Forum Topic | Destroy the world for a freedom (if countries infringe on human rights) | Legimet | 28 | Fai 7 anos 48 semanas |
Forum Topic | Does your rejection of proprietary software and mass surveillance create issues in your family life? | stallman_was_right | 44 | Fai 7 anos 48 semanas |
Forum Topic | Browsing Histories Metadata Explorations | Mangy Dog | 8 | Fai 7 anos 49 semanas |
Forum Topic | Anyone fluent in regex? | hack and hack | 5 | Fai 7 anos 49 semanas |
Forum Topic | Need a physics simulator | vita_cell | 3 | Fai 7 anos 50 semanas |
Forum Topic | Todo list in .org file, but with color in Conky | hack and hack | 0 | Fai 7 anos 50 semanas |
Forum Topic | I have a few questions | Nickman | 25 | Fai 7 anos 50 semanas |
Forum Topic | Destroy Internet for a freedom (if main providers run non-free software)? | anonymous | 36 | Fai 7 anos 50 semanas |
Forum Topic | New devices with RYF certificate | Megver83 | 29 | Fai 7 anos 51 semanas |
Forum Topic | Wikileaks how CIA is spying. every Operative System | albertoefg | 24 | Fai 7 anos 51 semanas |
Forum Topic | Hi, Houston, we've problems... | Oro-san | 15 | Fai 8 anos 4 días |
Forum Topic | Future-proofing an installation with multiple drives | hack and hack | 5 | Fai 8 anos 1 semana |
Forum Topic | User rights | hack and hack | 19 | Fai 8 anos 1 semana |
Forum Topic | editing multiple photos in the same way | muhammed | 7 | Fai 8 anos 2 semanas |
Forum Topic | Development of Trisquel 8.0 "Flidas" Software proposal by category : Internet | Mangy Dog | 45 | Fai 8 anos 2 semanas |
Forum Topic | Favourite features of favourite DE | GNUbahn | 13 | Fai 8 anos 3 semanas |
Forum Topic | Do you play games with a libre engine but proprietary data? Any advice? What are some of the ethical pitfall? | kopolee11 | 17 | Fai 8 anos 3 semanas |
Forum Topic | Very easy: Free replacement to Teamviewer | dcapeletti | 8 | Fai 8 anos 3 semanas |
Forum Topic | Lavabit returning | libredrs | 5 | Fai 8 anos 5 semanas |
Forum Topic | Qubes OS thoughts | Nickman | 28 | Fai 8 anos 6 semanas |
Forum Topic | Librecore: Aiming To Be A Better Libre Spin Of Coreboot | SuperTramp83 | 3 | Fai 8 anos 7 semanas |
Forum Topic | Libreboot: weird USB problems | ilreh | 3 | Fai 8 anos 7 semanas |
Forum Topic | "Best" computer with libreboot? | GNUbahn | 18 | Fai 8 anos 7 semanas |
Forum Topic | Dot matrix printer? | libredrs | 10 | Fai 8 anos 9 semanas |
Forum Topic | I found an interesting site | PeaceGuy | 6 | Fai 8 anos 9 semanas |