Sunny Day

TipoContenutoAutoreRisposteUltimo aggiornamento
Forum TopicPrinter installation and configuration? llz172 ore 6 min fa
Forum Topic"Your default search engine has changed." Jacob K462 settimane 3 giorni fa
Forum Topic'Log File Viewer' keeping too many logs - how to configure? Sunny Day345 settimane 5 giorni fa
Forum TopicBackup problem IBM113098 settimane 1 giorno fa
Forum TopicDo you recommend Trisquel to others? Jacob K199 settimane 5 giorni fa
Forum TopicHow to Optimize Battery Life on Laptops Running Trisquel ?? derekthelerrr312 settimane 19 ore fa
Forum TopicHow to delete a bad BackInTime backup (of a failed/unavailable installation)? Sunny Day1412 settimane 6 giorni fa
Forum TopicHow to access and delete BackIntime backups (failed backups, from failed installs) Sunny Day013 settimane 2 giorni fa
Forum TopicHow to use BackInTime to restore (when user can't login)? Sunny Day2115 settimane 1 giorno fa
Forum TopicHow to restore with BackInTime (in the case we can't login)? Sunny Day017 settimane 1 giorno fa
Forum TopicTrouble with Icedove's Search Function myrcy317 settimane 3 giorni fa
Forum TopicDesktop computer by Leah Rowe | Libreboot 9020 SFF free or not? sam-d161818 settimane 2 giorni fa
Forum TopicVideo editors available for GNU/Linux Trisquel Ignacio.Agullo723 settimane 1 giorno fa
Forum TopicCannot mount external harddrive cosmicadventure1438 settimane 3 giorni fa
Forum TopicPrivacy search engines. openmind2740 settimane 3 ore fa
Forum TopicHappy birthday, Linux-libre! jxself742 settimane 6 giorni fa
Forum TopicHappy I ♥ Free Software Day! jxself943 settimane 4 giorni fa
Forum TopicInstalling GNUinOS Sunny Day2244 settimane 1 giorno fa
Forum TopicSuccessful Trisquel install on a MacBookPro 13,2 Avron546 settimane 5 giorni fa
Forum TopicWhy SaaSS is the Software Savior You Never Knew You Needed jxself949 settimane 1 giorno fa
Forum TopicDoes this laptop have Intel Managment Engine? vander1050 settimane 1 giorno fa
Forum TopicHow to disable gvfs? Sunny Day4051 settimane 6 giorni fa
Forum TopicNew article about usability Ignacio.Agullo151 settimane 6 giorni fa
Forum TopicXephyr X server instead of Xnest? Sunny Day151 anno 1 giorno fa
Forum TopicHow to disable gvfs? Sunny Day01 anno 2 settimane fa