
TipoContenutoAutoreRisposteUltimo aggiornamento
Problema[GFSD] perhaps Supertuxkart includes trademark infringement. mejiko310 anni 1 giorno fa
Problema[GFSD Issue] Package 'earcandy' mentions proprietary software lembas1010 anni 1 giorno fa
Problema[FSDG] Abrowser sometimes shows ads for proprietary software onpon4210 anni 1 giorno fa
ProblemaLink addon pages to the list of addons lembas310 anni 2 giorni fa
ProblemaDuckDuckGo search in IceCat suggesting to search in Google or Bing lap4fsf110 anni 2 giorni fa
ProblemaImprove Issues Search leny2010010 anni 2 giorni fa
Forum TopicWhy is my Abrowser connected to omantel.net.om ? akfoss910 anni 4 giorni fa
Forum TopicNo wifi, can't remove Mini 7 gnuby1410 anni 6 giorni fa
Forum TopicTrisquel should have a git system for the community. Hear me out. t3g1310 anni 6 giorni fa
Problema'aptitude changelog' is broken akfoss210 anni 1 settimana fa
ProblemaMissing ubuntu-* packages akfoss210 anni 1 settimana fa
Problemaenvironment items in tasksel in netinstall confusing merg110 anni 1 settimana fa
Problema"Triskel desktop environment" in tasksel of netinstall text installer merg210 anni 1 settimana fa
ProblemaChanging directories is not working Darsh229110 anni 1 settimana fa
ProblemaTest print page is the Ubuntu default alucardx110 anni 1 settimana fa
Forum TopicQuickness of security updates - too slow to fix important software in a timely manner? kudipol510 anni 2 settimane fa
Forum Topicfree os alimiracle210 anni 2 settimane fa
Problema[GFSD Issue] Possible bad relation between proprietary software and text-to-speech GNOME packages. anonymous1910 anni 2 settimane fa
Forum Topiclong-term sustainability of Trisquel -- what if we lose core developers? akfoss2210 anni 2 settimane fa
Forum TopicPenguin Wireless N USB Adapter Love it! linuxbookpro1610 anni 3 settimane fa
Forum TopicTrisquel 7 will be released next week. akfoss4710 anni 3 settimane fa
Forum Topictrouble with exaile install Christianity410 anni 3 settimane fa
Forum TopicStart up directory for Trisquel Mini? hosh210 anni 3 settimane fa
Problema lxdm-binary load 100% cpu Mzee610 anni 3 settimane fa
Forum TopicNo Handbrake in Belenos? oysterboy310 anni 4 settimane fa