Whats your favourite video editor?

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Patrick Mc(avery
Joined: 08/15/2011

Hi Everyone

I am a little traumatized with video editors. It probably had nothing to
do with the editor but my hard drive could no longer be mounted after a
crash with a video editor and the drive did not appear have have
suffered some sort of damage(click of death etc).

It was a few years ago and I am being paranoid(and stupid) but the point
is, do you have a video editor that you enjoy using with Trisquel ? I
need something very basic that does not consume a lot of resources or
contain many bugs. All I am planning on doing is cutting clips out of

Thanks for reading-Patrick

Joined: 05/30/2012

I prefer Pitivi. OpenShot is pretty nice too.


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Joined: 10/31/2014

>All I am planning on doing is cutting clips out of


Patrick Mc(avery
Joined: 08/15/2011

On 18-06-14 11:07 AM, name at domain wrote:
> >All I am planning on doing is cutting clips out of
> videos.
> https://trac.ffmpeg.org/wiki/Seeking
Hi Everyone

Thanks so much for the feedback. The ffmpeg suggestion here by greatgnu
is really very good too. I love the command line and since I just need
to do something simple, this might just be the perfect solution. I will
give it a try tonight

Joined: 11/05/2013

My fav one is Kdenlive, but you sould use pitivi for your own purpose.

But you should first consider that the more you ask for quality and format size, the bigger the resources of your computer will be requested.

This is a very simple equation.

Joined: 05/14/2015

I've used VLC for cutting clips out of videos. Although the quality of the clips wasn't fantastic, the quality of the original video wasn't that great either, and the PC I was doing it all on was pretty old and slow.

EDIT: Here's a video on how to clip video with VLC:

The other thing I've seen people recommend for simple tasks like this is Avidemux. I haven't tried it myself but there is a HowTo here:

Joined: 05/01/2018

I use GNU Octave's "video" package to process each frame mathematically...

Magic Banana

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Joined: 05/05/2018

I know this advice is very played out, Make sure your backups are frequent and good.

The video editor I have loved is Kdenlive (it's on the Triquel repos). It provides a very complete and familiar non-linear editing with effects and the lot. However I have found it to contain bugs, so I would suggest what the others are suggesting.