The distraction of hearing "covid, covid, covid ..." while entering my login password persisted
even after I had discovered and followed all of chaosmonk's steps to quiet that un-needed assistive
technology until I finally found another trisquel link to
sudo apt purge gnome-orca
Now I'll find the consequences predicted by chaosmonk.
Here's one: on the next startup of Trisquel_9 the familiar refrain, "covid, covid, covid..." came
back, so I opened the terminal, pressed the "up" arrow, bringing back the last-used command,
sudo apt purge gnome-orca
which brought up the assertion that there was no gnome-orca on the system, so I modified the command,
sudo apt purge orca
whereupon the reply came back that I could apply that command to orca* so I replied "Y" for yes,
and now another of the many instances of orca has been set aside ...
George Langford
12/22/2020 - 16:34

06/09/2021 - 09:05