User Account Pictures in Trisquel 5.5
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I'm using Trisquel 5.5 alternating between Gnome Shell and the fallback interface. In either situation I don't see a way to edit the user account picture. I must be missing something here. Can anyone point me to a way to edit the user account pictures?
I think you can just take any picture you like, and convert it to
'.face.png' in your home directory; next time you login, your new pic
will be the icon.
To edit the user account picture. Click on your name at the top right of the screen, and then click on the picture. A new window will appear. On this new window, click again on the picture an change your profile picture.
Hope this helped
I thought that was the way to do it, but when I click on the picture from there it acts as though something should open but nothing ever does. Any suggestions?
Weird... How have you installed the gnome-shell on Trisquel ?
Indeed, I have the same issue with Trisquel's GNOME-Shell. I just set the ~/.face.png image by hand.
While I personally think that changing it by hand is no big deal(I used to configure everything by hand-I ran Slackware) it is a usability issue. I'm not even sure how to begin tracking the issue though.
I did install Gnome-shell by the way.
Does anyone know what application is supposed to launch when you select the User Account Picture? Also, when you select "Network Settings" from the network icon nothing happens. Is it possible that there is a permissions problem somewhere?
Well the icon changer is here: gnome-control-center > Users Account > (Click on the Picture). Nothing more to do here :s... maybe you lack some important packages.
Try to do this.
sudo apt-get install gnome gnome-shell
just to see if anything is missing. Hope this helped :D
gnome doesn't want to install because ekiga won't install and ekiga won't install because libopal won't install and libopal won't install because libcapi won't install. Any ideas on that one?
I laughed so hard at that xD Sorry about that ! I am using Trisquel 6.0 Pre-Alpha that comes with Gnome 3.2 so I don't have this problem. Let me just install Trisquel 5.5 and I will provide you help (give me 1 or 2 hours).
Okay so I found that there is 3 problems here:
1 - The package "libcapi20-3" is missing from the repositories (and maybe more)
2 - Trisquel relies on the version 2.x of the Users and Accounts package but Gnome3 relies on the version 3.x. This is why nothing happens.
3 - There is no Home Folder on Gnome 3
Those 3 problems are only because of 1 issue.. The fact that the Desktop is around the idea of the fallback version, and this is why installing another DE (based on Gnome3 like Cinnamon or Gnome3) will give a lot a problems...
I will try to see how to solve this but I promise nothing.
There is a licensing problem with this package as you can see here:
So for know it is not a solution. But there is still a problem with the version of the package provided by Trisquel.
If you want to install the "gnome" package (or meta-package if my memory is right), you can only do that this way :
sudo aptitude install gnome -f
But it is not recommended at all, and don't solve the problem. Just install the missing gnome packages without ekiga and all of his dependencies.
The gnome-control-center used is the 3.2.2 modified by Rubén to be more adapted to Trisquel. But the Users Accounts version (if I'm not wrong) is the 2.x version and not the integrated one. Hope this will be corrected in the 6.0 version (I'm saying that but I didn't saw it myself).
Thanks for the info. That makes sense and thanks for looking into it a bit.
The command used to be called "gnome-about-me" in GNOME 2... but it disappeared with GNOME 3.
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