Possibility of a new statelike community based on the internet.
You should not plague him. He is a person who deserves to be called a highbrow. And he has been spending a lot of times to contribute to this forum while you are just "not responding to certain users or certain ideas at all, just posting half-provocative passer-by thoughts addressed to no one in particular". Especially we have to admire him for the straight attitude toward them such as the agents. At least I have not seen such a person who attacks kind of taboo people such as the governmental officials with such straightforward words. Those are not absolutely insult, simply those are just facts, he is merely speaking his natural thoughts for them with his rage, I merely try to imitate his way of criticizing, you may not know though, since you are somewhat a new user. And that's why he is maybe hesitating to confute you with his comprehensive knowledge and straightforward words, I think. It would be easy for his deep knowledge, besides, like he said, this thread is dedicated to the sublime purpose, not to trolling nor a place where we argue about something not related to the sublime purpose. You are very welcome to argue with each other about the sublime purpose in this thread but please refrain from teasing other people, or doing something not related to the sublime subject in my thread, to save the number of posts, too.
I think I should explain a little bit more about thanatos, again. AISO, or rather, as Freud says that thanatos and eros are the two inherent nature which is a rare example of dualistic facts of life. Though actually that is trilialism because there is an idea of dark matter.
It seems that basically the strength of thanatos toward others is directly proportional to one toward for themselves. Why they teach perfectness is that our thanatos takes advantage of a tiny flaw to ruin ourselves. We always desire our own death less or more. That is just a fact. The strength is always on the swing though. We always try to ruin by taking advantage of our tanathos. We know very well that the tiny mistake could be enough to ruin ourselves. Otherwise, how can they take such stupid tactics? I could not think anything but they desired to ruin themselves. Besides, stupid has no its limit. I mean, again, despite sometimes even one mistake is enough to ruin ourselves, if you could survive after committed more than hundreds of mistakes almost everyday, that is a kind of miracle. I'm afraid but when I see such a person, I cannot think anything but he is desperately trying to commit suicide willingly. After he has done it, what remains is searching for an accomplice in his suicide (or maybe already). Searching the companion also is one of the features of thanatos. They absolutely need that, even if that was his family or his friend or anything, they don't care about such a thing. Who he wants to select? Besides, unbelievably, they usually believe they themselves are elites. Do you want to come close to such an elite? People tend to gather same kind of people and make a community in some place e.g. Maryland. I mean, maybe they don't have difficulty to search the companion from the accomplices. They know such a thing very well each other. You did not know? Liar. Laugh. It does not work.
There also is the atmosphere of bare reality. Scare! You will keep seeing the hell and deeper hells for long, or eternally. Imagine Hitler's and the woman's feelings when they heard the footsteps of the Soviet soldiers, ha, that is called something the atmosphere of death, or real.
How a scientist gets or avoids insane by dedicating to e.g. develop a nuclear bomb. Einstein's road must have been extremely narrow. He also must have kept struggling with his thanatos. That's a scientist's misery. Since God died, artists have been coasting in that sense. Unlike free software is abused by governments.
Typo: toward for themselves > toward themselves
i.e. possibly that might mean that artists can afford to take/share the some parts of burden to scientists in that sense. Maybe Neo Realism and Nouvelle Vague etc those strong cultures is the symbol of that. At least it seems that they played the role intentionally or unintentionally.
I suppose they had a curious sense of solidarity. Film is of course a scientific discovery. After the atomic bombs and Leni Riefenstahl, those strong cultures seem to be as if artists must have had responsibility for reducing the burden of scientists. As if they happened as reaction against the worst uses of technique.
I feel some genius in programming appears in the near future from the current current of the circumstances of the world. She will write decisive programming. Maybe it concerns with enlightenmentish understanding/calculation of every fundamental interactions of the universe. Like things here so there too, here there everywhere. I will prevent idiots from abusing the programming with my full effort.
The X60s's screw maybe concerns with e.g. six-dimensional superconformal field theory, maybe. We would be able to see the fields but I am not sure if you would be able to see time like me. I mean, as a matter of fact though, maybe your computer is VM of the universe. Only you have to do seems to be calculating (just) some of essential forces of the universe perfectly and programming it. That does not seem to be too difficult since I don't know even one computer language. Is not the Earth's atmosphere similar to firewalls? I have heard of a story of a programmer that no one could let a 3D character's (Virtua Fighter) hand move but he succeeded in that. I mean, programming e.g. weather might be next difficulty, I think. But it does not seem to require every interaction to express the real weather. "to some degree" would look pretty good. And the weather system would become other bases of the virtual universe if it is not proprietary. Coming back to the story of Virtua Fighter, I guess maybe most developers anyway were copying or imitating the old 2D style games just to sell their video games then (is that develop?), so there were only a few developers who always tried something new. Maybe still now , too. Good or bad aside, it would be boring.
Is not that really boring?
But being able to enjoy life might be talent.
This might be a story of autonomy of computers. If there is such a thing, what's called preference would be the first difficulty. On the contrary, weather seems to have no preference. But actually, the universe seems to be made by preference etc essentially. I like you and I don't like you, attraction and repulsion. I just got to know English uses the same words for both so not distinguishing those might be a natural thinking of English speakers.
She will write it but it would depend on her sense of crisis for the proprietary things. I am not sure if she can have such a sense of crisis in this circumstance that even big tech companies seem not to neglect open things. I mean, again, after we cleared the pollution issues, an ideal computer freedom state could be established but the opposite is impossible if the pollution gave critical damage to us. Any progress?
I love iPhones. Because the iPhone was the first device that gave me the new feeling.
I have respect and a special thought for iPhone. Or rather, simply tapping the screen was fun. It seems that Samsung made a final appeal in the case but that is really uncool. They are kind of the 2D games developers. There is no respect.
I love only a few video games. I don't have interest in games which take control from me while playing. Especially the cheap episodes of RPG which are inserted while playing bores me. Even PES sometimes takes control from me. By the way, how about controlling the ball by sight lines instead of a 3D character with VR goggles?
Sight lines and blinks and winks seem to be sufficient to control the ball (or the 3D character). Only A button (pass) and B button (shoot) might be better, though. I am not familiar with modern games but is there such a game yet?
> I love iPhones. Because the iPhone was the first device that gave me the new feeling.
The device I fell in love with was the Palm Pilot about 20+ years ago. I tried to learn everything about it. I could connect it to a telephone wire and check my email. I had my music on it and a cool video game on it called Submarine Hunter. It did all the iPhone functions ten years before the iPhone.
Somehow I felt a bit strong awkward though, maybe PDA were recognized as kind of "bourgeois's devices", so I did not have nor love it. However, I doubt if the system's sales strategy might have worked on me. I feel I lost my love for iPhone somewhat. It might be a similar feeling to us in that when we separate from our girl/boyfriends along with several years... But I think I would not love Pinephone as much as I loved iPhone. I don't feel attraction for it. Or does it have something intense attraction?
typo: did have it > did not have it
> But I think I would not love Pinephone as much as I loved iPhone. I don't feel attraction for it. Or does it have something intense attraction?
It will have real GNU/Linux distros that will run on it. And you'll be able to try different distros easily. It will be more like running a desktop computer on your phone
Let me try to say again, I know the phone can run GNU/Linux distros on it. But more than 99% people do not feel attraction for it. I can say even if only I am free, that is meaningless. It demands everyone. Things need attraction. iThings have attraction. Facebook would have attraction anyway, I do not understand what that fun though. Criticizing freedom issues of their products would not be difficult without creating intense attraction. You can always excuse anyway but it seems that it is always better to have attraction in any situations. There are a lot of uncool designs in free software world. Tor's logo is the worst, IMO. That is really old-fashioned. It seems that many creators in this world neglect beauty of their products. But I know that would not be improved. An old-fashioned thing is old-fashioned. But yeah, they might be creating uncool designs intentionally. The merits seem to be much less than demerits, though. If they sing the praises of beauty of functions of their programs, simple designs would be suitable. See Parabola's mascots. They seem to be 30 years ago's designs. It seems that both modem issues and the designs issues combine to express halfway something.
probably the free software world could really benefit from an artistic and thoughtful person like you. Maybe you could design some devices/desktop environment themes/ logos etc.
Maybe, I could contribute as much as you guys do. My thought for GNU/Linux and free software movement has changed quite a bit. As for Parabola, maybe the distro doesn't need such mascots at all. So the tacky mascots would have been their planned intention. I'm not sure about Pine Phone, but I would like to check the number of shipments. I don't even know if I can see the number on their web site, though. However, if completely clean hardware using RISK-V can be realized relatively easily in the near future, it would be necessary to follow Apple's creativity and create a new design. It should be done by young people, not old people like me. When I saw the icons on the Mac OS docs for the first time, the docs was rounding and if one of the icons on the docs was pointed, the icon expanded. I thought "Cool, I want it. I want to turn the docs.". But since it would take free software a few decades to be popular, I thought that such beauty does not really matter for the free software world. It is not a matter of taste. Everyone would admit Ferrari is beautiful.
hm Maybe. I don't know...
I'm "young" and I hate the Apple aesthetic. I admit it's better than Windows which is utterly repulsive. I'm not an artist but I loved drawing. I wanted to be an artist once. Instead I became a mathematician. I think it *is* a matter of taste and probably the biggest reason people switch to Linux outside of moral reasons is the ability to customize its look. I have put more hours than I want to admit into making my computer look pretty... actually it is sort of an obsession. Like it helps me feel at home and calm when things are working properly. It's an integral coping mechanism for me. I would probably go crazy if I had to suddenly use someone else's desktop environment, or macOS or something. That's the software side. For the actual physical design of the computer there are a lot of things I like about modern designs: the really small bezels in the surface pro, the more square screen (like old computers), how thin things are... but big logos and words on my computer like the glowing apple on the back really, *really* bother me. That stupid flat keyboard is really bad. The sound it makes is annoying. I don't even like how huge the touchpad is on new Macbooks. I like how apple products look kind of like a spaceship because they are silver. I like how they feel metal. But I also like the way my Fujitsu computer looks. I look at it and it seems like the word "machine" fits it, with all the ports on the side, and the matte, black finish with a very subtle logo.
It is a matter of taste. I mean how do you know what people actually like if they are never really offered a choice? People aren't. They can't buy affordable computers that look great and are super new and take no effort with free software on them. People don't even know what they want in a design because it is always fed to them by the oligarchy of tech companies.
I never realized how beautiful a desktop environment could really be until I switched to Linux. I never even thought about it. Before Linux, I had lots and lots of notebooks. My computer was a practical device I had to have in order to check emails etc. I had a chromebook back then. What happened was, I needed to run a calculation and I wanted to use a software that Chrome OS didn't allow me to use. That's when it all started. I installed a linux distro called "Gallium" whcih is made for chromebooks, for the first time. My chromebook became a real functioning computer! Just like that I could run any program I wanted. I didn't have to be constantly connected to the internet. I was hooked. I mean I was really fascinated and also angry about a lot of things. Gallium OS is really beautiful too. That's the first time I understood just how restrictive Chrome OS and Microsoft and Apple really are...
Anyway I agree with your overall point more or less. Apple/Microsoft etc are certainly really good at making things seem appealing or even addicting as an advertising technique. The free software audience is more or less willing to settle for less visually appealing products and software or like me, are willing to put the work into making it look nice according to their own standards. I am not sure though. Seeing the effects advertisement can have on society (for example, Edward Bernays, Cambridge Analytica...) a well-crafted and well-executed design campaign might make a huge impact in the popularity of free software. Probably the way to fight the kind of brain washing these companies do is to do some brainwashing of our own. Maybe we don't have the resources for that. Or maybe it's just the fact that there is a lack of design and public relations-minded people in the free software movement.
I always had this thought. Maybe it is a prejudice. I always thought "computer music" and "microtonal music" sounded really terrible. I heard a few examples where it sounded great. Really nice and awesome. My automatic thought was electronic computer music (composed by AI's for example) sounds bad because the people working on it are probably a bunch of nerdy geeks or something and they don't know about music or they don't have a good taste in style or they are out of touch with trends. I hope that isn't offensive. I would probably classify myself as a "nerdy geek" so I don't mean to be offensive. If that's true, who knows what the implications of getting some designers on board the project would have.
Purism seems to be doing an okay job in their design. I think their computer could have a nicer screen but the looks of the OS and the general design of the computer are really very nice and appealing. although I have never seen one of those machines in person.
I think people should be able to design own laptop cases, car,9 bicycle, etc. In the future, almost every car on a street might have own look. People should have specially their own designed house, for my sake.
We basically use ready-made things. Why most people use Windows is of course not that people wanted or liked it, we do not know why well but somehow Windows are installed on most computers from the outset so we use it. Seeing someone makes something original stuff makes me happy. Maybe everyone would like kind of the DIY more or less. But I know there are not few people who would not like it for some reasons. But please imagine if the community can provide kind of a right to design his own house or car just once free of charge? I think most people would be absorbed in designing her house, with the obsession. I do not deny all of ready-made things. It is a matter of degree and just for my purpose.
In that sense, I agree with you. It is a matter of taste. But still Ferrari is beautiful, as we cannot deny the beauty of beautiful women. A beautiful girl is beautiful.
I think we have to reform the educational system of school. We should put high priority on that task. Their education seems to have not changed despite the internet changed everything. Maybe we ought to teach (I prefer the word share though), for example, the importance of learning human history to teenagers, but it does not need the old-fashioned history textbooks and history teachers who can only read the textbook and force children to write a copy of the textbook if there is Wikipedia and some good art works. Both already exist. We should not force children to study every something idiots have thought as important to study. You guys would know better than me, the internet changed everything but ancient brains such as a board of education, still, cannot follow the flow.
I mean, it is ridiculous to study only for entering a better collage, getting a better job. I feel those customer services are the typical type. That educational system basically has been killing children's natural talent. But it has been helping the system to keep this controlled efficient society. It has serving stable labors like robots to the system.
I think we already do not need even compulsory education. Education is necessary, it is obvious from history, but I believe if a child got pleasure of studying, the child must start studying something she/he liked with free will, voluntarily if we could teach the pleasure to them. But I have just thought that my parents have not said to study something even once. Manga works were my textbooks...
I thought the father should have answered like "I don't know. Let's find out it together after we got home." or something.
Maybe his dignity did not allow him to answer "I don't know.". But the child had interest in kind of a mathematical problem. The father might have killed the curiosity. That might not be a big problem but it does not seem to be a small problem.
Designing own stuff. That is not for competing nor evaluation of others. The importance thing is whether a person can be totally satisfied by the design the person her/himself designed.
If everyone has own taste, the own taste should lead us to satisfaction, if the one could designed it without compromising, by following the one's instinct. I don't like this line... I liked this line... That is one of the freedom issues if we regard their advertising as something vicious. I sometimes think people side has a more troublesome issue for the matter, though...
RMS (Raymond Reynold Mustie Ssaki) has said that our talking always reaches these two matters anyway, education issues and medical issues. That would be able to say school and chemical substances. How about them?
Yesterday, there were good waves in my home beach Kugenuma-Kaigan. A low atmospheric pressure was crossing Japan and it first was a strong south wind. Our beach faces south. So it was onshore. The waves were not so good but I like onshore because surfers usually seem not to prefer onshore, so usually not crowded. We knew the direction of the wind will change to north in time. It changed about an hour before sunset. The waves became pretty good. We were exiting. My current exercise is to put my right leg on a little to the tail. A long time ago, I had a very good skate board for downhill. I loved the board but I fail into a bad habit of taking a too narrow stance when surfing because of the skate board's length, it was normal length for a skate board though. It put on unique trucks and bigger wheels.
I did not care about the bad habit very much so I could not get over it long time. I knew it does not look nice in the first place and it would be something bad for performance, but you may know, when taking off, I could not afford to think about such my stance especially when it is crowded, besides our beach is notorious for almost always really crowded (OTOH, as a good point, it gathers many girls from Tokyo in summer), furthermore, there are usually stupid surfers who do not know manners and rules. They drop in at ease as if it is a normal behavior in the point. I also was so when I was young, though. I could not afford to care about such a thing then so I can understand the feeling but still they are too terrible. Many of them seem to know what they are sneaking and dropping in. Besides some of them even say I'm sorry or something after dropped in. You don't have to say sorry but don't drop in. There are idiots who come close and do something to say sorry, or rather, to communicate. Fuck off from Kugenuma. But Kugenuma has such a climate. Refuse no one, even if he was the full of shit... someone will proabably hit him though. And my friends and acquaintances actually had to play the roll (punching the idiots). There are some good reefs even in Shonan coast line but the locals tend to refuse strangers (sometimes in a bit sneaking manners or sometimes super directly "Here, locals only. Sorry (that means almost "go to Kugenuma")"). Anyway so I could not afford to care about my stance when I scramble for a wave with other surfers. Well, even if there is no other surfers, it is difficult though.
But yesterday, I was very serious about getting over the bad habit. Before yesterday, when I waited a wave, sometimes I remembered the exercise. I should put my leg on the deckpad... I should put my leg on the deckpad... but when actually a wave came, I forgot it at all. And remembered it later. "Oh... I forgot it again..."
So yesterday, I had a strong decision while waiting waves in the sea to keep thinking about the exercise, about the stance, until a wave comes and takeoff. But actually it was very crowded. And there were only a few bad surfers, there were quite a lot of good surfers. In an other sense, it is hard to take waves. But there is order to very better degree. They are usually fair. I like that kind of tense atmosphere. We don't know where the next set of waves will come, that is a beach break, so a lucky guy gets the wave. They don't move so much nor try sneaking. Mean surfers's ugly moves really stand out in such atomosphere. I got some good waves but when I took off, I completely forgot about the stance as usual. But I remembered it while riding frequently this time. Before that, I could not remember it while riding so often. But yesterday, I think when I got a wave, I always remembered it while riding. Then finally when I got the fifth of sixth wave, but in that time too, I forgot it when took off though, somehow my right leg was on the deckpad of the surfboard from takeoff. I did a top turn. It was a completely different feeling. I felt or understood an actual potencial of called surfboards. Like Oh, I see. Here it is about surfboards... Anyway the board moved sharply and held the power of waves well at the top and the bottom of the wave. It was a refreshing feeling. I have not surfed at all for several years. But I have played with the skate board many times and learned some tricks. After I started surfing again, the skate board skills have been maturing my surfing skills very fast. I feel that. Recently surfing is really fun.
Notice: I wrote this on the last Saturday. Now I seem to have gotten over the bad habit. Especially cutback gets the full weight and rail. Feel wonderful.
We were excited.
This is very good writing. You should write more about surfing.
Maybe there are more proper people who should write about it in this forum.
I mean, I want to do basketball now rather than surfing.
But if I am forgiven me for mentioning a few more things about them, I have heard many times that Hawaiian surfers pass waves to kids, so it would be true. But those Japanese surfers of course do not care about such kids. Most of those uncool mid-aged or old men seem to be typical middle-class who buy a bit expensive beach side condominium (has exclusive showers etc near the entrance) and I do not know why but they seem to prefer long-boards than short-boards and are posing as local surfers and take every wave from the outer side even if there are kids inside or not. As if they are something, but they are usually not good at surfing. How... but Kugenuma has such a climate... I recommend the west side (Kugenuma-kaingan) if you want to surf in Kugenuma in a good mood because generally as you go east (Katase-enoshima) they increase. It is just a tendency though.
The water must be very very very cold I am thinking.
Not as much as San Francisco.
When will you start writing about basketball?
The San Antonio Spurs and Houston Rockets had a classic double overtime game last night. I watched the end of the 4th period and both overtimes. Very fun night.
You are super lucky. Did you watch the game free for charge? Was that FOX? or cable or satellite broadcasting? I have just thought that since I can watch sports games free on TV except the electric bills, I might become a little bit more tolerant of advertisements. I do not watch TV almost at all except soccer games, though.
I saw it while I was at the gym, so I think it was on ESPN. I don't have a TV at home - too much distractions.
Ah, I see. I want to go to a gym too if there is one that is exclusive to women. I will go every day... TVs themselves are a wonderful invention, though. Their cre*py ancient imagination turns every wonderful invention into creepy something... as always. If there were only sane television programs, you would not have junked it. Well, TVs already lost quite a great influence so I don't care about it so much, though...
My wife and I like to go to the gym every day. If there is a good basketball game on TV, I will just walk on the treadmill for an hour and watch it.
That's luxurious. I want to be a macho man. I found not a few women-only gyms. I am going to be in drag and try to become a member. Japan is an underdeveloped country with respect to gender, so claiming me as a transgender will probably not work. Or will it work better than being in drag? Probably it will be hot arguments with the staff or the responsible persons of the gyms... Would I record the appearances of the arguments and upload it to Youtube or invideous or somewhere.
In America we have a comedian who did that. He is a big strong guy who does not look anything like a woman, but dresses up as a woman to join a gym and then records it all. https://invidio.us/watch?v=GJdmLu18Vzk
His English is difficult to understand. I wonder if there is one dubbed in Tagalog or Japanese.
I think this can apply to any skills, given that there are two persons. Both have the same degree of computer knowledge, skills.
One mastered it for serving the system. So that person uses the skills for the system. The person would earn proper money and some kind of security, stable living corresponding his skills and a sense of loyalty (they can praise e.g. the King of something for his greatness with superlatives blatantly), and a wife who is corresponding to his class. And somewhat ,especially in this era, unstable relationship, too. Actually there is no idea of trust in the system world. They know he could betray them easily anytime. I would write about details of it. Why there is no the idea.
Some Korean person said, If I could get promotion to one more higher rank, I can marry that much more beautiful woman. That sounds true.
Another one mastered it but the one's preference does not allow him to serve the system. He knows what that mean.
Surely fast typing is worth seeing. Any good skills feast my eyes. But it depends on what he is doing. He might be desperately tracking his current girl friend with PRISM and horrible jealousy. But he would earn proper money and some kind of security. I don't think his typing cool. Or rather, it is creepy.
On the other hand, another one uses the skills for cool things.
I am sure, I am not a woman so I do not know but trust me, any women would choose the latter man except stupid women.
But unfortunately, if I borrow J.L.Godard's words, "Because there are a lot of stupid women". Sometimes that seems to be true considering the women's preference for. How...
In order to avoid a misunderstanding,
There are a lot of creepy women/girls who are always ready to bully someone. I live in public housing. There are a lot of creepy old ladies. They ladies love bullying and pasting up bills or placards of "prohibited matters" on walls, billboards, the door of the neighbor, the trash disposal (there are almost 20 placards in the trash disposal) etc and acting like good people. That means that because they are good people so they have the right to enjoy backbiting, bullying other people who disturb the peace of the public housing. They have emitted loud noise almost everyday more than 10 years to the below floors. They have the right to do those (creepy) things to maintain the order in the public housing. Because they are good people. If you have lived in public housing for long, you would know what I mean. Sleeping in MIT seems to be very better than our living. At least there probably are no neighbors who make a loud noise at midnight, or rather 24h 7days. Anyway MIT would be a bourgeoisie's place rather than a proletariat's one. I am not sure if Mr. Stallman can understand our suffering. Though I agree there would be them, too.
When I was an elementary school boy, I was maybe 7 or 8 years old, one day two girls said "Let's ignore him" with a smile. I don't know other counries's situation but in Japan, when we are elementary school students, usually girls are stronger than boys. The two girls started to bully the boy and forced us other students to do it. Several days later, I said "Let's stop it" because I did not understand what was fun to bully him. Another girl also said "I want to stop it, too". She and me surely were oustanding intelligent in the clasee but the two girls were the captain and the vice captain of the basketball club. One of the girls said to me "So are you going to be bullied next?", I said "That did not mean so". Anyway, they stopped bullying him.
Fortunately, I did not see bullying after that until the end of high school in my classes. There are bullying in other classes, though.
There would be bullying in almost every place in Japan. You might think Japanese are polite but no way, they might seem to be polite outwardly, you might understand it if you have worked somewhere in Japan. I think when it comes to slyness, Japanese people are best in the world. Again, if I borrow RMS's words, "If let the Japanese bully someone in a group, the Japanese are best in the world." Anyway underhanded, dingy, gloomy, dismal, spiteful, designing, malicious. I think in more than 85% of places of work in Japan, there are them.
Some of you might know the news that Japanese succer suporters cleaned up the studium after wacthing the games in 2018 Russia World Cup. I did not think they were good people. Of course it might be better to clean up the studium than doing nothing but what I thought first when I heard the news was that superficial goodness. Don't be taken in Japanese. They do so-recognized good with a smile like the butchers. A quote from Buñuel's film, "And I love it.". Both seem bad but I think the butcher might be better than Japanese. Because he does not act as if he is a good man. Of course needless to say but I am aware of the stupid simple thinking to lump all the Japanese together.
Anyway I hate to see the two girls act like good girls. Don't act good. You are shits. Act as shits. They would have matured like as the good old ladies in the public housing. Today too, still, they are doing something creepy as always, as an eternal action. I don't already think they are females. They are just creepy something. Every time I see a certain kind of man, I think he is the same kind of the rotten old ladies. I usually use the word faggot in that sense.
And needless to say though, for the... are those males? who appeal to men, not a woman who is near the man, to pay attention, desperately, somehow.
How even such an old man loves freedom. Freedom to want to believe that he is right and not listen to what others say. Of course he tries to defend his freedom without a precise argument or debate, to be confuted. Because that is a clear sentence of his crime.
I always think that the internet or PCs or cell phones are wonderful things but it depends on the user or the use. I always wonder why a certain kind people cannot use those wonderful things only in creepy manners. Every wonderful invention turns out to be creepy something if they use. Even the telephone is a wonderful invention because needless to say we can talk with our family, friends, partners even though we are apart from each other, but what they think the way of using of it first is a tool for eavesdropping. Why do they like furtive actions that much?? OK, I might admit the necessity of eavesdropping to a little bit degree in a certain sense but I personally cannot do that. If it was my job, I would quit the job if I had to do such a creepy thing. But they can do it easily, or rather, they seem to love it. They are willing to do such creepy actions, voluntarily, enthusiastically. What is that creepy enthusiasm? Why can they do such creepy actions enthusiastically?? I cannot. In that sense, I cannot totally understand them. I wonder how many peep holes we human beings have made in our history. Why we cannot do that but they can do that? What the factor of determination sorts out us from them? Again, I cannot do that. As one of the reasons, I personally, basically, want friends than freedom. You may want freedom than friends, but I feel fear of no friends rather than no freedom. How would sane people love you if you can do such creepy things willingly? As a result, you are surrounded untrustful consanguinity who like to peep like you. But yeah greet your creepy colleagues with your creepy smile and usual doubt, tomorrow too. I cannot do it. Some old man muttered "We live in different worlds". I felt a repulsion for the thought then. But I got older. Sometimes I think he might have been right.
I heard that some Spanish football supporter threw a banana to Daniel Alves during a game of Liga Española and Alves ate the banana on the ground. I recently heard that Spanish people generally do not learn English. I also heard that they usually watch foreign films that dubbed in Spanish.
I am going to write about that curious strange superior pride that Spanish people, or rather, especially Westerners tend to have, it seems.
Perhaps I would more respect Daniel Alves for his skill and his serious attitude to football and especially his passion than the banana thrower. Perhaps also as a human being, Alves would be superior to the banana thrower. I am not sure if the banana thrower is a respectable or not because I have not talked with him. I did not understand well why the banana thrower could insult a good football player. Maybe I could have understood easier if Alves did throw a banana to a normal Spanish guy.
I have heard that some other stories about the Spanish people's curious pride. In that sense I guess that Spanish people generally have a conspicuous reputation for their curious pride.
I guess what Spanish people makes so haughty is basically just their lineage. We are Westerners. I can understand the feelings, despite I am an Asian. But I am always ashamed of myself for feeling the superiority. Westerners basically seem not to mind showing their (sometimes ugly) superior feelings very much. I was born in uptown of Tokyo. I was prominent intelligent. I was very popular with girls because I was good-looking. I have skill in art. I think I am worse than Van Dyke but better than Da Vinci at accuracy. But the banana thrower would throw a banana to me if he had a chance (though he would not throw a banana to that being called king). Because he is great Spanish and I am a far East country bumpkin. I have experienced kensho. I am a psychic, you cannot deny it if you have looked at my paintings or photographs. I would be able to throw a banana to most of normal human beings if I have an opportunity to insult. There would be decisive biological difference, like literally between a monkey and a human. But he would throw a banana to me, because he is great Spanish. And I am a country bumpkin of far East.
I have nothing to do with the strength of Japanese economy. Basically the strength of yen was achieved by old people's hard work and unfairness of the world. Perhaps we should be ashamed ourselves for having strong economy. Because that means inevitably we are always exploiting weak countries based on military strength and legacies of the past.
I do not know about Spain almost at all. Only I know is that it was a great country which had occupied a lot of places. Recently there was a financial crisis. Barcelona is beautiful. There are a lot of attractive Spanish girls. The capital of Spain is Real Madrid. There is a man who can throw a banana to an awesome Brazilian football player, etc. Surely it would be difficult to live without pride. I am great Spanish. I agree. I am a painter. I acquired the skill by putting a lot of hard effort and time. I bet my everything on it and I did not have insurance for in case. Such as a diploma. I might like to see his face when I throw a banana to him. Throwing a banana is one of the easiest things in the world. Everyone can do it if he has an arm. That's nuts. The curious superior feeling seems to be similar to the way of living of the bourgeoisie. Especially those the greatest people. OK, you were born in the center of Madrid. But I cannot see anything I can admire about you. By the way, don't you really still, still, understand it? Again, you are merely pretending to be mad. We are really boiling mad at you. Please. Please do not forget at least just that, I understand your brain disease very well though. Could you try not to forget just, just one thing please if possible....?
Would it be such difficult for an ancient Spanish man...?
typo: ancient Spanish mon > ancient Spanish man
I think bullfights often symbolize the distorted sense of superiority of the Spanish. If you fight in one-to-many, not one-to-one, and the winning percentage is half, I would be barely able to understand, at least I would think it is fair. In short, they would like to see great existence killing lower creatures. They would see the classes in bullfighting. So that would mean they do not like fair things. They would like unfair things, I suppose. Barcelona stopped bullfighting. That is another one of the reasons why I think I would prefer Barcelona than Madrid.
Again, if I borrow the words from Kenji Nakagami, there is no reason it works to a woman who is ready to be beaten. In the work "Piercing", a man who desires murder meets a man who desires to be killed. In the "In the miso soup", typical type Japanese people cannot do anything but making distorted curious smile since their lack of the sense of reality when they faced an American murderer. I agree, cruelty is just a part of the world. I agree. The world has everything including even cruelty, even beauty. There should be no standard of judgement in the perspective. Just there is everything. I often imagine the atmosphere in the extermination camps. There must have been a tense sense of reality. Desiring the sense of reality might let us desire those crimes. Bullfighting must have the ugly atmosphere. That bull is dead. I am still alive and watching it... I am about to be dead but he is still alive and watching it...
I am watching a soccer game now though, and I checked a few commercials. How should I say, I had something like a confidence that environmental pollution will destroy us. Idiots will keep doing stupid things until we realize the fatal damage. Again, I wonder why they do not think about their children's future seriously. It concerns with your children. Laugh. There is no medicine for idiots.
Even I was underestimating. After we realized the fatal damage too, they will keep doing stupid things. Will they pray to God? That's strange. You have desperately desired your and your children's death. Why suddenly did you want to be alive? What happened? You desired your ruin. That's what you desired. Not others. Are you an idiot? Can you imagine the feeling of others who are involved into your eternal stupid something?
Again, in short, our trust is based on a perfect belief, but your trust merely means a guess that "he probably will not betray us because he would not want to ruin himself, probably". So you are always re-calculating the probability. That is not called trust. But you cannot understand the idea of trust because you have not trusted anyone. Trust is not a that cheap idea, kid. You won't be able to be an adult until your death. ...and after death, too. OK, try to trust someone. It is impossible. Because there is always Edward Snowden.
One of my abilities is to create figures of real people by using various
materials around me such as cloths, clouds, ash, water, etc, but it is
done automatically, without my intention. As you can see, those figures
express the perfect feelings of those people. Like Mr Godard's Le Mépris
expresses ended couples's emotion perfectly.
It happens several tens times a day. Some of them appear in even a piece
of ash of a cigarette.
Every curator of famous museums, every art dealer of famous galleries,
ignored my emails, my works, my abilities. I will mention their names
and open those emails to the public someday. Some skeptical
organizations also ignored my abilities, including JREF, James Randi's
organization. Some of them kept replying unintelligible emails like
Amazon's, Softbank's, Apple's customer services do. I guess they might
be psychotics. Because they cannot do normal talking, normal question
and answer. Psychiatrists should diagnose them as psychosis someday. No
doubt about it. They would need the remedy (the pills) for the disease.
As I stated, I have worked at a car shop that handles cars that were
priced over $3000000. And I think that I was strongly trusted by
customers. I mean, I think I know etiquette when I sell my paintings. If
you lacked even just only one honorific, you would lose the trust of the
customers. Such a job requires perfectness.
Contrary to my etiquette, those curators or art dealers etc' etiquette
did not seem to be polite. Including monks of Japanese temples. The
temples sell kensho. But they do not seem to understand kensho.
However, accuracy is the core of paintings. Surely, I would be worse
than Van Dyke at accuracy, as I stated once, but I think I am better
than Da Vinci. It is the same difference between Messi and Perugia's
attacker. Skill. What are those abstract paintings? I would criticize
Clement Greenberg and the system that he established thoroughly someday.
The art world is almost the politics. I hate them. How dirty it is. But
hopefully in the laughable manner...