Replicant only runs on closed source hardware ( )

Hi all. After reading the post that you will see below, I wanted to ask the community, maybe something is going wrong?)
I also personally received a message in the xmpp gf chat from a developer who recently received an award from FSF that Denis is doing nothing, wasting FSF money.

name at domain ( Mastodon)

Replicant has many years of missing privacy/security patches and missing privacy/security features. It is not really actively developed or maintained. It only supports highly insecure hardware where privacy and security can't be achieved due to the many critical unpatched vulnerabilities. This is all verifiable and is the evidence. There's nothing professional about misleading people into using highly insecure products where they'll have little privacy/security via misinfo.


Replicant only runs on closed source hardware with closed source firmware. They're ancient, highly insecure devices without current era privacy or security patches, let alone modern privacy or security features. Will not have privacy, security, usability or compatibility with that and it is still closed source at the hardware and firmware level. FSF RYF certification is worthless: not updating firmware doesn't make it stop existing and doesn't make hardware/firmware open.