
TipoContenutoAutoreRisposteUltimo aggiornamento
ProblemaSpammers be gone Cyberhawk9732 anni 38 settimane fa
ProblemaAptitude talks about new packages added to Ubuntu, not Trisquel César88 anni 25 settimane fa
ProblemaList of branding issues SirGrant188 anni 31 settimane fa
ProblemaMissing deps for gnome-shell in Trisquel 4.0 Taranis pcgaldo39 anni 24 settimane fa
Problema"apt-get autoremove" offers removal of ecryptfs-utils after installing Trisquel with user's directory encryption. Daniel Molina49 anni 33 settimane fa
Problemagrub2 shows debian splash image César29 anni 49 settimane fa
Problema[GFSD Issue] Possible bad relation between proprietary software and text-to-speech GNOME packages. anonymous1910 anni 2 settimane fa
ProblemaModify abrowser to have privacy features included (enable "do not track; disable location-aware browsing) SirGrant1010 anni 49 settimane fa
ProblemaTrisquel GNU/Linux does not have 100 associate members SirGrant4011 anni 4 giorni fa
ProblemaIssues with default partitioning in Trisquel 4.0 Mini nicoman411 anni 1 settimana fa
ProblemaUbiquity waits infinitely for repo servers when testing connections marioger2511 anni 17 settimane fa
ProblemaNo text-mode installation on newest Trisquel Live CDs (at least on x86_64) teodorescup511 anni 31 settimane fa
Forum TopicPortuguese translation of the website bebeto4611 anni 38 settimane fa
Forum TopicHow to install gnome-shell aliasbody2411 anni 41 settimane fa
Forum TopicSun Wireless Toolkit and general Java questions Jayn1511 anni 42 settimane fa
Forum TopicSqueezing battery time MagicFab1111 anni 49 settimane fa
Forum TopicEVGA Z77 Stinger (mITX) Zancudo311 anni 51 settimane fa
Forum TopicUnable to install in VirtualBox gsmela811 anni 51 settimane fa
Forum Topic:) New free software friendly USB N adapter getting closer Chris2312 anni 1 settimana fa
Forum TopicBackup your stuff - NOW! lembas1312 anni 1 settimana fa
ProblemaTwo fixes for software-properties, one security fix for 5.5, one bug fix for 6.0 DNS412 anni 1 settimana fa
Forum TopicPerhaps Trisquel could join the Software Freedom Conservancy MagicFab412 anni 1 settimana fa
Forum TopicOn the Topic Release Schedule rwilkerson10002012 anni 1 settimana fa
Forum TopicOpen Distribution, Closed Development Marcus5612 anni 1 settimana fa
ProblemaTrisquel 6.0-20121201 amd64: gnome-panel lacks some previous features sphynx412 anni 1 settimana fa