Java as Abrowser's extension
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Hello everybody. I use Trisquel 7. I installed Java in /usr/java cause I need it in order to get working a web application. I restarted the machine but nothing occurred. I put a sim link to the correct library in Java directory in ~/.mozilla/plugins, ~/.mozilla/extensions and /usr/lib/abrowser-addons. I restarted Abrowser each time but also nothing occurred. I can't have my graphic web application working, Abrowser does not recognise the files. Please I need help with Java working as an addon of Abrowser but I don't know the right way to do it. Thanks a lot :)
abrowser version 41.0.2 is available in the Trisquel mirror:
Probably horribly unsafe to run old java apps inside an old, unsupported browser that hasn't had an update in over 4 years though.
You should at least be running it inside a tightly controlled firejail, I would think.
I sugest to install Java Icedtea and IcedTea Java Web Start, from the Trisquel repos.
Am I wrong?
As martinh wrote: "Firefox has removed NPAPI plugin support, and therefore Java Plugin cannot be enabled in Firefox browser version 52 and above". Abrowser and IceCat are based on Firefox.
Then is useless to install those programs...
But I think all browsers can deal with it something different?
You can try other browsers with NPAPI support, such as those based on Pale Moon/New Moon, Seamonkey/Iceape, Waterfox, Basilisk, Epiphany (GNOME Web) or Midori.
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