Xen on Trisquel
Hi all.
I tried to install Xen on Trisquel, but I can't find the kernel package for it i.e. on Debian it's xen-linux-system-2.6.32-5-xen-* etc.
Someone can help me?
Thank you
Perhaps there aren't such packages offered. In which case you can compile your own custom kernel, a good idea in any case.
Just a question:
Is Xen mandatory for your purposes ?
If not, then I suggest you have a look at KVM.
Performance-wise it is pretty identical to Xen if you have a CPU which
support hardware virtualisation.
No, it's not mandatory. I only try a little of virtualization, just to exapnd my knowledge. Unfortunatly, my notebook and my desktop pc don't support hardware virtualization, so KVM is off for me now. I tried to install Xen on a Debian, but when I reboot, I got a "kernel panic - noapic incompatible with Xen". I searched on internet but I didn't found any solution.
Just a question:
Is Xen mandatory for your purposes ?
If not, then I suggest you have a look at KVM.
Performance-wise it is pretty identical to Xen if you have a CPU which support hardware virtualisation.
No, it's not mandatory. I only try a little of virtualization, just to exapnd
my knowledge. Unfortunatly, my notebook and my desktop pc don't support
hardware virtualization, so KVM is off for me now. I tried to install Xen on
a Debian, but when I reboot, I got a "kernel panic - noapic incompatible with
Xen". I searched on internet but I didn't found any solution.