
TipoContenutoAutoreRisposteUltimo aggiornamento
Forum TopicHelp Create LiveUSB with saving change Kinopisk91 giorno 3 ore fa
Forum Topicre Geshmy16 giorni 6 ore fa
Forum TopicI miss the voices Kiki_the_Cyber_...261 settimana 30 min fa
Forum TopicHow to troubleshoot inconsistent printer problems? Jacob K201 settimana 43 min fa
Forum TopicCan we please stop referring to genocide supporters and people who oppress their own countrypeople as "patriots"? Kiki_the_Cyber_...141 settimana 2 giorni fa
Forum TopicDo you recommend Trisquel to others? Jacob K391 settimana 6 giorni fa
Forum Topicre Geshmy02 settimane 1 giorno fa
Forum TopicShould I reinstall or check for malware (and how)? -urgent -thanks! Lola510 settimane 3 giorni fa
Forum TopicPrinter installation and configuration? llz1912 settimane 2 giorni fa
Forum Topichow is the health of the founder's father Richard Stallman? wannafast125 settimane 2 ore fa
Forum Topicinstalling trisquel 11 option overwrite empty disk space does not work? tonlee627 settimane 3 giorni fa
Forum Topiccannot install trisquel 11.0.1 bad archive mirror tonlee432 settimane 6 giorni fa
Forum TopicVideo editors available for GNU/Linux Trisquel Ignacio.Agullo735 settimane 6 giorni fa
Forum TopicShould GNU Boot become GNU Canoeboot? libreleah4737 settimane 3 giorni fa
Forum Topicpulseaudio stuck in audio loop... iceburn438 settimane 1 giorno fa
Forum TopicCanoeboot 20240612 released! (free/libre BIOS replacement, 100% free as per auditing done by FSF Licensing and Compliance team) libreleah1838 settimane 3 giorni fa
Forum TopicGoPro communication with Trisquel/GNU Linux iceburn1042 settimane 1 giorno fa
Forum TopicThe Glitch jxself347 settimane 1 giorno fa
Forum TopicCan I watch 4K and 8K video on libre hardware? sam-d162248 settimane 1 giorno fa
Forum TopicRunning the Hurd, with DWM andyprough848 settimane 4 giorni fa
Forum TopicHow did you first got into GNU/Linux? openmind211 anno 10 settimane fa
Forum TopicA Process that's irritating me. 'A stop job is running for..." Geshmy101 anno 19 settimane fa
Forum TopicGuitar to .mpv or. ogg to midi to sheet music? Geshmy31 anno 20 settimane fa
Forum TopicTrisquel Mini monitor not recognised noba31 anno 20 settimane fa
Forum TopicVideo editing app for future Trisquel releases strypey121 anno 23 settimane fa