Java as Abrowser's extension

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Joined: 06/15/2013

Hello everybody. I use Trisquel 7. I installed Java in /usr/java cause I need it in order to get working a web application. I restarted the machine but nothing occurred. I put a sim link to the correct library in Java directory in ~/.mozilla/plugins, ~/.mozilla/extensions and /usr/lib/abrowser-addons. I restarted Abrowser each time but also nothing occurred. I can't have my graphic web application working, Abrowser does not recognise the files. Please I need help with Java working as an addon of Abrowser but I don't know the right way to do it. Thanks a lot :)

Joined: 02/12/2015

abrowser version 41.0.2 is available in the Trisquel mirror:

Probably horribly unsafe to run old java apps inside an old, unsupported browser that hasn't had an update in over 4 years though.

You should at least be running it inside a tightly controlled firejail, I would think.

Pablo G

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I sugest to install Java Icedtea and IcedTea Java Web Start, from the Trisquel repos.
Am I wrong?

Magic Banana

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As martinh wrote: "Firefox has removed NPAPI plugin support, and therefore Java Plugin cannot be enabled in Firefox browser version 52 and above". Abrowser and IceCat are based on Firefox.

Pablo G

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Then is useless to install those programs...

But I think all browsers can deal with it something different?

Magic Banana

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Java and JavaScript (its official name is actually ECMAScript) are two completely different programming languages. JavaScript took some inspiration from Java but that is all.

Pablo G

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Thank you Magic Banana.
You are informing a continious newbie (me)


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You can try other browsers with NPAPI support, such as those based on Pale Moon/New Moon, Seamonkey/Iceape, Waterfox, Basilisk, Epiphany (GNOME Web) or Midori.