Which web browsers are included in Trisquel version 8.0?
I don't run Trisquel 8.0 and I'm wanting to know which web browsers are included with version 8.0 and have they been customized in any way or what?
Thank you
Abrowser is the default browser. It's a rebranded Firefox with better privacy settings, albeit not as restricting as Icecat would be. Ruben calls its settings "sane".
Is there a secondary web browser choice included too, or is Abrowser the only one?
Trisquel mini includes midori, but I strongly doesn't recommend to use it. Abrowser is the best choice in my opinion. If you are paranoid then use IceCat.
Remark: Trisquel's leader is Abrowser and IceCat's main developer.
Other than Abrowser or Midori: Netsurf, Epiphany (labeled 'Web', package epiphany-browser), Qupzilla, Konqueror, Icecat. Trisquel only includes free/libre software in its repositories.
There must be a reason why Seamonkey is not included, but it can be downloaded easily and run from its folder without installing.
Package 'torbrowser-launcher' helps download and run the Tor Browser Bundle.