
TypBeitragAutorAntwortenZuletzt aktualisiert
Forum TopicPrinter installation and configuration? llz15vor 12 Stunden 58 Minuten
Forum TopicDo you recommend Trisquel to others? Jacob K19vor 9 Wochen 3 Tage
Forum Topichow is the health of the founder's father Richard Stallman? wannafast1vor 12 Wochen 5 Stunden
Forum Topicinstalling trisquel 11 option overwrite empty disk space does not work? tonlee6vor 14 Wochen 3 Tage
Forum Topiccannot install trisquel 11.0.1 bad archive mirror tonlee4vor 19 Wochen 6 Tage
Forum TopicVideo editors available for GNU/Linux Trisquel Ignacio.Agullo7vor 22 Wochen 6 Tage
Forum TopicShould GNU Boot become GNU Canoeboot? libreleah47vor 24 Wochen 3 Tage
Forum Topicpulseaudio stuck in audio loop... iceburn4vor 25 Wochen 1 Tag
Forum TopicCanoeboot 20240612 released! (free/libre BIOS replacement, 100% free as per auditing done by FSF Licensing and Compliance team) libreleah18vor 25 Wochen 3 Tage
Forum TopicGoPro communication with Trisquel/GNU Linux iceburn10vor 29 Wochen 1 Tag
Forum TopicThe Glitch jxself3vor 34 Wochen 1 Tag
Forum TopicCan I watch 4K and 8K video on libre hardware? sam-d1622vor 35 Wochen 1 Tag
Forum TopicRunning the Hurd, with DWM andyprough8vor 35 Wochen 4 Tage
Forum TopicHow did you first got into GNU/Linux? openmind21vor 50 Wochen 5 Stunden
Forum TopicA Process that's irritating me. 'A stop job is running for..." Geshmy10vor 1 Jahr 6 Wochen
Forum TopicGuitar to .mpv or. ogg to midi to sheet music? Geshmy3vor 1 Jahr 7 Wochen
Forum TopicTrisquel Mini monitor not recognised noba3vor 1 Jahr 7 Wochen
Forum TopicVideo editing app for future Trisquel releases strypey12vor 1 Jahr 10 Wochen
Forum TopicBad Mountains Geshmy4vor 1 Jahr 10 Wochen
Forum Topic Geshmy4vor 1 Jahr 11 Wochen
Forum TopicLenovo Thinkpad Yoga 11e Geshmy5vor 1 Jahr 12 Wochen
Forum TopicI got my Free Software Gigabit Mini VPN Router (TPE-R1400) megurineturilli2vor 1 Jahr 12 Wochen
Forum TopicUpgraded to Trisquel 11 Sucessfully Jonathan Matt G...1vor 1 Jahr 12 Wochen
Forum TopicNew Used Lenovo Yoga 11e Geshmy0vor 1 Jahr 12 Wochen
Forum TopicPlease help setup a standalone USB printer (plug-and-play?) Sunny Day28vor 1 Jahr 12 Wochen