bbc iplayer
dose anyone know if there’s a youtube-dl equivalent for bbc-iplayer?
forgot to say i meant if there’s a libre equivalent
That's implied around here. :-)
youtube-dl supports bbc iplayer. Also, there's get-iplayer (in the repos) and get-flash-videos (also in the repos).
all methods fail :(
i used to beable to stream bbc radio with vlc
but i cant do this anymore dose anyone know if you still can?
Note: If what you're thinking of downloading uses whatever DRM system iPlayer uses, then it's not legally possible, and not practically likely. I don't know how prevalent digital restrictions are in it.
You can use XBMC (or Kodi as it's called now) and get the radio add-on. Don't know if you can record but you can definitely listen ;)
It's now called Kodi
i just discovered the greatest thing ever but
are the addons on xbmc libre?
Here's the link to the Radio addon it's GPLv2 and the source link is on that page :)
all the stuff i found and am using is gpl v2!
you have changed my radio listening life thank you!
You can also get unofficial TV addons from but legally and in terms of libre compatibility I am really not sure.
xbmc is great but I think not all the addons are libre..
This is where you get tons of them but you have to be careful which one you install ->
Xbmc was my favorite for watching HD movies before popcorntime (peerflix) came out - I used it with an addon called mashup -it had like 5000 movies in 720p and 1080p
i discovered xbmc i am thinking whats the catch
and why do people normally recommend youtube-dl for example
above xbmc when xbmc is so easy and has a great user interface?
is there a reason why pepole tend to recommend youtube-dl above xmbc?
youtube-dl is command line, very easy to use.
youtube-dl's function is to download yt videos while xbmc is made for organizing sorting and playing your video collection. Two quite different programs..I'm not sure what you're talking about..
"xbmc is made for organizing sorting and playing your video collection"
there’s a very good youtube plugin for xbmc under gpl v2
I've just updated my Belenos system and youtube-dl was in there. A test shows it now works with iPlayer.
Generally I find youtube-dl works again when iPlayer has a small API change much sooner than the BBC written player on my set top box updates...
i just updated thank you these pepole!!:
youtube-dl is gold! :)