Ways to fight against Skype. My crazy idea.
1. Run and set up a web server on your PC.
2. Use a special service for the domain for case of dynamic ip.
3.Give a link to the user of Skype.
4.Then s/he will open the link, the browser will run Flash/Java/Ajax/HTML5-based Ekiga-like software.
5.Now you can chatting!
There are difficult moments, but I think that they can be significantly simplified. For example, create a script to automate the installation and configuration of the web server.
This method is designed specifically for lazy and craven Skype users, like my friend.
What do you think?
Or give him link to IRC webchat: problem solved.
Really, there are milions of chat solutions out there (web based or not).
I think you are not understood all might of the idea.
When I says "Now, you can chatting!", I mean audio and video chat. Plus text chat and file sharing.
There are many people who are forced to use Skype because their interlocutors can not / do not want to install the SIP client. But we can embedding SIP-client into web-page.
Is there a ready-made software in order to arrange such communication through its own server? If so, give me the link.