Wine32 and minigalaxy
First of all. Newest Aramo is running fine and nice. Hope it will be released soon! Excellent work from which I'm very grateful.
But I'm rather confused that free software contains packages like wine32 and minigalaxy. Bot are free, I guess but the usage might not (well Abrowser might be said same). Minigalaxy works and can be used to download games from, some even worked in Trisquel. I just don't understand the function of this. Software is free but is sole purpose is download and install games that (most) are non-free.
Wine32 is another thing that makes me scratch my head. It's broken. It was broken in Nabia already. Trisquel 9 it still worked. And yet a gain. It is used to run software that is/was made for non-free OS. Not necessary non-free software though. I've run games with it and maybe would still run. Very old that I've kept safe from my youth. Like with Dosbox or other emulators that I use.
How does these compare to software freedom? I'm just curious. Not blaming anyone for anything. Just try to understand better. I'm still migrating from non-free world and try to find my place in this complicated new world.
I would think that the criteria is whether these packages are necessary to install and use other libre packages. For instance, pip is free software but is not necessary to install the libre python packages available in the PyPi repo, which also contains non-free packages, so pip is not in the Trisquel repo. Not sure about minigalaxy, it seems to have been added in Aramo, and may be a similar case to pip.
If you have reasonable doubts about their fitting with the GNU FSDG, you should probably open an issue.
wine is part of a much larger dependency for other software not related to games or privative applications, so there is a reason to keep it around.
minigalaxy on the other hand, got included from upstream on debian and jammy then inherited to aramo, and like you mention, since its only purpose it to serve as a client to install third party (likely) non-free software, it should be removed.
Thanks for the heads up.
There are free Windows-exclusive applications that can run under wine. By that fact alone, wine has a place in the free software world. Minigalaxy on the other hand is dubious, unless it's somehow patched to offer only free software in accordance with the FSDG, which I'm not sure is even possible.
Thanks for clarification with Wine. It was always strange that so robust OS as Trisquel is, but it still had broken dependencies. Now I know. As far as I know Minigalaxy is only for downloading and playing games from
minigalaxy has been removed from the archive, you should not find it there anymore.