Trisquel 9 Needs A Name

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Joined: 09/13/2010

A codename for Trisquel 9 will be needed soon. It's not needed very urgently, but it would be good to have a name by next week.

Trisquel 9 will be based on the as-yet-unreleased Ubuntu 18.04 LTS "Bionic Beaver."

Rules for names:
* Trisquel versions are named after Celtic gods.
* It should be a "searchable" name (that is, a name that doesn't have many results on search engines, so we can "take it over." For example: Searching for Flidas has Trisquel in the top results.

Our fearless leader will review suggestions and make a decision.

Joined: 09/13/2010

Oh, so as to avoid confusion it should also not re-use a name that's been used before or that might be confusingly similar. Past names are:

1.0: Arianrhod
2.0: Robur
3.0: Dwyn
3.5: Awen
4.0: Taranis
4.5: Slaine
5.0: Dagda
5.5: Brigantia
6.0: Toutatis
7.0: Belenos
8.0: Flidas

Joined: 01/02/2017


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Samhain or Druid (ancient Celtic priesthood)

Joined: 02/17/2016

Pritona; I think it should be female and a word that has an alternate spelling we can take over. The more common spelling is Ritona.

Joined: 11/05/2013

Epona is a godess as well. She is associated with horses.

It is recognized in cevral languages and is a simple name.

It can also be easily said everywhere.

Joined: 04/22/2013

You will never get any reference to trisquel if you enter "epona" into your search engine, since it will always show results about the horse from "the legend of zelda".

Joined: 08/26/2015

I actually think Triquel may be able to ride popularity of Legend of Zelda with a name like Epona.


‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ Original Message ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐

On March 31, 2018 4:57 PM, <name at domain> wrote:

> ​​
> You will never get any reference to trisquel if you enter "epona" into your
> search engine, since it will always show results about the horse from "the
> legend of zelda".

Joined: 03/24/2018

Or ... what about a Roman god? Janus, the god of gates, doors, and beginnings. The month of January was named after Janus, who had two faces​—one looking forward and the other looking backward, just like Trisquel (the distro) looking up for you. Just a thought friends!

Joined: 05/14/2015

Janus is a cool god, but the same has already been used in tech:

Joined: 02/17/2016

Abandinus would be hilarious and future-proof if Ruben ever gets tired of pushing out new versions.


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Joined: 10/31/2014

+1 for Abandinus

I absolutely prefer Abandinus \o/

If I may add one: Oblitus

Joined: 01/09/2013

oblītus m (feminine oblīta, neuter oblītum); first/second declension

disregarded, neglected

Stop been a title molester..


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Joined: 10/31/2014

>Stop been a title molester..

ok :P

Joined: 03/24/2018

Abandinus ... the only issue that I see with this one is that in spanish it sound like "abandonado", left out. And we don't want to give the impression of Trisquel being abandon, left out .... :-)

Joined: 05/30/2012

That's what makes it such a great name, though! :) It's a nice little in-joke about all the drama and speculation about Trisquel being... abandoned. ;)

Joined: 08/17/2017

I like funny names that aren't ridiculous per se.
Great one

Joined: 01/09/2013


awesome skull and flag! are you from the Island or raised in the USA,?

About abandinus

Abandinus was a name used to refer to a Celtic god or male spirit worshipped in Godmanchester in Cambridgeshire during the Romano-Celtic period.

Abandinus - "Defender of the Waters"

Known as ‘Defender of the Waters,’ not much is known of the Celtic god Abandinus, save for an inscription on a bronze votive found in Cambridgeshire, England which read “To the god Abandinus, Vatiaucus gave this from his own money.”

Diccionario de la lengua española © 2005 Espasa-Calpe:
abandonar conjugar ⇒

tr. Dejar, desamparar:
abandonar a un bebé.
Desistir, renunciar:
abandonar una idea. También intr.:
no abandones.
Dejar un lugar:
abandonar la casa.
prnl. Dejarse dominar por afectos, pasiones o vicios:
abandonarse a la bebida, a la suerte.
Descuidar los intereses, las obligaciones, el aseo personal o la compostura:
se ha abandonado mucho.
Rendirse ante las adversidades:
debe luchar contra su enfermedad y no abandonarse.

Joined: 08/17/2017

Camulus (Camulos, Camalos) is a god of war and sky.
Other terms that might be found are a German band (spelled Camulos) and a museum called Rancho Camulos. Those don't rank very high in the searches I made.

Joined: 05/14/2015

What about Etiona?

"Etiona is a Celtic goddess worshipped in Gaul; she is known only from inscriptions in Etrechy, France, where she was accompanied by her fellow deities Carantana, Isosa, Gnatus, and Hidua ... The origin of Etiona’s name is unclear. I have seen it suggested that it derives from the Proto-Celtic *ett(n)jo or “kernel” and that this indicates that she is a goddess of wisdom (i.e. “kernel of knowledge”) but I wonder if it could equally well indicate a connection to agriculture or food stores."

A name derived from an ancient word for kernel seems like a good GNU-Linux name, although it could also be a good name for a libre fork of the Linux kernel.

Joined: 05/14/2015

Or what about Garmangabis?
"‘those who consider the bare of the weaver’, British goddess of fortune that is revered in Lancashire, northwest England. The Romans brought her to England."

Joined: 12/03/2016

Congratulations on suggesting the name that got picked!

Joined: 12/18/2017

Why does it need to be a Celtic god?

Just wondering:)

Joined: 09/13/2010

"Why does it need to be a Celtic god?"

I don't suppose it "needs" to be anything right? But to follow with tradition. You may as well ask why does Debian need to be named after Toy Story characters or why Ubuntu needs to be an adjective+animal combination. Or why any particular distro needs to be named in any particular way. Because someone, somewhere, made that decision. And this naming system is what Trisquel is using. Any naming system will be arbitrary so let's enjoy ours and get back to our regularly scheduled progrmaming and try to come up with names for Trisquel 9.

Joined: 01/09/2013


"Why does it need to be a Celtic god?"
why not catholic, orthodox, Arabic names, Hebrew, Asian, mundane or biblical names?

in the other hand as names?
here is my list
s. m. Lugar en el campo donde se recogen los ganados por la noche

glass of fine quality and a high degree of brilliance

Joined: 12/18/2017

> I don't suppose it "needs" to be anything right?

Fantastic!:) I love openness and fluidity! :D

I have limited/none programming skills/knowledge and I have never been part of any software project. Bear that in mind when I'm asking following question:

Is there any reason why it cannot be simply "Trisquel 9", "Trisquel9", "TrisquelNine" etc?:)

Joined: 02/17/2016

It is called Trisquel 9, but it has a code name. Having code names is a long-standing practice in computer software development.

They used to be code names or project names but I guess nowadays they are just names. People like names. They are easier to remember and are affectionate.

Joined: 09/13/2010

"Is there any reason why it cannot be simply "Trisquel 9", "Trisquel9", "TrisquelNine" etc?:)"

Yes: It doesn't follow the tradition to name releases after Celtic gods. The purpose of this thread wasn't to start a discussion of changing the naming system.

Joined: 08/29/2017

What about Morrigan, goddess of War?


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Joined: 10/31/2014

What about Callahan, god of .44 Magnum?

Joined: 02/17/2016

Callahan:"These free libre distros are like a-holes -- everybody has one."

Joined: 08/29/2017

What about "Anand"? Synonims are "Ana", "Anann". Anann sound nice to me.

Joined: 02/17/2016

Maybe we should name them after kings? Reminds me of Ananda Mahidol.


Joined: 08/29/2017

I vote for "Artur" without the h.

Pablo G

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Joined: 05/16/2012

I like Convetina the godess of water

Mangy Dog

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I think just listing names won't do so much good here, we will just get a copy of the wikipedia list in the end...
maybe this time our beloved voting system can come in handy for once and be used for ... well, for voting.

So, I personally like the name "Convetina".

If you're also in favor of convetina, then please VOTE UP :)


I am a translator!

Joined: 10/31/2014

>maybe this time our beloved voting system can come in handy for once and be used for ... well, for voting.

+1 was just given to Abandinus

Joined: 02/29/2016

My two cents:

I don't have a particular preference, but I think it should definitely be a *female* name.

That would be a small but significant sign of not following the dominant patriarchy in technology (and in society in general).

Happy hacking!

Joined: 12/18/2017

Definitively! I vote for Miss Heyjoe

Joined: 02/29/2016

>What about Miss Heyjoe?

I'm may be missing something, but I don't get it..

Joined: 05/30/2012

"Patriarchy in technology". Riiiight.

In case my sarcasm doesn't show through clearly enough, please do *not* turn Trisquel into an SJW "muh womens representation" distro. "Female" is not a part of Trisquel's naming scheme; Trisquel releases are named after Celtic gods, either male *or* female. In fact, take a look at the past names: five of them are female, five of them are male, and one of them is unisex. Maybe actually look into what the distro is doing before shouting "patriarchy" and trying to inject your identity politics where they don't belong.

Joined: 02/17/2016

I think software should (preferably, not absolutely) be female. Like ships. Or trees in some languages. Or calamities (like hurricanes). Software moves, sails and surfs, it grows and sometimes it crashes.

Like Libertas is feminine.

I don't think it has anything to do with being "SJW".

I take UNIX as female (see the 'X'). In Latin, the x may be a female suffix. It's, of course, a bit far-fetched in this context, because the full suffix would be '-trix'. See Ultrix (avenger).

Joined: 08/17/2017

I whole-heartedly agree.
There is a set naming scheme for Trisquel releases, we should go with that as it stands and there is not reason to introduce any arbitrary rules.

It doesn't matter if the release code names are of male *or* female god*esses or one that's unisex, for lack of a better word, because that's not the *point*.
The argument is akin to discussing whether a release milestone should be named after a small or large clothing size, or it being a one-size-fits-all release name.

Joined: 12/18/2017

Please do not shoot down other people's suggestions and rant about why they are bad.

Do instead suggest something yourself.

Joined: 12/18/2017

For the record: I agree with Fil

Joined: 05/30/2012

I was "shooting down" a female supremacist trying to inject female supremacy where it doesn't belong.

This thread is not about changing Trisquel's naming system. Trisquel already *has* a naming system which includes both male *and* female names, and incidentally, it has exactly equal representation of male and female names as of Trisquel 8.

Furthermore, it is you and Fil who are categorically shooting down every possible male name that could be on the table, including the "Abandinus" suggestion above that multiple people (myself included) like. So your "please do not shoot down suggestions" response is hypocritical.

Joined: 02/29/2016

First of all, I didn't mean to hurt anybody's feelings with my simple and humble suggestion. I'm sorry if I did hurt yours.

>I was "shooting down" a female supremacist trying to inject female supremacy where it doesn't belong.

For the sake of clarity:
I'm a "white heterosexual middle-class man" (yuck!). I'm definitely no female supremacist. And I don't like the idea of anybody's "supremacy" over anybody else. Be it of any kind.

>Furthermore, it is you and Fil who are categorically shooting down every possible male name

I think you're mistaking me for somebody else. I wrote nothing about other people's suggestions nor did I "shoot down" any name.
I just dropped down my own two cents, simply put. I have no intention to turn this thread into any discussion of any kind, other that its original purpose.

Again.. I said mine. Nothing more.
You did all the rest.

Joined: 05/30/2012

This is what you said:

> I don't have a particular preference, but I think it should definitely be a *female* name.
> That would be a small but significant sign of not following the dominant patriarchy in technology (and in society in general).

You offered no suggestion for a name to use. You just said that it "should" be female, which implies that it "should" not be male, i.e. that you are categorically opposed to all male name suggestions. This is a female supremacist attitude, and your justification for this is the vague "patriarchy", the typical female supremacist excuse. You being male has no bearing on whether or not what you are championing is female supremacy.

> I just dropped down my own two cents, simply put. I have no intention to turn this thread into any discussion of any kind

In other words, you're willing to spread propaganda to support your bigoted ideology where it doesn't belong and subtly try to push a project that has nothing to do with your ideology to start supporting it, but you aren't willing to actually defend what you say in a discussion.

A word of advice: if you aren't willing to follow up on something, such as by answering to the fact that Trisquel has exactly equal representation of the sexes as of Trisquel 8 and therefore doesn't fit into your "patriarchy" narrative, don't post it in the first place.

Joined: 02/29/2016

I now see I could've done a mistake in the first place, by posting what was meant to be a naive and peaceful comment.

It's now evident to me that my initial wording wasn't perfectly chosen to reflect the naive intent of my comment.

>You just said that it "should" be female, which implies that it "should" not be male, i.e. that you are categorically opposed to all male name suggestions.

I'm not a native english speaker, but you seem to be, so I guess your exegesis of my words is to be considered accurate.
If that's the case, I must make ammends for messing up with words:
I am not opposed to giving Trisuel 9 a male name.
I'm totally ok with male names.

Furthermore, I'd like to assure you and everybody else that I did not want to start any "sex equality" quarrel, and the intent behind my original post had nothing to do with that.
If my words did suggest such a scenario, then *it's my own fault* and I'm sorry about all the noise.

I also want to make clear that I have no agenda to be pushed on this forum.

>A word of advice: (....)
Got it.
I'd give you mine, If I may... most of the times, harsh quarrels can be avoided by giving others the "benefit of the doubt", instead of blindly pinning names on them before they have the opportunity to clarify their intentions..

That said, I have no acrimony on you personally. I think we just took an unfortunate path of misunderstanding.


P.S. If you wish, I'm perfectly willing to continue our discussion.. Just not in this thread (what about the troll lounge?)