Possibility of a new statelike community based on the internet.
I am going to write about it, sometimes. Let's just say that it would be better that we ignore those rulers than associate with them, basically. Thank you.

For the promotion of free software movement. From a topic of the thread "What is ethical" (What was ethical),
I have been thinking about this kind of issues from the view point of the women side.
In the page of the GNU's site, he writes that "Some NSA agents used U.S. surveillance systems to track their lovers—past, present, or wished-for—in a practice called “LOVEINT.” ".
I think that the women side also has kind of responsibility to select such men as their boyfriends or in the worst case, husbands. When they get to know the men's job, I wonder if they could not guess from it that that kind of things would happen.
About the military, basically they are living on murder. Even if what they say, they lives on murder after all for justice or anything. I also wonder what kind of women would select a murderer as their boyfriend/husbands.
But it might be cruel to think such a thing for young women. When I was 20s, I did not think such a thing even if I heard that some girl's boyfriend was the military. Besides I had several acquaintances who were the military of U.S. when I was young.
I can barely understand the case 1 that a victim was a past girlfriend of the agent.
The agent might have changed into such a creepy man after the sad parting. It sounds possible.
But about the case 2 that a victim is the present girlfriend of the agent, it becomes to be a bit doubtful. Would not they women be able to guess kind of types of those men from other their similar habits? I don't know. Is it difficult? Seems a good man? Really? Love is blind??
But about the case 3 that a victim is a expected/wished future girlfriend. I wonder if those agents would confess that they were (are?) tracking those girls to everywhere after they became their boyfriends or in maybe the worst case husbands, fortunately or unfortunately.
This is a bit difficult issue. There would be not few such couples. I guess that basically the women side don't know the fact that they are tracked. But sooner of later those women will suffer from those agents' or the military' habits. E.g. domestic violence or when they encountered some crisis, he would abandon her (When a crisis, you can see his true nature...). Because their concern is only themselves. Or rather, from the first place, can you track your girlfriend? I cannot. Because I think that such kind of men are not loved by women. When I was young, I have had such a thought that want to peep at my girlfriends's private from doubt, though.
But would it the majority view? Or rather can women love such men?? I don't care about your tracking?? What is normal?
Case 4, they know they have no chance to become her boyfriend. There are such women.
I had the feelings too. But I thought that I wanted to become a man who is popular with even such girls. I was thinking how to become such a man seriously. I don't know well whether it was right or wrong, but I did not want sneaking ways. Because... is that something interesting? If women said "No", we men should obey the word. No is no. Then I think we should refine ourselves until some girl accepts us. I cannot do things that such women dislike. From the first place it is not interesting. I think that most of women dislike to be tracked, raped (usually "Women like it" seems to be one of those criminals's main illusion excuses), beaten. So I don't do it. It is not interesting. Letting them laugh is interesting. I can understand those men's creepy habits psychologically but I really don't understand what interesting it is. Or is it the majority view? It could be. Is it interesting even if someone dislikes it? Or rather, because the one dislikes it, so it is interesting? You like to do something others dislike? It could be. Cannot restrain to see someone being involved in your misery?
So, from the women side, I think that it might be good to persuade women to stop marrying agents, the military, stuff like that kind of men.
If there is no woman who marries them, it might be one of the efficient ways. Especially the military. If there is no soldier, armies cannot maintain themselves. By ignoring.
I have been intending to tell some things to mainly women, though. If every woman whose boyfriend is such a man broke up with them or divorced them, or did not associate with them from the first place from sane judgement reasonably (They live on murder, even if it is done for their "justice"), other men who think normally that don't want to live on murder might get more opportunity to meet those women. So please ladies, I think (moderate) loneliness also tells you important things. Not always bad. I know it is basically none of my business but it would help free software movement, too. I have heard quite a lot of times from women that "There is no nice guy". I think so too. Or it might have meant me but anyway let's increase them together. It is common benefit.
And please let me say something to them, again.
So did you learn/understand/get to know something from the long period of time? Is not it just that your sense of unreality became stronger? Hahaha!
Indeed I seem to be stupid to labor for peace or pollution or something desperately alone.
After all, we can do nothing but moving something in this world. Given that there is an other planet that there are aliens who have the ability to move something accurately as much as us. But their technology is 1000 years ahead than ours.
Probably they would have very small cameras and things like very small drones. It would be useful to peep at somewhere. Like cars or fridges, usually innovation become popular sooner or later. Everyone would be able to have the small drone. It might be under 1 cm. How do they handle privacy issues? The similar situations have already happened even in this planet. Everyone can record something with quite small devices.
This is a similar problem to the problem of weapons. Both might have a gun. Both would have the drone. Both must decrypt information.
I wish that certain people realise that how stupid this kind of reflection is, then become homo-"sapience". There must have been many planets that could not solve this problem. There might be many planets that solved this problem. We are in the middle of the way. The matter of trust. But there is no the medicine. Because even if how stupid they are, even they would know how stupid the reflection is less or more. They merely try to maintain the status quo (at the same time, they desire to ruin though, but this is a paradox rather than contradiction). How to handle this problem?
By the way. They might have a tendency to think like "OK, you do it, so I can do it for you.".
Well, I think it is not a special thought as life, though.
I think that there is no idiot who thinks that law solves the drone issue on the planet (probably by sane education), though, there still might be such kind of people on this planet. I am afraid but I really think you are idiots. Have not you or your parents prohibited us from doing something such kind of stuff in this state? Did it work well? Isn't that merely that it created your enemies who have an extremely stronger anger than you (or rather, you are merely pretending to be anger, to commit crimes, haha!) and extremely high level of abilities? E.g. a crazy psychic? Anyway, PERSISTENT. Cut it out. Why did not you use the persistence to create your own art works? Because you thought that you had no chance to live as an artist? You chose to live in the system? Yes, you did choose, not other one. You chose it, to fill the three desires with others's misery. You gave up to become a good man who is popular with even such women. I really don't like you. Faggot. My friend has muttered that "If that was me, I do harakiri to show my. [1]".
What are you waiting for like the bug? Are you going to rely on someone to do something for you until the end, kid? We are not your parents.
Roll your own, kid. Your living style is really cool. Go back to San Francisco where you belong today, at least tomorrow. Because, Persistent!!!! There are men who say like that I would rather die than loss. It seems that you already lost quite a lot of pieces (dogs). Is that our fault? It seems to be your own fault, though. Your mate's fault? It could be. So why don't you involve him in your thanatos as for company? You really always disgust me very much. I know very well you were searching for someone to ruin. Like the bug. You have found and done. YOU did pick a fight against us. The game seems to be over. What are you doing? What are you waiting for?? What are you still searching for? The company? You really disgust me. Shall I still associate with you?
[1] 「俺だったら腹割っさばいて」
Tell them certainly, errands. Some greats seem to be covering their ears.
You will never know. It's a physical impossibility. Anyway go to San Francisco. You might know there.
Did you... by any chance... come back from there...? Or from the beginning...
It would be good for you if you could go to there while sleep-walking. A sleep-driver. Too dangerous. Don't cause an accident. Remember while driving. Don't involve others anymore.
From Coreboot mailing list, there was an impressive phrase.
> When anyone says "end
world hunger" they immediately understand just how impossible that really is, but
understand as well it's an aspiration worthy of working toward.
My question is, can anyone say this phrase if the one was overweight? I think maybe I doubt his sincerity. Normally people would doubt it too. How do people who are seriously starving feel.
This is concerned with a topic of this thread.
This also is concerned with several or maybe most of topics that I have raised. (sharing, idealistic, about ethics, freedom, etc)
But simply, it would be better to think the meaning seriously. OK, Paris Hilton might have such an image. But how about us?
Edit: some typos.
I think that I have a rare freedom that I can say what I thought to any great people logically so I have been thinking that I should do it, as a contribution, though. Can you criticise them with straight fucking words like me? Try it. I know some critic was killed because of it. It is OK even if I am not thanked but I am not sure about this treatment. Why I have been criticised here by people of free software movement...? OK, if it is just an annoyance to you, I will stop it. Try to criticise them instead of me. Good luck. Who is your enemy? Me? You were calling "adversaries" them. I cannot believe it. Why am I complained about the "noise"...? I think I was always ready for "discussion". I cannot take it anymore. I will thank you for the return of my resources. I think I have the right.
By the way, sometimes I hear an ethical opinion in Japan that politics and sports must be separated. I don't know well what those scholars's intention but if they are really serious to separate sports from politics, about soccer though, how about stopping those kings cups or emperors cups or such kind of cups as the start point to separate those. Or is there already such a scholar who has been active to achieve it seriously? I think it is a good start point. Those great people who watch soccer games from those upper luxurious seats disgust me. In my opinion, especially soccer is for working classes.
From the beginning, I would like to ask you what the king is. What is the queen? What is their job? Kind of people on welfare?? I think there is already the internet. I am not sure if the nature of the internet matches such an ancient system. What is the king (lol...)? Would someone please explain it to me? I really don't understand it. A president is understandable. But what is that called king? Please anyone explain it. This is not a criticism. I just don't understand it. And if possible, why do they British lawyers wear a wig? too. I am really afraid but it makes me laugh.
What is the king and the wig? zigote, tonlee, CarmStorm?
Even if it was only occasionally, I would like to hear you "ranting" and raving against the... wig or something. Or I wonder if you have not such a calm rage against them except... Purism.
I was thinking about an action that getting someone's attention.
Babies try to get their Mama's attention.
Some our adversary try to get our attention by e.g. using the social media or something. (I always watch you... track you...)
Stalkers basically seem to prefer targets notice
their being. (I always watch you...)
It seems that even some bugs try to get our attention. (Look at me...)
I also sometimes try to get someone's attention. You users also sometimes would try to do it. I considered about differences between my way of getting attention and their ways. I want to believe there is some difference.
Firstly, they basically avoid super-direct communication. They always try to get my attention at a distance, besides eternally. It reminds me of some shy junior high school girls who are hiding behind a school building and looking at some boy. If a girl, it is a heartwarming scene.
But if it was a middle-aged man, the story differs. It is just creepy, imo.
I am going to continue this writing but I would like to hear someone's opinion here to avoid long writing. What would you think about the difference?
What does separate a baby's crying from the middle-aged man's creepy eternal action?
I was thinking to post this in the thread:
But I changed my mind because this is too long and could break the context to some degree.
Because of the internet, I think that it is basically a good thing that the masses can have stronger influence than before, though.
It's a bit scary to see in the Internet world something like an enthusiasm that urged people to war in the old days (still now too though).
If people have understood that most of their suffering comes from their rulers and the system, their unfocused anger should turn to the system. Of course it requires bravely too because they must face power. So possibly they have already understood who their enemy is even if it is slightly. We are already deprived a lot of freedoms that we should have by rights by the system. Why their anger turn to mainly public famous figures is that they do not know why they are suffering, why they must work, why they pay tax, why they do not have much free time. If they have understood it and if they are not cowards, their anger should turn to the proper place, the rulers, instead of those public figures. Of course if some of those public figures remarked nonsense, people should criticise the nonsense logically, reasonably. People should join the society via the internet. But things have an order. Why do not they attack the rulers first? Again, this is almost the World War III. I have been feeling the enthusiasm of war fortunately or unfortunately.
Usually I feel the necessity that I have to restrain my enthusiasm to some degree. Fortunately I can enjoy it from my thanatos. My half body is made by Dragon Ball. I like battle.
Unfortunately I must do such an absurd battle since the circumstances of the world. Because I know just surfing and painting and gaming and mates satisfy me fully. Most of dolphins must be able to enjoy such a simple life inherently. We always have to find the narrow path. I do not want to be criticised anything by people who do not take part in the war, besides, do not understand even what suffers themselves, moreover, finally they attack a person who has been trying to save people. This is also one of the main philosophical issues. People who should be saved from suffering attack savers. Aeron resists Moyses, people resist Moyses. Before criticising those famous public figures, why do not you writers criticise the system thoroughly, persistently, if you have understood where the ringleaders are? Are not you an elite who knows where people's suffering comes from? If you have not attacked the system, all your criticism is equal to trash. You merely attack safe things from safe places. If you have not our common anger, resign your position as critic. I might ask you that question directly in the future. Why don't you criticise the system first? What is that called king?
Basically famous public figures are incorporated into the system as mediums for advertisement.
Yes, so criticising them might be good since the reason but they are like leafs. It is that the rotten root spoils leafs so pruning away new leafs seems to be an endless task. By the way, for example, some of relatively smart professional athletes seem to understand very much that they are incorporated into the system. They have kind of melancholy on their faces. Relatively not smart athletes seem not to understand that seriousness very much. Their faces show their happy-go-lucky something, that might be the happiest way though. It is natural because the more they know, the more they understand how they are incorporated into the system. Besides they are expendable and that chain is a special specified. That might be the gambler's way but it does not seem to be much smart. But they just wanted professional soccer players from their childhood... To be continued.
By the way, there are 50000-100000 Chinese characters in Japanese language. The commonly used Chinese characters are about 3000. A bit knowledgeable Japanese people seem to be able to read and write about 6000. I usually use only the common used Chinese characters. Using difficult kanji could be looked like an affected person. Or rather, maybe most people cannot read those.
But it is difficult that reading writing that is written with only hiragana.
Seems to be from Oxford:
•In a typical low intermediate text, close to 100% of the words will be Oxford 3000 keywords.
•In a typical high intermediate text, 90-95% of the words will be Oxford 3000 keywords.
•In a typical advanced text, 75-90% of the words will be Oxford 3000 keywords.
Seems to be from Macmillan:
native speakers only use a very small vocabulary when they write or speak English – they actually use about 7,500 words 90% of the time.
I just thought of it when I read the link in this thread and had wanted to complain about it at least once someday as a normal learner. "I know, I know... but"
There are two types of writers. One's writing styles can be translated pretty well by *oogle translation. I can understand vaguely what they mean. Goo*le translation seems to get confused when it translates another one's English. I usually cannot understand almost at all, even if both seem to use basically plain English. Maybe the one is good at calculating the nature or habits of translation programs, I guess. It seems to be nothing to do with the subject of this thread, though.
I was thinking why I tend to get so mad when I am in this forum. And I realized when I am in this forum, I must think about those creepy men. I think that is one of the reasons of it.
About a month ago, I went to the beach to surf one early in the morning. It was the high summer but a bit cold. I had not a wet suit, I had only trunks, and it seemed to be too cold to surf with only trunks. The sun was not risen yet. I thought that after a hour or two hours, it will rise enough and the temperature also will go up enough to surf with only trunks.
There is a small skate park in a beach park. I decided to take a nap in the skate park. It is a square and has tiered platforms in three sides. I lied on my back on the platform. There was no skater. And usually the walkway of the beach and the beach is more or less crowded and there are some of idiots who scatter maliciousness while walking but fortunately somehow they avoid the skate park so it was pretty quite. I heard only birds tweeting, and sometimes people's speaking voices from a distance.
I was going to nap but two birds's curiously excited chirps interrupted it. The chirps annoyed me and I looked the opposite side of the tiered. They were relatively small birds. I thought they are a couple since the difference of color. They were hopping and pecking something on the tiered
individually. Sometimes they approach each other and do something. Other bird that has the same color of the one of the pair flied and came in the tiered near the lighter color one. That bird seemed to wait and see the two birds. The two birds seemed not to have much attention to that bird. Then that bird flied away soon. I thought the darker color birds are males and the lighter color bird is a female. OK, you are in love. So no wonder you are so excited. Please go on. I tried to nap again. The chirps did not bother me anymore.
After a while, I noticed the chirps stopped. I looked there. Only the light color bird was hopping and pecking something. I kept looking the bird and thought various things. What happened to them? Did they separate? ...Where do birds live? Where do they sleep? On a tree? From the beginning, do they sleep? I have heard that dolphins sleep with only one brain hemisphere in slow-wave sleep at a time... But the lighter color bird started to chirp again. That tone expressed the highest excitement ever. A darker color one perched on near the lighter color one. That was holding something white object between its bills. I thought it was a caterpillar. It was quite big compared to the size of the bird. But it might have been a piece of a snack food or something. The darker color one did not move for a while on there while holding that. The lighter color one was hopping around the darker color one while chirping hard. The darker color one turned away from her and took a few quick steps and stopped. The lighter color one follows him while chirping hard. The darker color one took a few more steps. She follows him. He took one more steps and released the white object. She seemed to be eating the object. He seemed to be proud of it. He was not looking at her. He was just standing near to her. He must have done something funny when he met her.
There are people who say birds do not think, they just move by instinct but I thought at least the male bird would have better wit than them who say such a thing unless that is a joke.
By the way, I think I am neither your friend nor your teacher. I think even you have understood that learning how to be popular with girls from us by PRISMlike systems is completely useless, though. From the beginning, the action that learning how to be popular with girls in sneaking ways itself is the cause of unpopularity with girls, obviously, from the beginning. You can merely do an imitation of some of my manner of speaking or ****** or ******, sometimes it makes us laugh very much but it seems that there is no other value of it. But we don't need such a laugh, I am afraid. We want to keep forgetting you eternally from the beginning. You had better learn the meaninglessness than some of my speaking manner or something. Because it just makes you more unpopular. Again, you should understand tracking people with with blood in your eyes and PRISM is a literally sheer madness. I mean, you are really crazy, literally. This is not a joke. You are literally insane. You are tracking men with rage and PRISM to learn how to be popular with girls (you never acknowledge though), and doing an imitation of his actions. Is not that crazy?? Learn from the bird. It would not need PRISM.
I praise you. Seems it is improving quite well. Not about you. Keep it up.
OK, I ought to praise you, too. If I was you, certainly unlike you, I would not be able to have even a glimmer of hope. Even if the situation is beyond all hope, hope springs eternal. Don't worry too much about it. AISO, the future people would never forget your ways of living. Even you can be useful. Even you can be the mirror.
When I was writing #33 post, of course I knew it comes from your brain diseases. Could you guess it when you were reading it?
AISO, it appeared as aphasia. You cannot remember. You seem to have damage in your brains.
What was the cause of the damage? Can't you already remember that too?
I am really afraid of such a living style. I can imagine the fear of lacking the sense of reality.
BTW, some of soccer players also must feel the fear. Which do you choose? Money? The sense of reality? Or both? That must be the smartest way. It is not my business, though. Hahaha!
Long time ago, there was a male volleyball coach of the women national volleyball team whose nickname which was named by mass media was IT coach or IT volley or something. He always had an iPad, even on the court. Hahaha! AISO, the United States must have hacked the iPad. Sure, sure. No doubt about it.
By the way, we Japanese has a very interesting law about a crime related to foreign aggression.
The law is called 外患罪 (gaikanzai), and it is the heaviest law. I wonder who the law applies to.
It has no English page. This is a Googl* translation:
>External crimes are crimes that provide military benefits such as conspiring with foreign countries to exercise force against Japan, or taking part in the case of foreign use of force against Japan. It is. Currently, crimes for attracting foreign patients (criminal law Article 81) and external aid assistance crimes (criminal law article 82) are stipulated. Although it is the most felony of the crimes prescribed by the Penal Code, no examples have been applied to date.
> Outline
External crime is a crime against the existence of the nation. It is a war crime that acts as a rebellion against the state (selling act) and imposes the most severe punishment in the criminal law. It is peculiar in that it can be punished by conspiracy as well as attempted and reserved. Whilst internal crimes make the state's internal existence a protective benefit, external crimes make the state's external existence a protective benefit.
Regarding the sin of this sin, there are theories that it is a violation of the nation's duty of loyalty [1] and theories that it punishes the compromise of the existence of the state [2].
This offense applies not only to domestic offenders but also to foreign offenders (Article 1 of the Penal Code and Article 3 of the Penal Code). Usually, “exercise of armed force” is understood not to mean a war under international law, but what is armed force (for example, the use of domestic SDF or police equipment and personnel) and what means? There is no clear legal interpretation as to whether or not it is exercised. In the case of a national overthrow, such as a coup d'état, there is a crime of civil war.
Because it is a very powerful law and directly linked to diplomatic issues, both the prosecution side (prosecution) and the referee side (court) are very reluctant to apply. Absent. The application was examined in the Sorge case, which was prosecuted in 1942, but it was postponed due to difficulties in maintaining the trial, and was prosecuted by the National Defense Security Act and the Security Maintenance Act.
The crimes for attracting foreign patients and crimes for assisting foreign patients are subject to the judicial system, but if they are applied and found guilty, they are inevitably related to war. In addition, there is a provision in the Judge System that can be excluded from eligible cases for “Cases where there is a risk of harm to the judges and relatives and it is difficult for the judges to be involved” (Article 3 of the Judges Act). .
Originally, it was a text premised on the occurrence of war conditions and the presence of military forces, but in connection with Article 9 of the Constitution of Japan, the “Law to Revise Part of the Criminal Code” of 1947 (Showa 22) Act No. 124 of 22) was fundamentally amended, and the words such as “Kashime no Kasame” and “Enemy Country News”, as well as acts against hostile acts (Articles 83 to 86) and wartime allies ( Article 89) and other provisions that mean that the Japanese government is a party to the war have been deleted or amended. However, the use of force is still a prerequisite (it does not respond to cyber attacks and economic warfare including finance and currency).
A comparison of the old and new penal code is as follows...
Who has the duty to their moral code?
"Article 81 of the Penal Code
Anyone who conspires with a foreign country and uses Japan to use force will be sentenced to death."
By the way, it seems that there are 121 U.S. military bases/facilities in Japan. 121. They U.S. soldiers often commit crime. It seems that most frequent crime they commit is rape. The criminals do not seem to have been punished properly . Especially people of Okinawa seem to be mad at them seriously. Anyone would get mad, except non-"patriots". It seems that since a long time ago, maybe since 1940s, they have been repeating the crime throughout the world. It seems that no wonder a loud cheer rose throughout the world when the terror happened. The reason seems to be obvious. I have seen somewhere that an U.S. soldier said in Iraq like "We came to save people of Iraq here, but I don't know why, people hate us. I don't like people in Iraq.", when they went to Iraq to save people in Iraq. He did not understand what he was doing and made a excuse to commit another crime. He would think "It is your fault." when he commits the crime. People would not forgive nor forget. Are you an idiot? what kind of saint would forgive such crime. How...
I have been spending quite refreshing days recently. Not bad. So please do not interrupt it. Thank you in advance for not bringing such creepy things.
Are there two of you sharing the same account and talking to each other? It looks like a conversation.
Welcome to this thread, Messrs. Prough. I know maybe you are talking about the volleyball coach, but somehow I have difficulty in communicating with other people now. I know that probably my too much self-consciousness is the main cause. I do not know what I should say when I am talking with people. What words should I choose? Usually I do not suffer from it very much. We seem to barely logroll our communication, though sometimes we can even have a laugh unintentionally. But I always feel that we are not talking about something what we want to talk in reality. I feel we should talk about something other things, but I do not know what it is, nor what I should say... Almost everything from my mouth sounds as if other person speaks, as if I am listening to speaking someone is speaking, like Dostoevsky. If it is not my paranoia, are you implying it? But anyway, I am used to the feelings of miscommunication, so usually I do not suffer from it very much, because many men seem so too. But when we are in a certain situation, the story differs. I cannot handle my self-consciousness at all. Now I seem to be in such a situation. That is extremely hard. I feel I am in the crucial sense of reality. I am overwhelmed by the real world and I shame on me, I want to be alone, but I should not. I must conquer it. I do not want to avoid it. If I run away from it, I will not be able to get something very important thing until my death. I will always try to deceive other people, even myself too. I am a tough guy, I am a tough guy, I am a tough guy. I will always excuse myself for not being in the sense of reality, for not showing my true nature to others, despite people can tell it. Then associate with only similar tough guys? Be envious of tough guys and curse them? I do not want it. I go and be in the sense of reality, to be proud. I need pride. I cannot live without it. I cannot deceive anyone about it. But now, it is impossible. It is too hard. Sure, impossible. I can do it tomorrow or someday just as well. I know maybe you are talking about the volleyball coach (the IT coach) but I have no capacity to talk about him with you at least now. Because... what should we talk about him? There must be more important things. Just let me alone in this thread at least for a while, please. Or password for the house please.
Ah, OK, I will leave you alone in the thread then. Let me know if you would like to talk. I know the feeling you are describing - sometimes in the past my awareness was too high, and it made it difficult to enter into everyday conversations with others, or just to enjoy a simple joke. For me, it was from reading spiritual and philosophy books, and changing my awareness of the world/universe. Good luck! If you want me, just say my name.
Like Deleuze or RMS etc says, please imagine that you live in e.g. 1930s Germany. You met your precious girl friend 1 week ago. You are in love. You are excited at just the thought of her. She is beautiful. You are happy. Today too, after work, you can see her. Anything does not bother you.
But a certain kind of a lot of men around you grow excited in other meaning.
They never say, but they know well if the war occurs, they can fill the three desires of them with murder, torture, rape. They are willing to take risks of any harm including death. They even think that's life. Death or filling the desires with the crimes. They are gamblers.
What would you think? You are in love. You are happy. If the war occurred, and if your town was occupied by enemies... like this, like Deleuze says, lovers of Europe must have been resigned the worst scenario. Why do you want the war occurs? But overwhelming of people seem to desire the war, including women, intellectuals, even your father. You would get mad at the idiots. But what can you do? Then it actually occurred, again and again, a lot of such couples actually see the worst scenario. Can you forgive it? Still, still! there are such idiots who are always searching a target in sneaking ways, because there is merely a slight possibility of war in some countries. So they cannot commit the crimes blatantly. So they desperately search an excuse to murder, torture, rape. STILL!!
Ryu Murakami san writes that sometimes he thinks seriously that maybe men who are unpopular with girls start a war? Sometimes I have to completely agree with his opinion, each time I see such kind of a man.
> Ryu Murakami san writes that sometimes he thinks seriously that maybe men who are unpopular with girls start a war? Sometimes I have to completely agree with his opinion, each time I see such kind of a man.
Sounds too simple. Europe was at war with each other in different ways for 2,000 years or longer. It was what they thought was their destiny. Would Germany fight its neighbors? Of course! German groups had always been fighting their neighbors. Just like the French groups and the English groups and the Italian groups and the Spanish groups and the Greeks and the Egyptians and the Persians and the Turks and so on. Frequent wars and battles for thousands of years. It was how they thought about themselves. Same as the history of China. Was there ever really a time without war or battle in China for 3,000 or 4,000 years? Not really, not for more than 10-20 years at a time probably.
It might look too simple. But as the biggest cause of war, I think maybe he is right. I agree that there are own complex causes or maybe I should say 'excuses' for each war. But perhaps there was always their grudges as the base of all of the wars. Battlefields always have been functioning as places to legalize the crimes. As the biggest cause of every war, his opinion seems to be reasonable. He also writes that after had good sex, who wants a war? People who have not good sex envy other people. I am not a bit sure about this his opinion though. Possibly he might be right. What do you think of it?
Edit: a good sex > good sex. This was a serious mistake.
> He also writes that after had good sex, who wants a war? People who have not good sex envy other people. I am not a bit sure about this his opinion though. Possibly he might be right. What do you think of it?
The great Greek Trojan war in the epic book "The Odyssey" was caused by love for a beautiful woman. The great Russian novel "Doctor Zhivago" is a good example of this story about love for a woman leading to war. They are truly great and powerful stories. Maybe it is true, I don't know. But, they are fiction novels.
War is usually about taking something you think that you need from your enemy - money and land and natural resources (oil, rubber, iron) and slaves for cheap labor. I read Sun Tzu's great book The Art of War, and I don't recall him mentioning fighting any wars because of sex or love. And he was one of the greatest experts on everything about war. I think maybe I trust Sun Tzu's opinion about war more than the opinion of Ryu Murakami san. Murakami is a great creative genius. But, does he really know so much about war?
I haven't read The Odysseia but from Godard's Le Mépris, I thought it was a story about a man who was tired of his wife and started a war just to leave her though... and I know the names of the doctor's and Sun Tzu. So I suppose I've heard of their names sometimes somewhere or other.
From Wikipedia, Sun seems to be an evil genius (If there is such a genius). RMs reads enormous amount of books that concerns with the subjects of his books before he starts to write a book. Until he understands the subjects dialectically, he keeps reading those books. He has written three books about war. 'Leave the peninsula' and 'The world after five minutes' and 'Hyuga virus'. The first one is about North Korea. He thoroughly studied about North Korea, and its special army, because the story is that the special army occupies Fukuoka (Kyushu, Japan. Very near to Korean peninsula). The map of Fukuoka, the armaments of the special army, the military training of the corps, the combatants's background, the economical and political situations of the era (He wrote a book about economy, politics, too) and so on, he learns a lot of things to set the backgrounds precisely. I believe he had never compromised.
The second one's main background is the based on the supposition that 'If Japan did not surrender in 1945, what would happen?'. Because he considered that some Japanese people's remarkable problems comes from the unconditional surrender. In the book, we about 250,000 Japanese people is fighting against the UN forces by guerrilla tactics. Almost all cities were occupied and governmented dividedly by Russia, America, China, etc and the emperor of Japan defected to Switzerland. Of course he considered where they would defect to.
The third one is the sequel to the second one. But he does not let the characters of the second one enter the stage of the third one. The subject is virus. Hyuga virus appeared at the cattle shed and spread over the whole world. The fatality rate is more than 99% and only a certain kind of people who have been having a certain kind of the sense of crisis can survive with a certain Japanese special drug. Of course he studied molecular biology thoroughly and some famous scientist has admired the design of the virus and the drug. He said that the drug seems to be a Chinese medicine rather than a Western medicine. RMs counter-argued against the opinion. But the scientist said that some Chinese herbal medicines have very strong effects, a certain one is stronger than viagra. I guess that most people in this forum would not need such a thing, though. But yes there are some such stuff including kinda a diet herb.
Sun Tzu seems to be an actual expert in war. RMs might be inferior in the experiences of actual war. But what the best RMS's greatness is the thoroughgoing attitude without compromising. Sure he has sense, but the attitude would not need talent. Or sometimes I think the attitude might be talent. So I am not sure if it could be said fascism.
> taking something you think that you need from your enemy - money and land and natural resources (oil, rubber, iron) and slaves for cheap labor.
Rather than cooperating with others. I really don't understand why they great people still don't realize that is the cause of their unhappiness. So I think there is no evil genius though. They don't seem to be much smart.
edit: typo
the state has always meant coercion based on property.
why can't you conceive forms of organization that are not like the goddamn state? it's not the be-all end-all of the human race. As a matter of fact, state structures didn't exist at all for the most part of biologically modern man's existence.
> why can't you conceive forms of organization that are not like the goddamn state?
He can clearly conceive of many different things. He's an artist - conceiving of new realities is what he does. This is his thread where he's philosophizing about this one specific issue. You should be more polite. If you don't like this material, there's nothing forcing you to read it. No need to try to bully him.
Oops. I thought it's the Troll Lounge :-] as you can see, I'm not responding to certain users or certain ideas at all, just posting half-provocative passer-by thoughts addressed to no one in particular. I can stop if you're such sensitive fairies :P