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全くどうでもよい事を書き連ねるつもりなので読まないで良いです。翻訳SOFTで変換しにくいように書くしあえて長文にするつもりですし。おそらくデイビッドさんはあまり派手にやらなきゃおとがめないでしょうし長文故によまないでしょう。なにこんな日本語ずらずら書いてんのこいつみたいな感じだろうか。ただのトロリング?かもしれない。ですし。なにを書きましょうか。C201のようにアルファベットをここらで入れておけばここら辺の日本語全く知らん系コンピュータクレイジーは反応してくれるでしょうか。おそらく日本人なら愛をこめてコンピュータバカと書くと思いますがそして日本人ならここでの馬鹿での使い方にネガな感はもたないかと思いますが万一翻訳されてあれな場合に勘違いされるのもあれなのでコンピュータC201とでも書いておいてよし?ほんとにコンピュータは難しいね!LINUXは面白そうだなとは思っていたけど他にやることいっぱいあってプライオリティできなかったんですが最近ははまって結構色々やってました。ほんと読まないでいいですけどまんいち読んでくれていたら悪いのでやはり読み手の事を考えているのだなあと今思っていましたけど読んでくれてたらありがとね。でもほんとどうでも良い事しか書かないよC100PA。15年前はデスクトップを18万円で買ったりしててずいぶん親にも迷惑かけましたが今は中古でぜんぜん使えるのが数千円でAtherosもんね。ところでオレは中学の時にタイムリにDRAGONBALLをジャンプで読んでいたのだけど今でもよく覚えているのが悟空が界王拳を4倍にしたとき興奮のあまり、二階の部屋で寝転んで読んでいたのだけどCOREBOOT、階段を降りていって母親が料理してたかなんかのを中断させてその回を無理やり読ませたんだけど母親は、はは、かめはめ波、と笑ってオレはむっとしたことです。ちなみにそれより若いころ多分小学生45年の時その部屋でねころんでやっぱマンガかなんか読んでいたと思うのだけど音楽を聞いたあとでヘッドフォンのコードが床にだらだらしてました。オレは鼻をかんでゴミ箱に投げて入ったんだけどその時パサッと音がするじゃないですか。そのパサッて音がパサッパサッと何回か続いたのね。なんだろうと思ってゴミ箱みようと立ち上がって中見たけどなにもない。へんだなあみたいにまた寝っ転がろうとしたらヘッドフォンのコードがするするするとまっすぐに伸びだしたんですよ。すごいびっくりして部屋からまず出ようと思ってでもドアが閉まってたのね。でドアが開かなかったらどうしようと考えた。でもなんなく開いてまた下に降りてってやっぱ母親が料理かなんかしててオレが興奮しながら報告したんだけどなんかぜんぜん興味なさそうな感じだった。くわしいリアクションは覚えてないんだけど。で部屋にまた戻って部屋の真ん中あたりでいるなら出てこい!みたいに言ったんだけど何も出てこなかったな。それでまた思いだしたんだけどやっぱ中学生のころ夜中になんか目が覚めた事がある。夜目覚めるのはほとんどなかったと思う。んでなんか椅子に座ってしばらくボーッとしてたんだけどそしたら上の方に窓があったんだけどそれが多分網戸かなんか状態で外の音は聞こえる。なんか遠くで坊さんの集団がお経を唱えているのが聞こえ出したのね。うちは支道というの?よく車が通る通りに面してなかったんだけど3、4軒先にその車がよく通る通りがある。ぜんぜん別に大きい道路じゃないよ。そこをたまに車が通っていく音がしてその時だけ坊さんのお経がやむんですよ。んで通りすぎるとまた唱え出してだんだん近づいてくる。どんどんお経の声が大きくなってもうすぐ近くにいる感があって隣の家の前あたりで唱えてるのが分かった。その家にはおばあさんが住んでいたんだけどお経の声が最大になったところでぎゃああああああとおばあさんの叫び声がしてお経がやんだ。オレは多分そのあと寝たと思うんだけどよく覚えていない。でも外は確認しなかった。椅子にたてば見れたんだけど。んで次の日学校行くときそのおばあさんの家の前通るんだけどなんかおばあさん普通に庭でなんかやってたな。下らないでしょ(笑)だから言ったのにでもよんでいただきましてありがとうございます。ああでもあのPEEPERSは...キモグロいね!マジ! つうかんじでもうしないかな。少なくとも今年は。Libreboot。ブログじゃねんだよここは。スミマセン。
I don't know Japanese language. Yet it seems good news.
I'll tell you how it starts:
"It's that I recently fern played KAVA, but of called is also at sleeplessness holding, and I tested variousness but to KAVA, I feel a possibility. But variousness flaws also want largely more Japanese language information. And then given that at recent I became someone with whom to speak to a chiefly eastern European group of you, my older sisters, in order to doome think my semi-English proficiency."
Like I said, it's all over the place. It gets even weirder the more you read.
I feel that maybe Jodiendo san is serious and sensitive to people.
Perhaps my feelings for surfing or painting is the same as your feelings for hacking.
That is something which we will never tire of. Generally it seems that finding that something we can do it eternally with fun is really difficult. We cannot like things we have no interest in.
Of course there are people who can torture someone eternally with laugh, though.
I cannot understand them but psycologically. or historically.
「Here isn't the fuckin' your blog (like this?)」「I'm sorry」
the translation
...There is an experience that is called kensho in Japanese language. The experience changes our eyes decisively. Good painters draw the thing what they can see. We kensho-ed people can see the thing in their paintings. Basically kensho had have been philosophers' secret club, especially maybe in West.
There is a comprehensive website about kensho. (wow, 0 tracker)
The writer has pubulished some books too.
Each book was published only 300 copies.
But those books are owned by the National Diet Library. By the way, even the chief curator of the National Musium has not experienced kensho. He run away from exchange of mails with me, by ignoring. I criticized his books and his argument thoroughly logically as a tax payer. Kensho is the basic base to evaluate paintings, if we respect what is called skill.
I like people who say like I like this one, I don't like this one about paintings. It is much healthier than talking about paintings to pretend like a great critic with PhDs. The base is skill. There is no called abstruct athletes. This makes the art world worst. Almost the politics. Participating in some art association. Flattering their master thoroughly, never making him lose face by logical severe criticism. Handing him a something in a envelope every time when a get-together. He might demand to do something from female painters. Anyway, one day finally he says to the painter, "Well, it seems your works got quite better, do you have interest in..."
His works that those are completely unable to understand.
Like you think, this is merely my complaint. In this post, there is no things that you can learn.
I think that Van Goch is the greatest painter. His works are powerful.
Let's see the music world. It seems that Cuba has the National Music School. The school gathers talented kids when maybe they are middle childhood. Then they have very strict lessons. They practice 8-10 hours a day then first-class classic music teachers who came from Europe teach them. They don't have complaint. Playing instruments is their pure pleasure. From Bach to Stravinsky, they practice classic music thoroughly. If they want to learn jazz or some other music, it is refused.
Then if the school judged a student had no much talent, the school withdraws the student. The school doesn't take school expenses from students.
So they can withdraw easy them.
Then those students finally graduate the school. They have horrible technic. From the begginig they have talent, and African blood.
I think that classic players and metal players have good skill. But I cannot dance with their music. And music of some of them already belong to time image. Time image is the modern art's feature. They deform monotonoum rhythm. It makes my body dance free. That is one of the freedoms. How many people would admit their skill?
It is difficult to distinguish those complicated notes.
NHK has bloadcasted a program that covered certain art college students. They were making a statue that was made by cardboard boxes. They should aim to beat Lorenzo Bernini, I think he is the best. or Michelangelo. Even if they know they cannot reach. To keep skill refining is hell. So it is not a thing that anybody can. If you don't think so, make the statue, then flatter them. You might be able to an artist. But kensho has something.
Sometimes I doubt if people who have not lived on the bottom of the society long time can really understand people's suffering. There is quite much possibility if you are in shallows of the system. If you are in a deep of the system, it seems to be almost impossible, it would depend on your nature. Their thought that want to do something justice is... unlimited flame.
Then like Paul Klee says, we have no things to be able to do anymore.
OK, I would play on my professional fields. (^v^)/
...Young hackers, it would seem what the mirror is reflecting is what you have done, right?
I always want to be a mirror. Warm for warm, maliciousness for maliciousness or avoiding or ignoring, equal for equal, if someone looks down on me from upper luxurious steps, I look down on the one as, as some of you guys know, a psychic. Whom is this ancient monkey looking down on? If other one looks up at me, I don't trust the one. The one must have malicious emotions.
You do not have to worry about it, if you consider to be trusted first than grieving that there is no trustworthy guy.
You would find at least one if you do not cheat on your partner. Then one is enough. Don't you think so? Even if he is extremely ugly, the good guy never betray you. He says jokes everyday which you cannot laugh usually. You can trust each other. Then you will encounter many malicious people who try to break your happiness somehow. Because they think they cannot get the happiness stupidly. Someone said about narcissism. I thought it is a fact. One who belittles oneself is the worst. They envy you. That's funny. You are ugly, you are poor, but even the king and queen envy you. So don't cheat on your partner even just once. If you already... I don't know if you can...
So since their maliciousness, to defend your happiness, you have to be tougher, wiser, polite, you have to think well, always, until it becomes your habit, you have to have more experience, always, you would vomit many times, because you have to put yourself in the most hard place, always. You have to control your maybe slight (since you are here) malicious emotions that every one would have always, to be trusted by jolly guys. You should know you have to do your work perfectly, even if you are a casher, one miss might become a fatal matter. You have to be perfect until it becomes your habit. Thank customers. They hand you money. You can live.
I should say "you should... " but if you want to meet the trustful guy, I think there is no other way, at least now. Sadly, we are in the war against that maliciousness. But your children might not need to do such troublesome works.
But they would have other troubles. But it would be somewhat easier jobs, our tasks cannot compare with the ones which was imposed on the people who lived in Japanese or German territory in early 1940's. 諸行無常。
Everything is always changing. You keep changing yourself to ride the flow. Otherwise, you become like just a robot in a factory. A malicious robot. No one trust you. Resist routine to evolve yourself even when you are working, by doing your work perfectly. At least you feel better. Life always evolve normally when they are not chained. Especially when they are improving their skill. Try to put the price tag extremely decently. It requires skill. If you try to master it perfectly, it becomes a never ending story. So raise and decide your compromise line. The skill would help you someday. Keep changing.
Come to Kugenuma-Kaigan if you thought you have nothing to be able to do anymore.
This small beach side town is a magic place. Less malicious people (still there) and there are many jolly (or normal?) guys. Do surfing, or skateboading. You would like it. Rude kids might be punched out, though. But your country must has such place. The place gathers jolly guys. Keep searching the something fun which you can do it eternally. It is your talent. Treat that well. Show your own talent someday.
But you know, I am a terrible liar.
I said here isn't your blog. I'm sorry very much. I have done it.
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