unetbootin fork
Well, also Live CD/USB distros.
ok i have tried implementing guixsd but without it being distributed as a iso it would be hard and most likely unportable to include it in unetbootin libre edition
so i have for now given up
but if somone figures out how to convert it to a iso i will definitely implement it.
You should call it LibreBootin.
that is a good name!
i will change it.
Wait, I am afraid that may not be an ideal choice.
We already have a Libreboot project for free (libre) BIOS/UEFI replacement. This may confuse less experianced users.
How about
[1] GNUnetbootin ?
[2] GNUbootin ?
This will remove the confusion with the live project as well as spread the message that it include exclusively free GNU Operating Systems suggested by FSF for installation / live session.
Inspired by Philosophy of the GNU Project and GNU IceCat
but then again people may think its part of the gnu project..
i will call it for now FreeNetBootin
until a better name is thought up.
also i added libertybsd
so if people could test weather that works that would be great!
latest version of the source:
I made a simple modification to their original logo, if you want you can use it in the project. The original logo was released under CC-BY-SA 3.0, so I'm also releasing this version under CC-BY-SA 3.0.
Image source: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:UNetbootin_logo.png
Edit: I'm also going to try out FreeNetBootin tonight, I'll give you some feedback.

Nice work pizza
Just a thought: how about "freedom", so that people don't mistake the goal for price
Rightly said, Muhammed.
freedom is an ideal word that can fit to the context, as it alleviates issues related to price.
Also mind that FSF's hardware certification program is named keeping user freedom above anything else.
That's awesome.
Hi pizzaiolo,
what about using an art work from GNU website?
That will easily convince the freedom assured to the user.
but then again people may think its part of the gnu project..
You can donate your work to the GNU Project; that will encourage people to try out various free GNU/Linux distributions before making a decision.
Free software community always appreciate such efforts and its a nice way to raise funds for further development of the program.
All the best!
i will call it for now FreeNetBootin
until a better name is thought up.
Good choice.
also i added libertybsd
LibertyBSD is yet to get a nod from Free Software Foundation. So if you are planning to distribute FreeNetBootin to Trisquel GNU/Linux repository or GNU project, you should first get it (LibertyBSD) approved by FSF.
That sounds like a good name.
I created a live USB with FreeNetBootin and it seems to be working well, apart from most files being still named unetbootin :P
Also, I think that Trisquel 32-bit and 64-bit should be in the same category. Allowing the download of previous versions would be nice too.
i changed the icons:
"Allowing the download of previous versions would be nice too."
i can try and do this but as it would require figuring out alot(i don’t rely know how to program in qt)
so i think its best to try and finish my libreboot flashing utility first
"so i think its best to try and finish my libreboot flashing utility first"
Agreed! I'm really looking forward for that one. Also, thanks for using the logo :)
btw as someone else is already working on something similar:
i have emailed them to ask if the two projects could join
and am waiting for a response.
Today, got reply from Ludovic Courtes.
This is the most relevant part from his mail; (Unedited.)
AIUI, Unetbootin creates USB images from ISO images. Currently we
provide USB images of GuixSD, so presumably nothing is needed on that
Creating ISO images of GuixSD should be doable but requires hacking in
Guix itself. We haven’t done it yet, mostly because it seems that most
machines can boot on USB nowadays, but less and less have a CD-ROM
Please use name at domain for future correspondence.
So, perhaps someone needs to check the source code and supply appropriate USB image, for GuixSD to work properly.
i did ask on the #guix irc channel about recompiling the guix source code into a iso
but apparently it would be way too hard for a single person to do it
Pardom me, for I can't help you with source code; I am not a programmer.
Can you send a mail to this e-mail address which I suppose is the developers of GuixSD?
name at domain
My wordings may be insufficient to provide the required details.
I am quite optimistic; They will surely help you.
Why not just extract the tar.xz onto the USB flash drive with libarchive?