why isn't "vrms" available in the repos?

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Joined: 02/23/2012

Why isn't vrms, which is a GNU GPL software, available in the repo's of Trisquel 6?

[0]: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vrms
[1]: http://packages.ubuntu.com/precise/vrms

Joined: 05/13/2010
Joined: 05/30/2012

Its name is also a bit misleading. It's based on the Debian Free Software Guidelines, which differ slightly from Richard Stallman's view (most notably, Debian considers the GNU FDL to be nonfree).

Joined: 10/28/2010

El 12/06/13 08:53, name at domain escribió:
> Its name is also a bit misleading. It's based on the Debian Free
> Software Guidelines, which differ slightly from Richard Stallman's
> view (most notably, Debian considers the GNU FDL to be nonfree).

Then it should be named VD. But Debian should not need it unless it has
nonfree repos!

Saludos libres,

Quiliro Ordóñez
Presidente (en conjunto con el resto de socios)
Asociación de Software Libre del Ecuador - ASLE
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