
TipoContenutoAutoreRisposteUltimo aggiornamento
ProblemaPlease add upstream multiverse package geoip-database-contrib to Belenos leny201059 anni 32 settimane fa
ProblemaFSDG Picard references plugins with unknown licence Kevin J. Fletcher79 anni 32 settimane fa
Problema[GFSD Issue] package unrar-free suggests non-free software lembas149 anni 33 settimane fa
Problema[GFSD Issue] Package wings3d suggests using proprietary software lembas99 anni 33 settimane fa
Problema'Report Web Forgery' sends user defined information to Google. lap4fsf19 anni 34 settimane fa
ProblemaVino 3.8.1-Ouboutu.1+7Otr not in usr/bin Mangy Dog69 anni 34 settimane fa
Problemasrc/java/org/apache/fop/pdf/ sRGB Color Space Profile.icm is non-free aubreyraech49 anni 34 settimane fa
Forum TopicFiles slow to load network locations, sometimes boaz39 anni 35 settimane fa
ProblemaError 404 on libtiffxx0c2 libtiff4-dev and others from toutatis-security on es.archive.t.i leny201039 anni 35 settimane fa
Forum TopicESA: preserving old games is hacking and therefore illegal t3g199 anni 35 settimane fa
Forum TopicBest choice for a Single-Board-Computer? GNUser529 anni 36 settimane fa
Problema"Software" autorun option defaults to on rmsr19 anni 36 settimane fa
ProblemaAbrowser stability issues hnasiet19 anni 36 settimane fa
Problemaipw2100 causes a Call Trace at shutdown - blacklisting it is the solution, because its useless without firmware qlbjipnee19 anni 36 settimane fa
ProblemaLid switch override? Martins19 anni 36 settimane fa
Forum Topicbbc iplayer tomlukeywood239 anni 37 settimane fa
Forum TopicAbrowser won't let me associate Gnome's mplayer with MP4 files amenex99 anni 37 settimane fa
Forum Topic[2 Bugs] Trisquel GNU/Linux 7 tima_gt39 anni 38 settimane fa
Forum TopicCan't access Network Manager lloydsmart19 anni 38 settimane fa
Forum TopicA GNU / LINUX DISTRIBUIÇÃO ARCADE MANHOSO39 anni 38 settimane fa
Forum TopicA dealer who understands h-node OR sometimes things go right for free software leny201019 anni 38 settimane fa
Problemaabrowser bug (plugins.update.url set to mozilla URL) fchmmr39 anni 38 settimane fa
ProblemaIceCat get addons page not working fuzorx29 anni 38 settimane fa
Problematrisquelize.sh doesn't remove non-free Firefox plugins and some other packages installed by "dpkg -i" agentgates29 anni 38 settimane fa
Problemaupdate-manager package Gothic Card29 anni 38 settimane fa