
TipoContenutoAutoreRisposteUltimo aggiornamento
Forum TopicTrisquel 9 Alpha Advanced Menu Icon kokomo_joe15 anni 3 settimane fa
Forum TopicI Finally Did It – I Evicted Microsoft! Ronmamita137 anni 21 settimane fa
Forum TopicLibre Tea Computer Card (EOMA68) Archetyp77 anni 23 settimane fa
Forum TopicQuestions about determining what is free software Andrew Sblendorio97 anni 28 settimane fa
Forum TopicFSF and his recommended distributions vita_cell157 anni 30 settimane fa
Forum TopicReminder: Current version of Trisquel has software that is over 3 years old t3g127 anni 31 settimane fa
Forum TopicIs VP9 free as free speech ? Kyzen57 anni 37 settimane fa
Forum TopicEOMA68, Trisquel, freedom and co-hosting national liberty-friendly radio show (actually North America, EU & Africa too) Chris48 anni 4 settimane fa
Forum TopicTrisquel 8 + ARM = :-) kokomo_joe78 anni 6 settimane fa
Forum TopicHello all, just wondering if Trisquel has any plans to come to the ARM architecture in the near future? Anarkiisto38 anni 15 settimane fa
Forum TopicUbuntu 16.04 released 2 months ago. Trisquel 8 status? t3g318 anni 31 settimane fa
Forum TopicLogin password no longer working Zem Mattress139 anni 14 settimane fa
Forum TopicLibrebooted Macbook 2,1 pizzaiolo989 anni 16 settimane fa
Forum TopicConvenient list of non-free blobs? kokomo_joe19 anni 16 settimane fa
Forum TopicElectrum in Trisquel 7 kokomo_joe59 anni 28 settimane fa
Forum TopicShould we endorse the $9 Computer project CHIP? kokomo_joe29 anni 36 settimane fa
Forum Topic3G modems coming integrated with Next Gen Intel Atom (for real this time) Chris999 anni 45 settimane fa
Forum TopicSeason's Greetings lembas1710 anni 6 settimane fa
Forum TopicRyzom? kokomo_joe610 anni 8 settimane fa
Forum TopicIs this ARM64 Open Laptop Concept a free hardware notebook? tonlee310 anni 10 settimane fa
Forum TopicWhere do you buy printed books online? a_slacker_here1710 anni 12 settimane fa
Forum TopicTrisquel 7 and new homepage - gratz!! Abjectio3210 anni 12 settimane fa
Forum TopicGoodbye Internet We hardly knew ye Ishamael1010 anni 20 settimane fa
Forum TopicHello from a new user serval1310 anni 20 settimane fa
Forum TopicRuben's talk won't be available via livestream but instead recorded and uploaded. pogiako123452610 anni 21 settimane fa