Waiting for headers

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Joined: 01/03/2015

On October 20th and again October 21st, when I run sudo apt-get update,
the process stalls at the stage when the output reads, "[waiting for headers]"
I'm running Trisquel 7 on a Lenovo Thinkpad T420. This has not happened before.
Plenty of RAM, lots of hard drive space. Up & running for over a year.

Joined: 01/03/2015

All my fault. Previously I had run software updater; then I intended to run sudo apt-get update & sudo apt-get upgrade, but instead I accidentally started software updater again, realized my error, and aborted software updater. That action crossed up something in the retrieval of archived data.

I "fixed" the problem by changing a setting in software updater, running it again, changing the setting back, and running software updater yet again. This time it completed its cycle successfully without complaint, and now sudo apt-get update works OK again.

Nothing to see here, folks; drive right on by and clear the traffic jam.


I am a translator!

Joined: 10/31/2014

> and again October 21st, when I run

If you discovered the secret, please contact me, I'm willing to pay good money for the information, as I'd like to travel in the future too.

Joined: 03/28/2015

Ehy Marty McFly.....give my regards to Doc ^___^