
TipoContenutoAutoreRisposteUltimo aggiornamento
ProblemaList of Abrowser & Icecat issues andrew312 anni 49 settimane fa
ProblemaDesktop+Etonia 9 Hanging, sleeping and crashing all the time lan93 anni 4 settimane fa
Problema[GFSD] fonts-ubuntu* requires proprietary software to be built from source + probable licensing issue Magic Banana53 anni 5 settimane fa
ProblemaIcedove Segfaults in Trisquel 9 Etiona sudoman53 anni 6 settimane fa
ProblemaCannot open Deja-dup backup program 0d54770d23 anni 7 settimane fa
ProblemaLUKS Passphrase Prompt Is Hidden jxself103 anni 7 settimane fa
Problema[GFSD] Non-Free rubygems repository included and enabled vasi53 anni 7 settimane fa
Problema[GFSD Issue] Package konqueror recommends the use of nonfree software SirGrant93 anni 7 settimane fa
Problema[GNU FSDG] 'Get More Tools' in 'Web Developer' submenu of Abrowser opens Firefox Add-ons website. lap4fsf103 anni 7 settimane fa
ProblemaRekonq browser crashed at startup GrevenGull23 anni 7 settimane fa
Problema[GFSD] tomahawk player allows user to configure non-free add-ons eric2333 anni 7 settimane fa
Problema[GFSD] 'Snippets' in Abrowser Web Browser has Branding and FSDG issues. lap4fsf44 anni 21 settimane fa
Problema[GFSD] Advertisements in the MOTD for proprietary software. Link with steps to disable it sudoman34 anni 21 settimane fa
Problema[BRANDING] Private Window display modified 'Nightly' logo. lap4fsf44 anni 24 settimane fa
Problema"symbol 'grub_calloc' not found [can't boot OS at all!!] lan24 anni 24 settimane fa
ProblemaUSB boot media "stalls" during loading amtrakuk14 anni 24 settimane fa
ProblemaAR9271 no longer works with kernel 4.4.0-186-generic PublicLewdness64 anni 25 settimane fa
ProblemaLog in Problem sololocolobo24 anni 25 settimane fa
ProblemaKmail localization makes inbox disappear ADFENO25 anni 15 settimane fa
ProblemaAbrowser supports weak cipher Triple DES (3DES) aloniv26 anni 16 settimane fa
Problemakubuntu-desktop fails to install moaz78646 anni 16 settimane fa
ProblemaPython alt-installer Pip has non-free software in its repositories Mithrandir106 anni 19 settimane fa
ProblemaTrisquel-mini 8 HWE kernel won't install PyroSamurai96 anni 20 settimane fa
ProblemaBy default, IceCat Shares Location-Aware Browsing information with Google Location Service. lap4fsf56 anni 36 settimane fa
ProblemaNo Handbrake in Flidas Substance200436 anni 38 settimane fa