Forum Topic | Celebraciones TIC en general y Celebraciones Libres en particular para 2018 | Ignacio.Agullo | 1 | Fai 7 anos 4 semanas |
Forum Topic | La cadena estadounidense CNBC publica un artículo llamando a parar los pies a Google y Facebook | Ignacio.Agullo | 8 | Fai 7 anos 4 semanas |
Forum Topic | ITC Celebrations in general and Freedom celebrations in particular for 2018 | Ignacio.Agullo | 0 | Fai 7 anos 4 semanas |
Forum Topic | The US chain CNBC published an article calling to stop Google and Facebook | Ignacio.Agullo | 0 | Fai 7 anos 4 semanas |
Forum Topic | Todos estamos pillados... ¿seguridad? | Blackcisne2 | 47 | Fai 7 anos 7 semanas |
Forum Topic | City of Barcelona Kicks Out Microsoft in Favor of Linux and Open Source | Ignacio.Agullo | 1 | Fai 7 anos 7 semanas |
Forum Topic | Hot news - Major flaw in Intel CPUs | Time4Tea | 43 | Fai 7 anos 8 semanas |
Forum Topic | Re: Resumen de Trisquel-usuarios, Vol 137, Envío 8 | MLP | 2 | Fai 7 anos 8 semanas |
Forum Topic | RMS, the free software community and cognitive dissonance | rcl | 14 | Fai 7 anos 8 semanas |
Forum Topic | Should Aferro GPL replace plain GPL? | rcl | 7 | Fai 7 anos 8 semanas |
Forum Topic | Encuesta de OS privacidad/seguridad | delaforce | 9 | Fai 7 anos 9 semanas |
Forum Topic | youtube-viewer won't play videos | GrevenGull | 57 | Fai 7 anos 9 semanas |
Forum Topic | La France se proclame championne d'Europe du logiciel Libre et Open Source | Ignacio.Agullo | 0 | Fai 7 anos 10 semanas |
Forum Topic | have you installed signal on replicant? | tonlee | 6 | Fai 7 anos 10 semanas |
Forum Topic | Libreboot X200 returns on Minifree | libreleah | 108 | Fai 7 anos 11 semanas |
Forum Topic | Medios de desinformacion... | Blackcisne2 | 7 | Fai 7 anos 12 semanas |
Forum Topic | Fuera de tema: ADSLZone informa que Barcelona toma el camino opuesto a Munich: Open-Xchange, Mozilla, OpenOffice y Ubuntu | Ignacio.Agullo | 2 | Fai 7 anos 12 semanas |
Forum Topic | How to execute a .sh file downloaded on Trisquel | evrjo | 4 | Fai 7 anos 12 semanas |
Forum Topic | Trisquel 8 release countdown clock | Pyraman | 26 | Fai 7 anos 12 semanas |
Forum Topic | Mot de passe | thibaud | 34 | Fai 7 anos 12 semanas |
Forum Topic | Trisquel 8... where are you? | t3g | 51 | Fai 7 anos 13 semanas |
Forum Topic | Trisquel, Debian and Free Software | Davide0 | 7 | Fai 7 anos 13 semanas |
Forum Topic | Fuera de tema: Conferencia de Richard Stallman en Santiago de Compostela | Ignacio.Agullo | 2 | Fai 7 anos 13 semanas |
Forum Topic | Why is Chromium not in Trisquel? | Ignacio.Agullo | 3 | Fai 7 anos 14 semanas |
Forum Topic | Technoethical T400s now available | Technoethical | 162 | Fai 7 anos 14 semanas |