Unable to rename nested folder

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Joined: 01/03/2015

Recently the following issue has arisen:

When I move images (or any other files) from from one location to another, I first make a destination folder, then add a subsidiary folder for the unedited images, and move the files into the secondary folder. Nearly every time, Trisquel 7 won't let me rename that secondary folder unless I reboot. I end up with a secondary folder named "new folder" that has the unedited
images in it.

I reproduced the issue just now by making a new folder, adding a subfolder, and then trying to rename that "new folder." I could start the renaming process, highlight "new folder", place the cursor on the end of the name, but then I could not backspace and could not get any keystrokes to work.

The keyboard's not locked up - I can edit a page in Kate - but I cannot rename any folder until I reboot.

Joined: 05/13/2010

Sounds like this bug https://trisquel.info/en/issues/13138

Instead of rebooting you can restart nautilus.

Joined: 01/03/2015

That's it ... rather old for such an annoyance.

However, I can rename folders with Terminal for the time being. Helps me memorize my file structure. I'll consider this an educational feature.

Joined: 12/31/2012

My rather imprecise suggestion, from:


Is as follows:

Although I'm not using neither GNOME nor Nautilus (as I'm using XFCE
with Thunar as file manager), I remember that this seems to be related
to the keyboard input method chosen (although I don't have references to
prove my point here).

Perhaps this can be worked around by opening Nautilus for the first time
after login using:

XMODIFIERS="" nautilus