Trisquel 7.0 Installation issues
I'm new on this OS and wanted to install it on my laptop. All isn't starting well... First my recovery partition go wiped out... (can be my fault, ok).
I tried multiple times to install Trisquel 7.0 and its always stopping at the same step: once I entered the main account infos and location data, I enter to the first loading screen (the one with the desktop screenshots and GNU pictures...). On that loading screen when it says "looking for the files we won't copy" a window open and says that the installation failed and it asks me to fill a report that never comes out (at least for the next 30 mins). Moreover, my computer seems to be connected to my wifi since I entered all SSID/pw and no error appeared.
I also tried the text mode installation but it stops after I enter the SSID (keep beeing on blue screen for at least 15 mins).
I boot on a USB key of 8GB with an image downloaded yesterday. I also tryed to format/flash my USB key again but the same errors appears.
Any linked forums topic for this issue or idea for the installation?
Thank you
I understand you are using the USB stick to install trisquel.
That error almost certainly happened because something is wrong with the image on the usb key.
Verify the iso you downloaded - in terminal - md5sum nameoftheiso.iso
See if the output of the md5sum is correct (otherwise re-download the iso)
If it is correct - use unetbootin to make the bootable usb stick - select ubuntu 14.04 live in the unetbootin menu..
Try this procedure and see if it works for you
A fair number of WiFi chips need non-free software which Trisquel
being free software only doesn't provide or support. So this is most
lilely your problem. For now use a wired connection and then either
get a free software compatible USB WiFi from this list:
or Thinkpenguin do free software friendly PCIe cards which fit some
laptops, however, speak to them first as not all laptops will let you
change the internel (PCIe) WiFi card because of manufacturer
just get a usb wifi card no need to get a pci one
now correct me if i'm wrong- it should be very possible to install trisquel without internet connection if the user has downloaded the full iso (that is -not net install but the 1.5 gb iso of trisquel 7). During installation one can also select "i don't want to use internet connection right now".
I am pretty sure he used an inadequate program to write the iso on the usb or mad a mistake at some point.
Anyway, Anders, if you have a cd player burn one and try!!
I use the mailing list interface to the forum. So I wasn't trying to
gainsay you - my inbox refreshes just worked out that way. We've both
made perfectly good first line guesses so Anders is doing right by
trying both.
I'm using USB since that notebook doesn't feature CD player. I'm downloading the image once again and I'll let you know about this installation. Thank you for the fast answers Leny and SuperTramp!
I managed to install it fine. I guess the installation was going wrong since I left some space for a persistent file storage on my USB key and some changes got saved wrong which caused next system installations to stop.
I doff my hat in SuperTramp83's direction. :-)
I'm having some issues also installing trisquel 7 64 bit, I'm trying to installed it on a pentium 4 (3.0g) with 1g of ram and 80g of hard drive, I did enable full disk LVM encryption and I have been connected to a network the entire time. The installations fails at the "installation step fail" see attached photo. I downloaded the iso thru the website an not thru torrent, I did use the recommended infrarecoder to write the iso into a DVD (I'm using windows currently)one thing I did noticed with infrarecoder is that I can not select to verify the writing process. Any suggestions?

You should create a new thread on the forum instead of "hijacking" Anders'.
Anyway. Any reason why you do not use the graphical installer? I have never tried to encrypt the whole disk. Encrypting the sole /home partition perfectly worked for me. Also, given your hardware, you may want to go with Trisquel Mini (with a light LXDE desktop environment).
Well Im a complete new to linux and I was just following the installation process from trisquel website, which uses the text mode, but I do want the full encryption part not for any particular reason I just thought it would be cool, I try the graphical install with mini just like many are suggesting
Using the GUI is easier. It's a bit like the text install (with which you seem to have gone pretty far), only with some steps simplified.
Anyway, at what stage did the installation fail? (i.e. Downloading? Selecting partitons? Creating users?). A screenshot of what was happening a second or 2 prior to the error would probably help quite a bit more than that of the error itself.
And 1 more thing: We call the OS GNU/Linux. Linux is just a kernel, which works well with the operating system called GNU, better than the GNU PRojec's own.
Well I finally got it working, I guess somehow my dvd was corrupted, so I tried the full 64bit USB version and got it working, the biggest draw back is like everybody said its to slow to respond so I will be installing the mini 32 bit version
I know I've had some issues a few times making a usb live installation when I was on other distros - sometimes unetbootin fails.
Just yesterday I downloaded the debian iso (stable 7.7) and tried to make a usb image but didn't succeed with the startup disk creator tool. It gave me an error when it reached 99%, that is when it has to make the bootloader..
Then I searched for unetbootin but I didn't find it in Trisquel. Then I moved on my friend's laptop (xubuntu) and made one usb image with unetbootin but to my great surprise that didn't work either - during the installation at some point it failed..
I had to do it by terminal (never did that, but it is quite simple actually)
sudo dd if=/path-to-the-iso-file/filename.iso of=/dev/sdb
Just hope that /dev/sdb isn't their hard disk!
yes. don't ever listen to me..
i'm a newb :(
sdb is clearly the usb stick.
But you should sudo blkid first and see if your usb is sdb or sdc or whatever..
good point lembas!
In reply to #15:
*nods* let's hope it's not /dev/sdb. How'bout checking before that 'dd' command. I recommend
This lists your block devices.
If you'd prefer, you can get this list from the disks utility, found in the Settings panel. For my convenience, I added a bunch of these 'settings' options to my Accessories menu; this for another thread....
Nothing beats Debootstrap :)