Revisión de Mute sites by default de Xov, 10/05/2023 - 12:29

As revisións permítenlle rastrexar as diferenzas que hai entre distintas versións dunha entrada.

This addon protects you from sites that automatically play loud or annoying sounds by muting all sites that aren't specified in the whitelist.
Muting or unmuting a site will update the whitelist accordingly. This behavior can be disabled on the preferences page if you often want to mute/unmute sites temporarily.

When manually adding sites to the whitelist, you can use * as a wildcard character. * matches all of Reddit's subdomains and* matches Google for arbitrary top-level domains for example.

In order to mute/unmute a site you can

click the speaker symbol on the tab
right-click the tab and select 'Mute Tab'/'Unmute Tab'
press ctrl+M while you're on the tab
edit the whitelist on the addon's preferences page

Capturas de pantalla

Mute sites by default
Mute sites by default