Problema | Corregido | Armando Bustama... | 9 | 2 anni 38 settimane fa |
Forum Topic | Problema | Alij | 2 | 4 anni 38 settimane fa |
Forum Topic | Gambas 3 no abre | Alij | 5 | 5 anni 20 settimane fa |
Forum Topic | Most of us are clueless about humanity’s place in the planet's long history. We need to learn 'timefulness' | Alij | 1 | 5 anni 26 settimane fa |
Forum Topic | Nunca estás solo cuando estás en Google | Alij | 2 | 5 anni 28 settimane fa |
Forum Topic | Telegram 2018 | Alij | 25 | 5 anni 31 settimane fa |
Forum Topic | My openmailbox account getting lots of spam daily. | Pandya | 6 | 6 anni 10 settimane fa |
Forum Topic | A day in the library: ‘This is a safe space for people’ | Alij | 1 | 6 anni 14 settimane fa |
Forum Topic | Share your desktop! (6) | grimlok | 40 | 6 anni 20 settimane fa |
Forum Topic | Instalar Debian | Alij | 1 | 6 anni 21 settimane fa |
Forum Topic | Cliente de correo vs servicio web | Alij | 6 | 6 anni 24 settimane fa |
Forum Topic | Any recommendations for places to buy music? | GrevenGull | 10 | 6 anni 25 settimane fa |
Forum Topic | Giant predatory worms invaded France, but scientists just noticed them | Alij | 0 | 6 anni 27 settimane fa |
Forum Topic | Netflix, Streaming Video and the Slow Death of the Classic Film | Alij | 1 | 6 anni 38 settimane fa |
Forum Topic | Fork de trisquel propuesta | delaforce | 5 | 6 anni 40 settimane fa |
Forum Topic | Sobre Minado de Criptomonedas | Alij | 7 | 6 anni 41 settimane fa |
Forum Topic | Software de modelado 3d (alternativas libres) | Alij | 3 | 6 anni 41 settimane fa |
Forum Topic | Es posible una instalacion 100% libre de debian? | noblob | 28 | 6 anni 42 settimane fa |
Forum Topic | Who of this community honestly runs Trisquel GNU/Linux? | gnunix | 106 | 6 anni 44 settimane fa |
Forum Topic | Dopamine Makes You Addicted To Seeking Information | Alij | 2 | 6 anni 44 settimane fa |
Forum Topic | Vulnerabilidades: Meltdown (descubierta en CPUs Intel), Spectre (descubierta en CPUs Intel, AMD y ARM) | Daniel1000 | 26 | 6 anni 44 settimane fa |
Forum Topic | Hay alguien aquí? | happy_gnu | 9 | 6 anni 44 settimane fa |
Forum Topic | Garbage collectors open library with abandoned books | Alij | 8 | 6 anni 46 settimane fa |
Forum Topic | Puredata en Trisquel 6 | Alij | 1 | 6 anni 47 settimane fa |
Forum Topic | Minifree's Libreboot X200 laptop comes with Trisquel pre-installed. Now with other keyboard layouts available, and free stickers | libreleah | 39 | 6 anni 47 settimane fa |