Uruk GNU/Linux 3.0 "Cinnamon Edition"

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Joined: 01/18/2014

Inherited Will of Spread the free software philosophy, Building a free "as freedom" Software, Establish and maintain good projects . As Long As Programmer Continue To Pursue The Meaning Of Freedom of software, These Things Will Never Cease!, and because Our dreams don't ever end! We believe even a small act can start a great things, So we proudly announce the new flavor of Uruk GNU/Linux 3.0 with Cinnamon DE.
Release Notes:
• Main Uruk 3.0 desktop apps like urukcleaner, uruk updater, upms..
• Cinnamon 5.4.12.
• Linux-libre Kernel 5.15.87.
• Using Tilix as default terminal emulator.
you can downloading Uruk GNU/Linux "Cinnamon Edition" from here:

Joined: 05/20/2022

Thank you Ali.

"Like several other desktop environments based on GNOME, including Canonical's Unity, Cinnamon was a product of dissatisfaction with GNOME team's abandonment of a traditional desktop experience in April 2011. Until then, GNOME (i.e. GNOME 2) had included the traditional desktop metaphor, but in GNOME 3 this was replaced with GNOME Shell, which lacked a taskbar-like panel and other basic features of a conventional desktop. The elimination of these elementary features was unacceptable to the developers of distributions such as Mint and Ubuntu, which are addressed to users who want interfaces that they would immediately be comfortable with."
