Re: Affordable (under $500) free hardware and free software device?

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Joined: 03/19/2020

> I know Olimex is OSHW/free hardware and can run free software, but the specs
> aren't very great.
> I saw the Olimex Lime 2 A20 has nand which would be nice to be able to
> install onto, since band doesn't use nonfree firmwares, but I'm not sire it's
> possible. Might also be possible to install to SPI?

Computers (not only ARM boards but even x86 devices) usually hold some
kind of bootloader/initialisation firmware in SPI. The SPI chips used
there are just too small and too unefficient to hold a modern operating
system. Even though some people do put Linux on such SPI chips, it's
usually as part of some embedded OS (e.g. some Linux-based bootloader).

The 8G of Lime2's NAND gives somewhat better chances of running a tiny
desktop OS from it. Still, this medium is probably also meant for
embedded and server uses — there will be little space left for user's
files and for extra programs.

> I really don't know. Let me know if you know of any other devices.

Sorry, I recall nothing that would meet your needs.

> I also have a Olimex A64 and Teres but have had trouble getting any free
> distro working on either of them. Even vanilla Debian seems to have issues
> installing to them.

Perhaps you'll have some luck looking for someone to help with this
locally, in your neighborhood? Such person would then be able to play
with the hardware and easily troubleshoot any installation problems