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I am happy that you have a distribution for your language but why sucker people to your site after an English announcement on Distrowatch when your site has no support for English. That's just dirty pool. Remember that a happy user will tell just a few people but an unhappy one will tell many.
You are right, and we are currently working to fix this issue.
Pois non digo eu que "soportar" o idioma inglés non sexa bo para a distribución; pero razón non me parece que a teña, salvo que distrowatch só sexa para distros de fala inglesa, que tamén pode ser.
P.D.:Con poñer "in galician /castillian" (como fan outras) non sería dabondo?
No que non ten razón e en que por que distrowatch publique un artigo nós teñamos que traducir a web. No que sí a ten (e coincidiu que xa estábamos a traballar nelo) é en que posto que a distro ten soporte para inglés, a páxina tamén ten que telo, ainda que só sexa no máis básico. Por isto estamos a buscar axuda para traducir a web a catalán e vasco.
Xa que sae o tema, o equipo de traductores de Ubuntu ó asturiano está interesado en que engadamos soporte para este idioma, así que tamén teremos que incuílo na web.
You are very gracious and I am really impressed not only by the forum reply but also by your quick remedy. I will tell many and I will contribute some money but I don't see a way to do that. Perhaps your collaborative partners provide you with enough means so you don't need contributions. At a minimum I will put in a comment on Distrowatch next week when they mention your release in the Distrowatch Weekly. I wish you great success. Gracias.
The remedy was fast as we were already working on it.
We don't have a way to take donations, and as our partners give us almost all our physical needs (servers, network, workplace, coffee), we don't usually need the money. But we are working to provide a "ship-it" service, and it comes at a great cost, so it could be a good idea for the future.
The contributions that we _really_ need are volunteers willing to work to improve the system, write documentation, translate the web...
There is a way (well, a lot of them ;) you can contribute to free software with money, though. FSF has an open request for donations: https://www.fsf.org/associate/support_freedom/donate/index_html
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