Trisquel 5.0 Release announcement

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Read this on our web:


In what we can now call it a tradition, we celebrate the Software
Freedom Day by publishing our latest release: Trisquel GNU/Linux 5.0
STS, codename Dagda.

Today we publish both the standard GNOME based, and the lightweight,
LXDE based Trisquel Mini editions. Current Trisquel 4.5 users can
upgrade using the update-manager application, without the need for
reinstallation. Advanced installations -server, RAID/LVM, encrypted,
etc- can be done using the netinstall images. Two more editions, one
based on KDE and other using the educational environment Sugar are on
the way.

The standard edition includes, among many others, the following

* Linux-libre 2.6.38
* GNOME 2.6.32
* LibreOffice 3.3.3
* Abrowser (our unbranded Mozilla based web browser) 6.0.2

We would like to thank the FSF, and their campaigns intern Jonathan
Nadeau for helping us improve this release's accessibility support.
Among other changes, our international DVD boots now with a screen
reader on by default, allowing blind users to run or even install the
system without assistance. This change will also be applied to the
system loaded in the FSF membership cards.

Download it now, and spread it around!

And remember, you can help this project continue by donating, buying a
gift in our stores, or by becoming a supporting associate member.

Rubén Rodríguez
Trisquel project leader |

Joined: 09/15/2011

good job.. let's try it!


I am a translator!

Joined: 07/27/2010

I can't update through the update manager. I checked the option for showing all releases, STS and LTS, but the manager doesn't see an update.

Magic Banana

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Joined: 07/24/2010

Attempt Alt+F2 and type "update-manager -d".

Joined: 11/30/2010

Congratulations on the new release. I've just downloaded and installed it on a Dell Dimension 1100 desktop. Installer works fine but when it boots into the desktop, the background image is stable, but the desktop icons, taskbar panel and menus disappear when clicked, so completely unusable. I had to go back to 4.5.1 that seems to be fine so far.

Trisquel has always worked perfectly on this computer, so I'm not sure what the issue is. Disappointed because Trisquel 5 looks fantastic. I hope its an easy fix.

Christopher Adams
Joined: 04/14/2011

I downloaded Trisquel-mini today; the live environment looks great, but when I tried to install it I got this error:

[error code]
ubi-partman crashed
ubi-partman failed with exit code 141. Furher information may be found in /var/log/syslog.>>
[/error code]

Here is the relevant section of /var/log/syslog:

Sep 18 00:03:54 trisquel ubiquity[11163]: Device /dev/sda3 not found in os-prober output
Sep 18 00:03:54 trisquel ubiquity: /lib/partman/display.d/10initial_auto: 117:
Sep 18 00:03:54 trisquel ubiquity: /lib/partman/automatically_partition//do_option: not found
Sep 18 00:03:54 trisquel ubiquity:
Sep 18 00:03:54 trisquel ubiquity[11163]: Traceback (most recent call last):
Sep 18 00:03:54 trisquel ubiquity[11163]: File "/usr/lib/ubiquity/ubiquity/", line 195, in boot_device
Sep 18 00:03:54 trisquel ubiquity[11163]: for part in p.partitions():
Sep 18 00:03:54 trisquel ubiquity[11163]: File "/usr/lib/ubiquity/ubiquity/", line 205, in partitions
Sep 18 00:03:54 trisquel ubiquity[11163]: self.open_dialog('PARTITIONS')
Sep 18 00:03:54 trisquel ubiquity[11163]: File "/usr/lib/ubiquity/ubiquity/", line 133, in open_dialog
Sep 18 00:03:54 trisquel ubiquity[11163]: self.outf = open(outfifo, 'r')
Sep 18 00:03:54 trisquel ubiquity[11163]: IOError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/var/lib/partman/outfifo'
Sep 18 00:03:54 trisquel ubiquity[11163]:
Sep 18 00:03:54 trisquel ubiquity[11163]: debconffilter_done: ubi-partman (current: ubi-partman)
Sep 18 00:03:54 trisquel ubiquity[11163]: dbfilter_handle_status: ('ubi-partman', 141)

Any suggestions?

Chris Adams

Christopher Adams
Joined: 04/14/2011

The above comment applied to my attempt to do a fresh install on my desktop. I was able to do an upgrade on my laptop, and it really looks great. Great job everyone!

I only have one complaint about the upgrade: since I don't have an e-mail account set up, it asked me to configure one. However, this message only showed up when I opened the terminal. I spent the better part of the day just letting it run, not realizing the system needed input from me.

Now the terminal also gave me the option to ignore the problem, which was what I wanted, but the window opened so far that it moved below the screen! I couldn't resize it to fit it onto the screen, and ended up just mashing buttons (I just hope I got the right selection!).

The rest of the install went smoothly, and everything looks great. Kudos, and happy Software Freedom Day!

Joined: 10/04/2011

I have the same problem.
Any solution?.

ubi-partman crashed
ubi-partman failed with exit code 141.

Joined: 08/09/2009

Downloaded and installed earlier today. No issues here at all. Great work!

libre fan
Joined: 08/14/2011


Is it compatible with Ubuntu Natty? I need to upgrade k9copy which for some reason isn't in the repos. So I'd need to add natty repo.

The online upgrade went fine. Too new to say if everything is fine. Many thanks for the hard work, anyway :-)

Magic Banana

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Joined: 07/24/2010

Trisquel 5.0 Dagda is based on Ubuntu 11.04 Natty Narwhal. This means the great majority of the packages in Dagda's repository are copied from Natty's ones.


I am a translator!

Joined: 07/27/2010

thanks Magic Banana, that helped! Awesome new release, works without problems on my PC!

Joined: 11/30/2010

I've installed Trisquel 5 on a different desktop and on this system it's fantastic. Rock solid and fast, also looks great as usual. LibreOffice works perfectly, new browser is zipping along too. Thanks.

Joined: 11/30/2010

No problems here solid as a rock for me. In fact I'd recommend everyone to upgrade to this version. The browsing experience is better with a greatly improved Gnash plugin.

I had a problem with a different system to the one I'm currently using. It was to do with the desktop panels and icons disappearing (issue described in post above).

For this reason I'd suggest trying Trisquel 5 using the Live CD/USB first, then doing a full install by whether method you prefer. I'm suggesting this because the issues I had also showed up in Live CD mode.


I am a translator!

Joined: 07/27/2010

I had the same problem too, not only in Trisquel. I believe it's a problem of gnome-panel. Stuff just disappears and reappears somewhere else, randomly. Sometimes everything is fine for a very long period of time, but sometimes icons disappear and/or move around every day. I found the best way of preventing such things is not customizing the panel at all.


I am a translator!

Joined: 07/27/2010

I had the same problem too, not only in Trisquel. I believe it's a problem of
gnome-panel. Stuff just disappears and reappears somewhere else, randomly.
Sometimes everything is fine for a very long period of time, but sometimes
icons disappear and/or move around every day. I found the best way of
preventing such things is not customizing the panel at all.

Joined: 10/31/2011

Just want to say that I am really happy with Trisquel 5.0 Dagda. I tried 4.5 a few months ago but gave up when I couldn't get Gnash to work with Icecat or Midori.
Glad I kept the cd as an Ubuntu upgrade borked my pc 2 days ago and a smug kid on the #ubuntu irc told me to try ubuntu minutes later when I asked for help with another problem on my Mint installed netbook.

In a fit of fury I reached for a new cd to install on the pc and saw Trisquel 4.5. I remembered that with Icecat 5.0 there was a solution to the video problem (html5 I think). I installed it and hey presto Youtube videos work and my dream of running a pure 'Free' distro is alive :)

Sorry for the long-windedness of this post but I wanted to share my experience.
I plan to install Trisquel on my netbook once I can access kernel 3.0x so that I can use my Vodafone K3770 mobile broadband usb w/o messing around with mod_switch even though I have to have an unsightly usb wifi adapter inserted ala windows due to intel firmware

Keep up the great work and stick to your/our Free principles


I am a member!

I am a translator!

Joined: 07/27/2010

Awesome _Hux_ glad to hear it. If you are interested in helping out the project check out the how to help page. You don't have to be a programmer to help. Peace. :)


I am a member!

I am a translator!

Joined: 07/27/2010

Awesome _Hux_ glad to hear it. If you are interested in helping out the
project check out the [ how to help
page]. You don't have to be a programmer to help. Peace. :)

Joined: 11/30/2010

No problems here solid as a rock for me. In fact I'd recommend everyone to
upgrade to this version. The browsing experience is better with a greatly
improved Gnash plugin.

I had a problem with a different system to the one I'm currently using. It
was to do with the desktop panels and icons disappearing (issue described in
post above).

For this reason I'd suggest trying Trisquel 5 using the Live CD/USB first,
then doing a full install by whether method you prefer. I'm suggesting this
because the issues I had also showed up in Live CD mode.

Joined: 10/31/2011

Just want to say that I am really happy with Trisquel 5.0 Dagda. I tried 4.5
a few months ago but gave up when I couldn't get Gnash to work with Icecat or
Glad I kept the cd as an Ubuntu upgrade borked my pc 2 days ago and a smug
kid on the #ubuntu irc told me to try ubuntu minutes later when I asked for
help with another problem on my Mint installed netbook.

In a fit of fury I reached for a new cd to install on the pc and saw Trisquel
4.5. I remembered that with Icecat 5.0 there was a solution to the video
problem (html5 I think). I installed it and hey presto Youtube videos work
and my dream of running a pure 'Free' distro is alive :)

Sorry for the long-windedness of this post but I wanted to share my
I plan to install Trisquel on my netbook once I can access kernel 3.0x so
that I can use my Vodafone K3770 mobile broadband usb w/o messing around with
mod_switch even though I have to have an unsightly usb wifi adapter inserted
ala windows due to intel firmware

Keep up the great work and stick to your/our Free principles