Restricted boot - a Memeber of the European Parliament replies

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Joined: 09/15/2011

As a consequence
of the
uncovering of the boot restrictions the Microsoft Windows 8 Hardware
Certification Requirements place on ARM PCs
I wrote to my MEP,
Linda McAvan. I'll summarise her reply:

  1. A question was asked late last year in the European Parliament
    concerning Microsoft Windows 8. The core of the Commission's reply

    "Whether or not there is a violation of European competition rules
    and in particular of Article 102 of the Treaty on the Functioning of
    the European Union, however, depends on a range of factual, legal
    and economic considerations which are difficult to assess before the
    product has been finalised and before any computers running the
    Windows 8 [sic] operating systems have been placed on the market."

    The reply goes on to reassure whoever the MEP was that the Commission
    would keep their eye on the matter.

  2. Ms McAvan feels that the finialisation of the Microsoft Windows 8
    Hardware Certification Requirements with the restrictions on ARM
    PCs is material of substance and is therefore writing a
    follow-up question to the Commission. She will write again when
    she receives a reply.
  3. She then goes on to remind me of the times the Commission has
    given Microsoft a spanking.

Good news I hope you'll agree. The arguments I used are given on my website

Joined: 05/13/2010

Well done Sir! Despite the weaseling reply by the Commission so far I look forward to any completely deserved future spankings. If this isn't anti-competitive, I don't know what is.

People unaware of the whole "secure boot" situation might want to read as well.