Why Trisquel website isn't translated into Russian?
Russian language is the official working language in UN. There about 291M native Russian speaking people around the World. In Russian world there are a lot talented programmers, engineers, 'linuxoids' etc. Due to recent political tensions last time, as far I know government of Russian Federation looking for IT technologies replacement. Even they started to own OS ReactOS (I am not sure that this is 200% of Russian development, but government do some invest there, but doesn't matter right now). Also they using some GNU/Linuxes stuff for military purposes. Only idiot will install Windows on the detecton missile systems :-).
So I think Triquel website could be translated into Russian. Community can get a lot of talented people or those are interested in free software philosophy. Is there any technical obstacles to do this? Or any other reason?
For example my native language is Russian, but not living in RF since my birth. I could at free time (yes! yes! free time is very limited resource :-) ) start to translate pages 1 by 1.
Thanks for your read.
Just chiming in to confirm I wholeheartedly support this, I second it, and I third it, comrade Knight. +1
actually +2
Probably because nobody committed to do it.
Propose your help on the #trisquel-dev channel on freenode: https://trisquel.info/en/wiki/connect-trisquel-irc-channel
Or maybe write to david who is in charge of the website: https://trisquel.info/users/david/contact
Russian language is the official working language in UN.
Yeah pendejo! what ever fits your desire!
Looks like this topic led me to nowhere. I didn't get help from anybody about this topic :(
The answer is: "nobody cared enough."
The solution is in the second reply. MBanana proposed to make contact with David.
Did you contact David?
I sent him e-email and didn't get the answer.
Why Trisquel website isn't translated into Russian?
well a good ration for that is in your hands be the first one to translate and stop your worries.
I can start to translate, thisn't problem. The problem - I cannot add new language to the website. It looks that this page is done with Drupal. I suspect that only website's admin can add a new language in Drupal interface.
Send mail to David.
David hasn't sent me any answer. Anyway I created issue for feature request https://trisquel.info/en/issues/24619
I hope maybe sometimes it will be done.
That's all for the moment.
persist, my friend, persist o/
Hi, friends!
Sorry for this very late reply, I've been really quite busy these last two weeks and have only performed some minimal Trisquel tasks regarding new users and similar stuff.
I've read your messages and I'll work into this request, at first I was going to reply that it would be better to add new languages when we make the planned switch to a new site but it doesn't make sense to lose all or part of this energy of yours in the meantime: we can import all Russian content along the other texts once the new site is ready.
In short, I'll enable Russian support soon, there are a couple of quirks that we have to work on first but then we'll add the means for you to start working on translations.
Thanks for your continued support and your patience :)
Благодарные пользователи Трискел навсегда торжественно приветствуют Вас товарищ Дэвид за Ваши услуги.
excellent, comrades, excellent \o/

Thank you David, we will wait when you are ready then ready to translate.
Good job!
A friendly reminder that we were promised a ruski forumello. I am impatient.