Portuguese translation of the website

46 risposte [Ultimo contenuto]
Iscritto: 11/09/2012

Hey everyone I'm brazilian and I'm willing to translate the website to portuguese, what do you guys think? Someone in the chat said I should recruit more potential translators to help keep the translated pages updated and I'm on it, basically talking about trisquel to people I know. So far no one showed interest, any help in what kind of approach I should do to recruit will be appreciated (:

Anyways, let me know what you guys think.


Iscritto: 09/14/2012

I already proposed that in the past but I was alone, if you proposed as well as a Portuguese translator I think that it should be more easy now for the work to be accepted.

Iscritto: 11/09/2012

Oh that's great to know! So I guess we can manage to get the work done and the content updated, just the two of us, right? We gotta go look for some more potential translators to help us out though. But that's definitely great news man. I thought I was all alone in this one! What are the following steps?

Iscritto: 11/30/2011

I'm replying only to inform the readers ASAP that I made this page: https://trisquel.info/en/wiki/translation-team-portuguese

(added it at the end of https://trisquel.info/en/wiki/translation-teams )

Iscritto: 11/11/2012

Hi, I think it's a really good idea. When did you come up with this?

Iscritto: 11/09/2012

I came up with it a couple of days ago in the IRC channel. But it seems other users had the same idea too but wasn't able to do so due to the lack of people to help translating it and (most important, I think) to keep the translation content updated. But it seems we're gonna be able to get the job done now since more users are willing to cooperate to the task. Which is awesome!

Someone should add the portuguese language available in the languages options so when we click to translate a page we can get started!

Iscritto: 03/29/2011

I can translate to pt-br. But not pt-pt.

Iscritto: 11/09/2012

That is terrific Horgeon. I hope we can form a portuguese translator team or something like that.

So far I guess we have you (horgeon), me (bebeto) and aliasbody.


Iscritto: 09/14/2012

Now comes the question, will it be pt-br or pt-pt ? With the new "orthographic accord" it is almost the same to be honest, but I'm only capable of good pt-pt before this new "orthographic accord".

Iscritto: 11/09/2012

Oh yeah! There's that! I'm only good for the pt-br like Horgeon. But you're right after the orthographic accord it should be pretty much the same. We should start doing only one version 'pt' shouldn't matter each flag it gets, I think it'd be easier to maintain that way.

I'll join the translators list and try to get this discussion there.

Iscritto: 03/26/2011

I wrote for Ruben about this. The first step is translate(of course) and add the language for the website. With this is more easy for everybody. Today I can't translate the website because I don't have option. I hope it resolves soon so.

Many portuguese speakers asked him. And the translators list has some portugueses speakers too.

Iscritto: 11/09/2012

Ok man! That's so dope! I can't wait to start translating it all! (:

Oh! I didn't know about the translators list! Getting there now!

Iscritto: 03/02/2012

Hello all.
In the translation to Portuguese, in fact there is still no group formed. A few months ago I tried to contact the people responsible for the site. I could not actually do not know who is responsible.
I already have a small material translated into Portuguese. But I think what is missing is the formation of this group of translators for Portuguese, I believe you are already registered on the mailing list.
If they need, they can count on me for translation.
A big hug to everyone.

Iscritto: 11/09/2012

Okay, so I talked to quidam at the IRC channel and he said he was gonna set up the drupal so we can start translating.

I heard from a lot of people that the translating thing is kinda tricky, because it is not just translate, we gotta do our best to keep the translated content constantly updated. And we should never stop, we should keep translating. So I agree with you Reginaldo, we should definitely form a portuguese translators team.

Since there are some users interested in helping, we should organize a team. Let's form a list of people who's willing to contribute, we should divide the work as well, so everyone can take a piece of the site to translate and after that we should revise each others translation so we can guarantee and keep the quality of our work.

So far I think we can count on the following users:

* bebeto
* aliasbody
* Horgeon
* icarolongo
* Reginaldo

If you are in the list and do not want to be part of it please let us know. And if you are not part of the list and want to help let us know as well so we can include you.

After we gather a number of users we can take the discussion to people that can give us translators status and according to this http://trisquel.info/en/wiki/website-translations "each team may add Wiki pages for their own purposes" so we can organize the work and finally make it happen.

What do you guys think?


I am a member!

Iscritto: 04/23/2011

If you are interested in translating could you also add yourself to the bottom of the following document (description, contact info, etc):


Having a list of volunteers may be helpful down the line. It is a great place to reference.

Iscritto: 11/09/2012

Ok, thanks Chris!

Iscritto: 03/02/2012

I think the idea is good, I agree. We need to define the next steps now. We need a leader for the translation team. You have my vote for having initiated the discussion. It is critical that we have someone to organize the group's efforts. Who is a candidate?


I am a member!

Iscritto: 04/23/2011

Some one needs to be brave and just do it! Take control if there isn't anybody volunteering. Some one took the initiative to setup some new forum software and is working out the kinks and issues with it for instance.


We don't really have enough leaders in this community. We do have a lot of complainers though and people who want to volunteer.


* not to put anyone down

Iscritto: 03/02/2012

Sorry friends, my intention was not to discourage companions. I really believe that we need to organize ourselves to not lose efforts in translating always the same documentation. I'm still not very familiar with the site Trisquel. But I will take part in cataloging the pages to find out what needed to be translated. Remembering that I'll also insert pages of the Free Software Foundation and others that appear. I'm going to enjoy this holiday, doing this.

Iscritto: 09/14/2012

Why don't we do a quick organization ?


Reginaldo you could start translating the Documentation principal page http://trisquel.info/en/wiki/documentation (and when you finished you could go to the http://trisquel.info/en/wiki/programs page.

While anyone else could take a page from the manuals and start translating one by one http://trisquel.info/en/wiki/manuals

After anyone's finished they can say here by attaching the file.

After a while we could have all documentations to send to Ruben so we can prove to him that we are determined to do the work.

I recently helped the creator of ViewTube to improve (by ideas) ViewTube itself and by translating his webpage to French and Portuguese.I could take the same amount of time on the Documentation of Trisquel without any problem.

If everybody agree with me on this then I will give (totally aleatory) names with pages to translate, I will start from my side and then publish here, when everyone finished we can either send it to Ruben or create a new post just with all the translations.

If anyone doesn't have enough time then he could just to the "small translation" from all the pages, like on the manual page you have that small text explain what is that section, well translating those paragraphs doesn't take a lot of time and it can also help.

What do you think ?

Iscritto: 03/29/2011

I will start with Hardware now and get it ready to upload when enabled. What type of file do I attach?

Iscritto: 09/14/2012

Well any readable file like a simple txt, the idea is to send it to Ruben or show it here after that so anyone is good :D

Iscritto: 03/29/2011

With the exception of Webcam and 3G modems, the remaining sections are translated. I will try to think of a better formatting (english version is below translated version, with 3 tabs to make distinction). We also need some kind of private communication between contributors otherwise we will flood the forum.

Some english documentation are also outdated in relation to Brigantia, which does not use System Settings anymore.

And I need someone with a functioning printer to tell the exact translation for two items I've marked.

trisquelhardware.txt 15.02 KB
Iscritto: 09/14/2012

Nice Job :D

Here is the final result corrected :

2. Na seção Políticas, selecione as opções 'Activo' e 'A aceitar tarefas', assim como 'Partilhada? se desejar partilhar a impressora através da Internet.
5. A seção Opções de tarefa, permite-lhe de mudar a forma como a impressora trata as tarefas de impressão. É recomendado deixar as opções inalteradas.
I think that I didn't miss anything else.

But yes you are totally right we need a section just for this... maybe a mailing list on the translation's one ?

Iscritto: 03/29/2011

In pt-br the 'c' in Activo is muted and ommitted from the word. Partilhada is not wrong, but it makes you look like a weirdo when you say that. We instead say 'compartilhada'. 'permite-lhe de mudar' looks wrong in our grammar. I will try to adapt your work:

2. Na seção Políticas, selecione as opções 'Habilitado' e 'Aceitar tarefas', assim como 'Compartilhada? se desejar compartilhar a impressora através da Internet.

5. A seção Opções de tarefa permite mudar a forma como a impressora trata as tarefas de impressão. É recomendado deixar as opções inalteradas.

My initial idea for communication was a XMPP chatroom. Mailing lists are a little incovenient to use but may be better for keeping track of all the work.

Iscritto: 09/14/2012

1 - This is why I talked about the pt-pt vs pt-br story in my thread since I live in Portugal and am native Portuguese myself xD 2 - The "Partilhada" section was not invented by me, it's what's written in the option :


As for the last one, indeed without the "-lhe" it looks less personal and more technical.

Iscritto: 11/09/2012

Hey guys!

Sorry for taking so long to reply! I'm up to translate the introduction and really soon I'll post here.

And that's definitely it, I talked to SirGrant and he said that we should start translating the way you said aliasbody.

Let's do it folks, nicely done aliasbody!

Iscritto: 11/30/2011

Hey, I'm available to help with pt-br; actually, I prefer pt-pt (more beautiful), but I'm Brazilian and not "fluent" in the second.

How about creating a "Translation Team: Portuguese" like the ones here: https://trisquel.info/en/wiki/translation-teams ? It could serve to manage what aliasbody proposed.

Iscritto: 11/09/2012

Yeah! I think that's great! Let's do that! (:

Iscritto: 09/14/2012

Quick question.

Does everyone here have a Gmail account ? Because (and even knowing that I'm trying to use less and less the google products) it could be a good idea (just to start until we have a better solution) to create a single document (or separate ones) with the translations so anyone could improve to it directly and at the end we could send it directly to Ruben as a pdf or anyone else responsible that could just agree or disagree with the translation and start the creation of a section just for us.

What do you think ?

Magic Banana

I am a member!

I am a translator!

Iscritto: 07/24/2010

Why not using Trisquel's Wiki?!

Iscritto: 09/14/2012

Where ?


I am a member!

I am a translator!

Iscritto: 04/19/2011

I'm not sure if you need any permissions (don't think so) but you can add wiki pages here:


The idea I had earlier was for translation teams to use the wiki to co-ordinate their efforts. For example, on


there is a list of 'Translation team: ...' pages. You could add another one for Portuguese. But at the moment this idea is not being used. Maybe the pages are hidden too deep in the menu structure.

Iscritto: 09/14/2012

But we couldn't put the work there since it is only a page to relate all of the Team and not the translations themselves. What we need is a quick and decentralized (if possible) place to openly write and edit anything. And since the wiki don't propose the Portuguese language we can't do that directly in the wiki :s...

Iscritto: 03/29/2011

EtherPad based websites are less powerful than word processors but are free. Would TitanPad, RiseupPad or PiratePad work?


Iscritto: 11/11/2012

Can I join you guys on this task?

Iscritto: 09/14/2012

Why not ? :D

Iscritto: 11/09/2012

Hey everyone!

I'm almost done with my translation part and I think today I'll post all of the translations I've been working on.

I think using other services just to manage the content isn't a good idea, I think we should try and keep everything translation related in only one place.

That being said I think we should only use the wiki and upload all the files with the translated content and attach it there. The name of the file should reflect part of the url of the translated page.

We should use this page here: https://trisquel.info/en/wiki/translation-team-portuguese

Thanks sphynx for creating it and proposed a structure.

What do you guys think?


Iscritto: 11/09/2012

I wanna just put it out there my excitement of getting this work done! I think we are finally making some progress, thank to all of you guys! I'm feeling that translating the website to Portuguese is only the first step. We should keep translating everything that is needed. Hopefully we will have a more distributed organized community working together to make Trisquel the best GNU/Linux system ever and keep it that way! (:


I am a member!

Iscritto: 04/23/2011

Yea- I might add that once the translation of of Trisquel site is done that people should blog about it. Write about your hardware, Trisquel events, free software events, etc.

It doesn't even need to be Trisquel. Blogging about "linux usb wireless adapters" in portriquese and pointing out the issues with almost all USB adapters being dependent on non-free software is going to ultimately help improve things on the hardware front. Which is good fro Trisquel. Especially if you point to ThinkPenguin and/or others who are solving these types of problems.

I always like to point out eztakes as another example of a service that offers movies in non-DRM encumbered formats.

But there are other solutions. There is a lot of content available in the .eu sphere for instance. I won't name the sites. You'll have to do this on your own. However blogging about how to find content using Google's search options would assist in users locating content without the need for sites like Netflix or Amazon Prime.

Google lets you setup custom search although I think you can do it with or without this:


Here is an example:

[name of content] site:.eu

For better results you can even limit the search results to a select few sites with the most highly desirable content (example: youtube.com):

[name of content] site:site1.eu OR site:site2.eu OR site:site3.eu

The more people who come across the free software friendly hardware, distributions, and other services the better they will get.

You could go a step further after setting up such a portal and even generate a little revenue from it. Then donate it to the Trisquel project or possibly other projects attempting to produce quality entertainment.

Iscritto: 03/02/2012
Iscritto: 03/26/2011

Review about Trisquel 4.0 LTS in Brazilian Portuguese (pt-BR): http://lowdread.wordpress.com/2010/09/20/analise-do-trisquel-gnulinux-4-0/

Iscritto: 09/14/2012

PS: I'm sorry for the delay on translating, I am on the exams weeks and I have no time to do that (but I've already done a good part).

Best Regards,

Iscritto: 03/27/2013

Hi, Guys!

I'm brazilian too and I'm in the "Linux World" about 6 months by now. I started with Ubuntu and I was very happy until last week, which I discovered about that spyware/keylogger which people call Zeitgeist.

Looking for alternatives, I saw which most of popular distros come with that plague too! So, here I am, looking for REAL FREE alternatives!

I found Trisquel in a that page of FSF indicating some OSs and, in the list, looks like Trisquel is the better choice.

But here is the thing: I work with web development and I need some basic features in a OS with some setup. So, I would to know if you guys can help with some preliminar doubts about Trisquel - if possible, in a brazilian portuguese dialog :-) - and, if possible and I migrate to Trisquel, I'll be very happy to help the distro with this translation!

I'm waiting for your reply and thank you!


Iscritto: 03/26/2011

The big issue of Ubuntu and the most distros is the recommendation of non-free software/driver/firmware. Since Ubuntu 12.10 the big privacy question was about Amazon shopping lens "adware" not about Zeitgeist. GNOME Shell uses Zeitgeist to intelligent search too.

Magic Banana

I am a member!

I am a translator!

Iscritto: 07/24/2010

You thought you have been in the "Linux World" for six months. You have actually been in the "*GNU*/Linux world". I invite to learn more about the philosophy behind the free software movement. A philosophy strongly defended by GNU. Not much (or at all) by Linux.

As for Zeitgeist, it is a *free* software installed on *your* system. If you wish you can check the source code and get the confirmation that it does not send the data it grabs to anyone. Zeitgeist does not raise any freedom issue (contrary to Unity's dash).

You can use http://packages.trisquel.info to check out the presence, in Trisquel's repositories, of the packages you need (same names as in Ubuntu's repositories). Basically, if it is free software and available in Ubuntu's repositories, then it is available in Trisquel's. Moreover, like with Ubuntu, the list of easily available software can be extended in no time thanks to PPAs.

Iscritto: 03/27/2013

Thank you for invite me. I'll read more about the philosophy behind!

Unfortunatelly, I haven't the necessary knowledge to study the code line by line, but some software "which logs the user's activities and events (files opened, websites visited, conversations hold with other people, etc.) and makes the information available to other applications" definitly sounds not good to me.

But, as you say, It's possible to remove the Zeitgeist (in fact, I already removed here in Ubuntu, but I'm very disapointed with Canonical and your pseudo-free software)...