk?
I like the look and feel of Uruk 2.0-beta-2, and I look forward to the final release, but I can't keep using it on my Aspire One. Even with the new SSD drive, the performance is just too patchy. If I have more than one browser tab open, I immediately start to have problems, including typing text and nothing happens, or a random selection of the letters I typed appear. Maybe 1GB RAM is just not enough for Uruk 2.0, but ideally a distro like this would run on any box that can run XP, which is what the Aspire One came with when I bought it.
BTW What's the best way to give feedback directly to the Uruk developers?
Hi Strypey
1GB RAM is not really comfortable, Uruk's personalized Maté Desktop is around 300 Mb to 400 Mb RAM alone, unless you use lightweight applications such as QupZilla, Sylpheed (or ClawsMail) Abiword, obviously if one open's LibreOffice + Abrowser it will be too much (even with SWAP) grinding the system to a halt or at best just be very slow, at worst the system freeze's !
For that kind of RAM i really recommend JWM (80mb) then IceWM followed by Lxde, Lxqt, Openbox, Xfce ( with lightweight apps as mentioned above).JWM, IceWM, Openbox, Lxde, lxqt are available in Uruk 2.2 & Trisquel 8 repositaries, ..Xfce not yet.
Feedback is on the mailing list :
To subscribe to the list, just send a mail to name at domain with the subject field: subscribe. A mail will be sent back to confirm the request. To unsubscribe follow the same procedure, but with the subject field unsubscribe. And to remain faithful to our GNUisance status, confirmation is needed in this case too. To Post in the mailing list send your message to name at domain
"1GB RAM is not really comfortable"
True, and I'm looking at buying a RAM upgrade, or just using this netbook as a CLI-only system. But it's worth pointing out that Trisquel 7 (with the default DE) still gave me significantly better performance than the Uruk beta I tried. Even running Debian live off a USB gave me better performance. I figure this is something the developers might want to know, so thanks for the contact info :)
Could be that Mate Compiz is enabled by default in Uruk 2.2 or not ?
With or without one may gain 100mb or more ( guessing ;-)..¿
Is it System D distro ? if is system D no Thx!
Would it be good to you if you help Uruk to port an OpenRC edition for them?
I rarely, very rarely use 1 full gb of RAM. I am not joking. One thing is also true: I don't go crazy about multitasking..
Xfce or LXDE is your answer..
My laptop is also mid-low-ended, i3-2367 amd64 and 3.72GiB RAM, and I am a keen LXQt, Lumina, Liri user, to save more RAM you also need 16GiB swap partitions at least.
Not even two weeks ago, you were recommending in *this* thread to not have swap: https://trisquel.info/forum/uruk-gnulinux-20-beta-2#comment-122235
It was a bad recommendation... but having 16 GiB of swap on a system with 4 GiB of RAM is not a good recommendation either. It is a waste o disk space.
Explaining in more details:
- If the system does not have swap and runs out of RAM, the kernel kills a process. It may happen even if the system has a huge amount of RAM, e.g., after running for hours a program suffering from a memory leak triggered in some special condition. The choice of the process to kill is rather arbitrary: the kernel may not kill the faulty process.
- If the system has swap and runs out of RAM, it becomes slow. Unbearably slow. I measured: reading data on my SSD is about 50 times slower than on my RAM, 150 times if the data is on HDD. Nobody will have the patience to use such a system until 16 GiB of swap are filled! Noticing that her system has become slow, the user saves her work (she cannot in the previous situation, without swap), maybe run 'top' (or another system monitor) to discover what process eats up the memory resources, and chooses what program (probably that one) to close to free some memory.
- Hibernating a system is dumping the main memory onto the swap (after zipping it).
No user will hibernate an unbearably slow system that is swapping. Consequently, having as much swap as RAM is enough. If hibernation is never used, swap is still needed but 1 GiB looks enough for a desktop system. For server systems, an alert should automatically be sent to the administrator is the system runs out of RAM. The intervention (figuring out the faulty program and closing it) is delayed in comparison with a desktop system, with the user sitting in front of the screen. That is why server systems had better have more swap.