You Tube made easy
There is a really easy way to get youtube working under trisquel with free software and laugh at the people using proprietary solutions. There is a program called minitube which is a native youtube desktop application. you search for a video and it gives you an endless playlist of what was searched for. the videos can be viewed in high definition and in full screen. what's also great is it doesn't seem to be effected by youtube changing thier player!! and it integrates well with the trisquel desktop. It is not in the repos but you can obtain the package in this ppa:
Suggestion two: There is a great project called tinyogg: this allows a person to cut and paste a web address of a video and then it gets converted to an embedded ogg theora video. from there you can download it or do whatever you want. if you want to try it out without a video from youtube just click random and it will show you one of the videos that have been already converted.
go free software!!
Minitube looks like good software. I hope somebody can develop a good Mozilla add-on to get this technology actually embedded within the browser and play the videos without Flash, because this application's appeal is going to be limited as long as it isn't browser-embedded.
TinyOgg's major disadvantage is the decrease in quality that comes from re-encoding (and it effects music especially badly), and that it takes a while for your video to be ready.
I'm glad you both know TinyOgg. I helped a little bit in the development of TinyOgg, but i plan to work more on the project since the main/only dev decided to make a full-featured website like youtube, but dedicated to free software and free formats, of course.
All the help is welcome. :)
2010/4/1 <name at domain>
> Hey
> I'm glad you both know TinyOgg. I helped a little bit in the development of
> TinyOgg, but i plan to work more on the project since the main/only dev
> decided to make a full-featured website like youtube, but dedicated to free
> software and free formats, of course.
> All the help is welcome. :)
Really! Good to hear that. I need a service like that.
You should look for contributors in LibrePlanet.
Luis Felipe López Acevedo
Yeah great idea. I suggest allowing only creative commons licensed media on the site as well. That way there would be no problems with media corporations claiming ownership rights and viewing fees. There's already an organisation working in this area called the Participatory Culture Foundation, makers of Miro:
I installed minitube from the ppa but received several messages:
WARNING: Phonon::createPath: Cannot connect Phonon::MediaObject
( no objectName ) to Phonon::AudioOutput ( no objectName ).
WARNING: bool Phonon::FactoryPrivate::createBackend()
phonon backend plugin could not be loaded
WARNING: Phonon::createPath: Cannot connect Phonon::MediaObject
( no objectName ) to VideoWidget ( no objectName ).
WARNING: bool Phonon::FactoryPrivate::createBackend()
phonon backend plugin could not be loaded
The minitube package installed 8 dependencies, but I also had to install phonon-backend-gstreamer and libqt4-opengl and now minitube is working.
Please don't forget to report this as a bug report to the Minitube project. :)
I went to the launchpad link at the start of this thread and cannot find anywhere on that page or any of the pages it links to where I can report a bug. Lots of existing bugs listed. I am currently logged into launchpad. Am I doing something wrong?
I wish I could answer that question, but I do not have a Launchpad account.
You should probably write to Christian Mangold, I think he is responsible for the packaging. His e-mail is name at domain
I received a reply from Christian. When installed, Minitube should pull in the phonon-backend-xine if no phonon-backend is installed. Apparently this did not happen and the only phonon-backend installed is the phonon-backend-gstreamer that I installed manually. If minitube is installed, the user will need to check that one of the phonon-backends are installed.
About minitube, is it sure that it does not install any proprietary codec/plugin? Totem has also a plugin which allows you to search by keyword in youtube, the problem is that some of the videos do not reproduce while other do (perhaps those with older formats?). On the other hand and surprisingly enough, searching about minitube I have just found a script for Greasemonkey called "youtube without flash auto" (I found it here , comment by "nortexoid"). Anyway, the script adds some links under the videos in youtube, offering to download, see without flash or with flash in different resolutions. For the moment ALL videos seem to work (either with or without flash). The script is published under GPL and can be found here:
Try it, I think it works fine, (only drawback is that you seem not to be able to pause reproduction when you see it without flash),
PD.- If someone understands coding, he/she could check if there some problem with it (it is on the same page, of course.)
Thanks for that script. It works perfectly for me. I've also updated our documentation to link to that script. The page is
Another advantage of this script is that it works in Midori, so users of our Mini edition won't have to go without their YouTube.
We should keep testing it. As I was watching youtube, on three occasions web browser closed unexpectedly. Last time I had already disabled (not uninstalled) the two older scripts related to "youtube perfect", thinking there might be some conflict but it crashed again.
interesting. I haven't had a crash problem...yet.
2010/4/8 <name at domain>
> We should keep testing it. As I was watching youtube, on three occasions
> web browser closed unexpectedly. Last time I had already disabled (not
> uninstalled) the two older scripts related to "youtube perfect", thinking
> there might be some conflict but it crashed again.
32 bits or 64 bits?
3.5 or 3.0?
Quiliro Ordóñez
Estas opiniones son las de un Consejero de FSFLA pero no representan la
posición oficial de FSFLA porque eso implica el consenso para ello en el
593(02)340 1517 / 593(09)821 8696
"¿Sólo cuando el último árbol esté muerto, el último río envenenado y el
último pez atrapado nos daremos cuenta que no se puede comer dinero?"
"Only when the last tree is dead, the last river is poisoned and the last
fish is caught will we realize that money is not edible?"
32 bits or 64 bits?
3.5 or 3.0?
32 bits, I updated to 3.5 from 3.5-RC. Never had observed this problem before in web browser (I am having occasionally a similar problem in Evince). By the way, it keeps crashing.
I'm unable to reproduce such crash problems on my computer. Perhaps it's something to do with dependency that got lost somewhere. Or even some hardware issue? It's hard to tell.
The script seems to work perfectly on my 64 bits system (3.5) -- no crashes so far. Thanks a lot for drawing my attention to it.
The Grease Monkey script "YouTube without Flash", from the Trisquel Flash workaround page, works perfectly for me too:
I'm using Trisquel 3.5 Awen. The videos play embedded using Movie Player; the sound is perfect and I can pause and re-start with no problems. The other Grease Monkey scripts, YouTube Perfect Preview and Embedded, didn't work as good.
I suggest trying this script first, if you want to use YouTube without Flash.
I also like that this one allows you to select your player, and your quality level.
The only thing that's missing is being able to skip ahead or rewind.
If you choose VLC player instead of the generic you'll be able to do that. :)
If you choose VLC player instead of the generic you'll be able to do that. :)
Generic player does not seem to show any controls at all in my case. When Andrew mentioned the possibility to select the reproducer I noticed there was configuration button. I have changed also to VLC which allows, as freemind says, pause and playing forward and rewind. I hope this change will also stop crashes. Concerning what Dan Trisquel says about MPlayer, it is not on the repos because it uses some proprietary or licensed stuff (mencoder?), am I right? However, what seems to be on the repos is Kmplayer which claims to be the same program for KDE enviroment. Should it be there or is it a different program -I believe it is the same-?
KMplayer can work with the MPlayer engine, but doesn't include it by default.
But KMplayer seems to have another problem that we need to look over. See:
Interesting. However, I suppose that the problem with the KMplayer might be if there is suspicion about them modifying the source code pointed at through web links and not using it such as it is offered in Sourforge, etc. By the way, I mistook the "K", which stands for "Korean" and not for KDE (I think they use KDE stuff in the GNU/Linux version, so I thought it just was a derivative of Mplayer for KDE).
Yeah, the name would make one think that it is a KDE version of MPlayer. But it is actually its own separate player.
Just to clarify, in my previous post, I probably mentioned the wrong player name. If I right-click the video, there's a menu that says "Open with Movie Player". The script actually uses Totem Browser Plugin to play videos on YouTube:
It's very nifty, especially since there's handy download links below the videos. : ) One tiny gripe is, it doesn't show the video length. Usually shown as time in mins, on the right, with Flash. So you don't know how long the video is when you're watching. Although there is a progress bar. Also it seems to have some problems with YouTube videos embedded on other sites, works best to go directly to YouTube to see them.
Movie Player = Reproductor de Vídeos = Totem!....I was then mistaken again, sorry (all the players have very similar names, as it seems). As for the difficulty to watch embedded videos on other pages, have you perchance still installed the older youtube scripts? I observed that having greasemonkey activated (with the older scripts, not this new one) prevented reproduction of embedded flash (e.g. on If this is the case, you just need to deactivate greasemonkey and reload the page (or uninstall the older scripts).
Actually, the are two KMPlayers. There is the non-free "Korean" (actually, the "K" stands of "Kang") and the free KDE/Konqueror one.
The problem at concerns the non-free Kang-MPlayer.
Thanks a lot for the clarification. What we have on the repos then is the KDE one without the Mplayer backend...hope to be right this time!
I do not understand anything about youtube: with "no flash auto" script it is possible to play flash with Gnash. All videos I have tested are SWF-9, which is also a surprise to me, because I though Gnash would only play until SWF-8. However, if you disable greasemonkey youtube just shows a blank square...???
This is weird: youtube has started showing an error message when trying to play flash through the "no flash auto" script...
That's no accident.
I've been using Minitube for a while now and it worked very nice, until a while ago. Many videos only play for about 10 seconds, and then stop playing. As if the downloading cannot keep up with the playing. Does anyone experience similar problems? Gnoob