gnulinux program that can verify size of usb stick?
- Login o registrati per inviare commenti and wine I use to verify size of usb stick. Is there a gnulinux program that does the same task?
Thank you.
tonlee please don't link to proprietary software here, thank you.
that is petty lembas. I use the link to explain the feature I want to get in a gnulinux program.
Actually that's the rules. [1] You could've just described your needs if any beyond the topic.
Call it petty if you will but kindly refrain from doing it.
I disagree. Cite the forum rule I am not upholding?
The very first rule. As the link is a wiki page (isn't that pretty awesome?!) it isn't as clearly spelled out as it once was.
It says, "Please do not distribute, recommend, or support non-free software here." tonlee did not do any of those.
Wow, we're pretty anal today it seems... Now, let's see, first did he distribute the software? He certainly didn't distribute an instance of the program but he certainly did distribute information about and a link to the program so I'd say that's a bit of a disputed call. Next up, if he recommended it, he basically said "this is a useful program, can I have a gnulinux flavor of it". That is a recommendation right there. On whether he supported the program, he did not instruct users of the said program on howto do things nor anything like that but he did support the program by mentioning it by name and linking to it and saying it's a useful program.
Summa summarum if the three tests were met
1. maybe
2. sure
3. maybe
When I wrote 'Cite the forum rule', I asked for the specific rule that according to you, I did not comply to. From reading the forum rules I was not able to say which one, you had in mind.
In your second answer you state, that I am distributing non free software. In your fourth answer you are not sure. In your second answer you do not mention that I am recommending nonfree software on the forum. I take at first you reckoned I was not recommending the piece of software in question. In your fourth answer you are sure I am recommending. In your second answer you state nothing about supporting. In your fourth answer you state I may be supporting. In conclusion you have in 2 separate answers contradicted yourself about distributing, recommending and supporting.
Telling someone you use a piece of software does not in itself imply that you recommend it, likewise it does not imply that you recommend against it.
That is not a strong case when it is about limiting a user's freedom of speech on this forum. You should only limit freedom of speech if a breach is evident.
No forum administrator has concluded that I have not complied to all and any rule on this forum regarding this post.
There are several. Gparted is graphical, “fdisk -l” is for the command line and is not interactive (Example usage: “fdisk -l /dev/sdb”), cfdisk is for the command line and interactive.
You will need to run these programs as root to get all the data the system makes available; but don't run as root what can be run as a normal user. The problems with prorpietary software are described in <>, and because of those problems it's very important for a computer user to avoid it.
gparted is great
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